Higher mileage during Lap dances

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Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator

Originally posted by Danielle

I think that a lot of guys do visit strip clubs just to hang out with friends, get some lap dances, and then go home. Not everyone is looking for something more.

the concept that if other girls are offering extras, you can't make any money if you don't. The only time you can't make money if other girls are offering extras and you can't is if all the guys are interested in extras.

I think the problem is that you are serving chicken at a steak restaurant, and thinking a lot of customers are coming there for the chicken, just because it occassionally gets ordered when you tell the customers "steak? No, it's just a name - Frank's Steaks - we don't actually serve steaks here". It works as long as no one else serves steaks there. But don't fool yourself into thinking that people are actually coming there for the chicken while complaining about the other waitresses "how can I sell any chicken here when they are selling steak?".
Well, that analogy might work if the club I work at was called "Happy Handjobs" or something like that. The things is it's a gentlemen's club, and I don't think I'm at all in the minority because I'm selling chicken. I think that most of the women I work with are selling chicken most of the time, with a few exceptions.
Originally posted by slinkybender

No, it's just a name - Frank's Steaks - we don't actually serve steaks here"..... But don't fool yourself into thinking that people are actually coming there for the chicken
And I always thought Frank's Chicken House in Manville,N.J. deserved the blue ribbon for unlikely strip club names.Now I understand.
Originally posted by greyfox
And I always thought Frank's Chicken House in Manville,N.J. deserved the blue ribbon for unlikely strip club names.Now I understand.
From my experience, l/d are lame and no extras to be had. Seems like a great place for someone to work who serves only chicken.

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
Originally posted by Danielle
Well, that analogy might work if the club I work at was called "Happy Handjobs" or something like that. The things is it's a gentlemen's club, and I don't think I'm at all in the minority because I'm selling chicken. I think that most of the women I work with are selling chicken most of the time, with a few exceptions.
Sure, and all you pay for with a prostitute is "time and companionship". Again, if what you were saying is the actual state of facts, then you wouldn't have all the guys expecting more. It's not that I don't think you're right that it's very hard to sell a no exptras dance in a spot where extras are going on. i just don't think you're right about guys not looking for extras, and I still fail to see any viable explanation from the scenraios you've proposed.

Face it, if there was any significant amount of guys who really didin't want extras, then the concept that you can't make any money without giving them, no matter what anyone else was doing, wouldn't hold. Seriously, what would it matter? If you're a guy who doesn't want any extras, why wouldn't you just go with a girl who didn't offer them? Fact is, if you were a guy who didn't want extras, you'd be more prone to stay away from some girl who was "some skeez" who did offer them.
Originally posted by Bill Furniture
chicken fucker!
Cluck U

Originally posted by slinkybender
Face it, if there was any significant amount of guys who really didin't want extras, then the concept that you can't make any money without giving them, no matter what anyone else was doing, wouldn't hold. Seriously, what would it matter? If you're a guy who doesn't want any extras, why wouldn't you just go with a girl who didn't offer them? Fact is, if you were a guy who didn't want extras, you'd be more prone to go with some girl who was "some skeez" who did offer them.
Originally posted by slinkybender
Sure, and all you pay for with a prostitute is "time and companionship". Again, if what you were saying is the actual state of facts, then you wouldn't have all the guys expecting more. It's not that I don't think you're right that it's very hard to sell a no exptras dance in a spot where extras are going on. i just don't think you're right about guys not looking for extras, and I still fail to see any viable explanation from the scenraios you've proposed.

Face it, if there was any significant amount of guys who really didin't want extras, then the concept that you can't make any money without giving them, no matter what anyone else was doing, wouldn't hold. Seriously, what would it matter? If you're a guy who doesn't want any extras, why wouldn't you just go with a girl who didn't offer them? Fact is, if you were a guy who didn't want extras, you'd be more prone to stay away from some girl who was "some skeez" who did offer them.
Believe it or not, there's a lot of guys out there who do stay away from the "skeezy" girls who offer extras. These guys DO just go to strip clubs to get some dances and chat with a girl they like and who they find attractive. Just because that doesn't describe you and your friends doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The reason I left the club I worked at for a brief time over the summer is because it was undoubtedly an "extras" kind of place and everyone knew it. For the most part, I think that the people who walked through the door knew the drill and chose that club because that's what they were looking for. Therefore, the clientele at that club wasn't representative of stripclub goers as a whole. On the other hand, the club I work for now is NOT an extras club. Sure, the lap dances get a little more wild out on the floor than the ones at the other club, but there's little to no behind the scenes champagne room action going on. I do make plenty of money at my club because I'm not up against a huge number of dancers who offer extras, and because I don't think that the majority of patrons are expecting them.
I think that there's three kinds of strip club customers, just like there's three different types of dancers.
1) Guys who don't want extras for whatever reason and don't seek them out at all. (These guys are perfectly happy with the services I provide)
2) Guys who wouldn't ask for extras unless they were somehow prompted into believing they might get them. ( I make money off of these guys too, because I don't lead them to believe anythings going to happen that isn't and I'm direct about what my deal is. Unless of course a girl who does offer extras gets to them first, then I'm SOL.)*
3) Guys who go to strip clubs for the sole purpose of finding girls who are willing to provide them with extras, either inside or outside of the establishment. ( I almost never make money off of these types.)
The club I work for attracts the first and second kind of customer, the third category would obviously be annoyed at the expense and lack of extra possibilities. They would fare much better at the dish or VIP's.

* The reason these girls bother me sometimes is because their behavior loses me money. I'd prefer that they work at a club like the dish, as I think it would be far more agreeable for everyone involved.
Originally posted by Danielle
The reason I left the club I worked at for a brief time over the summer is because it was undoubtedly an "extras" kind of place and everyone knew it.
It figures, not a surprise. I noticed that you have visited DD. Any chance that you will work there?

How common are guys in your first category? Many are either occasional customers and/or are likely unaware about getting extras.

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
Originally posted by Danielle
Just because that doesn't describe you and your friends doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Hey, I'm not the one who's first post here complained about customers who were giving me money at first, and then when they found out I didn't offer extras stopped seeing me, and then later complained that once some girls in my club offered extras that it became impossible for me to make a living. Look, you can make whatever arguments you want about the facts, but once you give the facts, please make sure your conclusions are consistent with your own set of facts. Right now, yours are not. What I think we are back to is a prior argument that I think you are deluded as to what percentage of the "tipping public" falls into each of the three categories you list above (i.e. I don't think the guys who don't expect extras spend a enough on dancers to make a living off of - the guys who spend the $ know why they are spending them. the biggest single pice of evidence of this is that the girls who make th emost money all do it with the promise -mostly false promise- of sex. The book of "clean" girls who are top earners is about as thick as "French War Heros"/"Great Jewish Basketball Players"/"Great Moments in Black Skiing"/etc.).

I don't dispute that category #1 guys exist, I just don't think you can make money off of them on any consitent basis. I think the reality is that most of the guys who you think are in category 1 or 2, are actually category 3. As I've stated before, I think it's just that you can't admit to yourseld that you're a little bit like the girl who's face you want to smash in, it's just that she's a little more "honest" about being a ROB. Of course, what would prove me wrong is if you have all these customers who have seen you over and over again long term (like 6 months or more) who have never even asked for extras, or your number, or anything like that (of course, guys who you have actually seen outside the club don't count). (of course you can't win, because if you told me you had all sorts of customers like that, and that's where you make most of your money, I would say you were lying).
ok, go ahead and call me a liar then. Because while you're right, those customers aren't responsible for most of my income, you're wrong in saying that they don't exist. I do actually have several consistant customers that fall into category 1. They come in, we chat, they get some dances and that's it. And while the big money does come from guys who fall into categories 2 or 3; these being the most consistent customers and the ones most likely to spend a lot, there are enough random category 1 guys in a night for a "clean" girl to make a decent living. I infact make most of my money off of guys I've never seen before and will probably never see again.
I really don't believe I'm being delusional in my thinking, either. I did start this thread because I was sick of this guy asking me to hang out with him outside the club, and I wanted to know how I could retain him as a customer without doing that, but I learned from that whole thing and realized it would never work out. I decided to tell the guy that it was never going to happen, and that I really enjoyed his company inside the club and wanted to leave it at that. I probably should have done that much earlier, but I learned my lesson. My days of stringing people along to eek every last dollar out of them are over. That's why I'm not a top earner, and I never claimed to be. If the guys I think are in category 1 when they actually are category 2 or 3, well that's not my fault or my problem. Because I never lead anyone into thinking they're gonna get anything extra from me if they spend enough. And once they start asking I politely blow off their requests. If they want to continue spending money on me with the knowledge that it's not going to get them anywhere then that's up to them, and I'm going to take their money and not feel the least bit bad about it.
Originally posted by justlooking
But they're not "misnamed" because (a) extras are not guaranteed and (b) they have stage shows. Out on the main floor, they look like all the other clubs. In fact, they are like all the other clubs. They just have particularly private and spacious VIP Rooms.

Well, if that is the criteria being use, then your P.S. above is correct.

No showers, other then the ones used for show purposes.
Originally posted by h. von bingen
asscon sounds horrible. the places with back bedrooms sound horrible. suddenly, jl, i have far more compassion for your methodology.
In some [most?] respects they are.

However, please note that in some regards they are the closest NYC gets to a bacchanal [unless you are particularly connected and have access certain private party scenes... these usually move about quite a bit].

Given my old "swingers" roots, there is something about an ASS-Con that tickes my fancy. [yes, its perverse... but my inner pagan occassional speaks to me and requests an audience]
Originally posted by Wwanderer
Interesting. As far as I am aware this is a pretty unusual set-up re other places, particularly because of point a in your previous post ("extras are not guaranteed"). I can't think of a good analogy elsewhere. But if the extras are so unpredictable, why not just go to Julies or whatever?

The hunt, and the inevitable result when the hunter is skilled and the game is afoot.
Originally posted by justlooking
No, I don't.

You seem to think that I'm somehow influencing women to do something they'd never do. I'd say I'm ferreting out women who'll do what I'm interested in. Even if, for whatever reason, they decide they'll do more with me than with most others.

To me, when you talk like that, you sound like all the morons in that Stripper Web thread who made as if that guy forced that $30,000 on the poor stripper.
B, JL is dead on regarding this.

No one is creating circumstances to entice the unwilling into crossing personal lines of tolerance.

JL is something of an ocean fisher, to continue the analogy, so he uses heavier line and tackle.

I'm something of a fresh water fisherman, who prefers to use light tackle and line.

Either way, the idea is to create a set of circumstances where you run into a willing partner in crime who is doing what she is doing as much to be with you, as it is for getting the money. That's the ideal, at any rate.
Originally posted by h. von bingen
shorty, except for the unfortunate misspelling of the word rapport -- very informative. by all means post more.

jl, it was the analogy to sport fishing that got my hackles up. but, oth, if you will cop to ferreting what can i say?
What, there aren't as many women fishing as men?

The first time I ever used this analogy was in reference to the DANCERS, not the cliental.

I said then, "I like going to strip-clubs sometimes just to see the dancers do their thing. I sit in the back of the club, watching the dancers work the room. Like expert anglers, they cast their line, the fish bites, they set the hook and reel them in."

It works both ways.
Originally posted by Danielle
Well, that analogy might work if the club I work at was called "Happy Handjobs" or something like that. The things is it's a gentlemen's club, and I don't think I'm at all in the minority because I'm selling chicken. I think that most of the women I work with are selling chicken most of the time, with a few exceptions.
Yes, well...

That would work if there were anything left of the proper usage of the word 'gentleman' in this connotation. 'Upscale' is equally as bad.

Slinky's thoughts are dead on because "Gentleman's Club" has become, in the lexicon of strip-clubs, synonymous with extras.

Hell, I've been to many bikini bars, divey places but where all the customers and dancers are locals, that are FAR more 'genteel' the the average "gentleman's club". People are there to drink and socialize. Not for extras of any sort. Think the old "Billy's Topless" in downtown Manhattan, for one.

Unfortunately, these places are dying out big time.
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