Higher mileage during Lap dances

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(When I was a bad boy in high school and had lots of money in my pocket from assorted bad boy activities, I would, on occassion, throw handfuls of change out to the assemble masses on the steps of my high school. The money would be feverishly collected and my status as momentary Lord of the Underworld recognized.)

(I really was incredibly obnoxious at times.)

(If I could be assured that such behavior would get me a better class of hooker, I'd start going to titty bars and throwing out handfuls of money.)

(I wonder how much it would take to identify all the "easy" girls.)
Originally posted by slinkybender
What kind of blather is that nonsense ?

you wanted them to be category 1, so you assumed that they were for your convenince. However, that was never the case. they were category 2 or 3 from the beginning, but you just didn't "discover" that till later.

Discover? Discover?????????????????? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
I thought it wasn't raining outside, but when I actully went outside I "discovered" that it was raining. My conclusion is therefore that it wasn't raining till I went outside.

Question: Does the lighbulb go out when you close the refrigerator door?
Oh, come on! I would prefer that all my customers were category 1, but that doesn't mean I delude myself into believing that they are when they've shown me they aren't. Sometimes I really don't "discover" the difference for awhile. After all, a guy's not going to ask for my number or ask me out on a date the first time I dance for him. So why am I at fault for thinking he's category 1 until he proves me wrong? After I discover his true intentions, I don't believe that he suddently switched categories, I realize he was hiding his real nature or hadn't exposed it to me yet.

JL- Just for conversation's sake, although everyone's correct in saying that it doesn't really matter as far as this discussions concerned, I do distinguish between guys who are seeking mileage and guys who are girlfriend shopping. The girlfriend shoppers are pretty pathetic while the mileage seekers are trying to get more bang for their buck.
Originally posted by Judge Crater
(When I was a bad boy in high school and had lots of money in my pocket from assorted bad boy activities, I would, on occassion, throw handfuls of change out to the assemble masses on the steps of my high school. The money would be feverishly collected and my status as momentary Lord of the Underworld recognized.)

(I really was incredibly obnoxious at times.)

(If I could be assured that such behavior would get me a better class of hooker, I'd start going to titty bars and throwing out handfuls of money.)

(I wonder how much it would take to identify all the "easy" girls.)
Probably not too much. But the easiest girls might not be the best lay, and may even turn out to be a waste of money. Although not neccessarily. This is not really my area.
Originally posted by Danielle
After all, a guy's not going to ask for my number or ask me out on a date the first time I dance for him. So why am I at fault for thinking he's category 1 until he proves me wrong? After I discover his true intentions, I don't believe that he suddently switched categories, I realize he was hiding his real nature or hadn't exposed it to me yet.
I think the point some of us are making is that you shouldn't have to wait until someone asks you for your number. At least once a guy has come in to see you more than once, your default assumption should be that he's Category 2 or 3 rather than Category 1. (Some would say that as soon as someone spends a lot of money on you in one sitting, you should assume he's Category 2 or 3 intead of Category 1.)

Originally posted by Danielle
JL- Just for conversation's sake, although everyone's correct in saying that it doesn't really matter as far as this discussions concerned, I do distinguish between guys who are seeking mileage and guys who are girlfriend shopping. The girlfriend shoppers are pretty pathetic while the mileage seekers are trying to get more bang for their buck.
At least SOMEONE here understands me.
Why should Danielle's default assumption be that any guy that sees her more than once is a Category 2er or 3er, not a 1er?

Many of my college friends whom I still keep in touch with are strip club "regulars" and true Category 1ers. They don't look for extras or girlfriends at a strip club. (patheticness is in the eye of the beholder)

Doesn't it all boil down to WHO should bear the risk/burden of disclosure of one's true intentions? If Danielle keeps offering $20 lap dances, and the guy keeps buying them . . . I don't think it's so wrong to assume he's a Category 1er UNTIL he discloses that he is not.

Originally posted by justlooking

Should have been, "I was gonna say that if it isn't a percentage in more than single digits . . . ."

I'm more confused.The original quote made more sense to me.

I'm living in CloudCuckooLand, but I don't think the issue is who should bear the risk of disclosure. Since I don't think Danielle has any duty of disclosure. It's more like:

1. What should Danielle's expectations be (which in a way matters more than the customer's, since she's the one who's trying to make a living)? Why should she allow herself to constantly be surprised (as she seems to say she is) that things keep turning out in a way that's consistent with the guy who she's assumed was a Category 1's having been Category 2 or 3 all along?

2. To the extent Danielle cares about behaving ethically and not misleading people (or at least being careful about the extent to which she misleads people), she should be aware of what their real-life expectations are and tailor her conduct in accordance with them (as opposed to the ones she wishes they had but which they don't). Unless Danielle correctly judges what these guys' expectations are, she has NO CONTROL WHATSOEVER over the extent to which she's misleading them. (BTW, that applies to real-life situations as well.)

Originally posted by greyfox
I'm more confused.The original quote made more sense to me.
Oh sorry. You're right. I got it right the first time. I've REALLY got to break this double-negative habit, since even I get confused by my own stuff.
But instead of constantly worrying about whether her patrons are continuously misconstruing her non-misleading statements and actions, why shouldn't her default be to assume that her non-misleading statements and actions should be interpreted as she intends them (until these guys give her a reason to believe otherwise)?

Some strippers are "clean" girls and "good" girls (we can argue over percentages, but that really doesn't matter) -- and strip club patrons are often delusional in hearing and perceiving things the way they WANT them to be. UNDISCLOSED Category 2ers and 3ers are putting themselves in peril by keeping their Category 2er or 3er status Undisclosed... that's their burden, as I see it. Danielle cannot be faulted for not "delving deeply" into each client off the bat to make sure that he is not a Category 2er (wolf) or 3er (wolf) in a Category 1er's (sheep's) clothing.
Originally posted by JackT
Why should Danielle's default assumption be that any guy that sees her more than once is a Category 2er or 3er, not a 1er?

Many of my college friends whom I still keep in touch with are strip club "regulars" and true Category 1ers. They don't look for extras or girlfriends at a strip club. (patheticness is in the eye of the beholder)

Doesn't it all boil down to WHO should bear the risk/burden of disclosure of one's true intentions? If Danielle keeps offering $20 lap dances, and the guy keeps buying them . . . I don't think it's so wrong to assume he's a Category 1er UNTIL he discloses that he is not.
thank you, Jack. There really are some guys who come in regularly with friends of theirs and just hang out. They buy dances and know a lot of the girls, but don't hassle them for phone numbers or outside rendevous. These are true category 1ers who are also consistent customers. And believe it or not, I've often made a lot of money off of a customer in one sitting and he must be a category 1 (because I never saw him again and he made not mention of anything extra). Some people just have money to burn, I guess.
I suppose it is wrong for me to assume someone's a category 1 just because I haven't figured them out yet. I guess I shouldn't categorize right away at all. But I don't agree with JL's idea that a guy who spends a lot or visits often can't be a category 1, because from experience I can tell you that's not true. And as for allowing myself to be surprised, how can one prevent that from happening? I'm not psychic, most of the time people don't come right out and say, "oh, by the way, all these dances I'm buying are an effort to get you to leave with me tonight." Because a lot of times guys do buy a lot of dances and then say " Thanks, that was fun." and then leave. Maybe I just haven't developed the sixth sense for this shit yet.
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