The Ladies Side of the Story - NP4P

Fact or Fiction

All wasn't a complete loss....Guy #1 from my first post text me around 2am telling me to open my door...he was outside with cheesecake...he had been working in an area of Brooklyn that night, right by my fave restaurant, mentioned id loved their cheesecake (who doesnt) hed gotten me one and brought it to me.

Thinking maybe i was wrong about him, ok and feeling guilty about sleeping with his brother. All these yrs as friends hes always popped up when i have had a rough day and been able to put a smile on my face. He just left and I am happy to say he didnt snap my bra strap once.

I grabbed 2 forks and we sat up most of the night just talking....hes coming over tonight for dinner....Wants to spend time with my oldest. We have known each other for a long time and although only friends back than he was a big constant in my sons life so he wants to spend time with him (my sons been going through some stuff).

So all I can say now is, stay tuned.............xox
LOL.. Sounds to me like your mind is playing tricks on you and you are just re-living the night in November that I came over.. I didnt know I made that big of an impact on you! LOL. Just kidding, well kind of. Ok, not really kidding, more scared but find it flattering at the same time. Hope all is well.
Thanks for reminding me of the historic post #25.

PS. I was joking about the understanding the identity of Romeo in disguise.
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Repeat Offender

I must confess, I did it again:( "It" being guy #1's brother...I have analyzed the whole thing from left to right bottom to top and I have come to the conclusion that not only am I weak but I have some serious issues, commitment issues.

Guy #1 is great and i like spending time with him but the fact that we talk about trips to take next yr scares the crap out of me. We have known each other for so long it isnt odd that guy #1 occasionally talks about the future but it is scary. Im so not ready for that and ive told him. I like the idea in theory and in time based on the "now" I could see myself with him (did i just say that) but at this point I am career driven.

Since he doesn't know what I do now he could never understand the importance of what I am doing right now; school work, the new businesses im launching. Failing is not an option for me and I am so self disciplined no way I can take my eye off the prize.

I tried rationalizing that me and guy #1 are not in anything serious, just hanging out but even i know im a total shit. I think I sabotage myself, for many reasons. One I did the settling down thing and it didnt go so well and i wasted my 20's. I am loving my 30's, being single, having fun, nobody to answer too (except my children obviously). I am just not ready to give all that up yet.

Ok so the quick details. Met up with a group of friends at Churchhills, safety in numbers right;) NOT!! I got some bad news today about a family member so a few hrs with friends sounded like heaven. The girl I rode over with had one too many so rather than be stuck waiting til the late hours waiting for someone else to give me a ride, I took the brother up on his offer to drop me at my car. I have self control no prob, ok reality I am a weak, weak weak person.

The brother has no clue of me and guy #1. We have all been friends for so long it isnt questioned for one or the other of us to hang out.

Now for the final confession ive been holding on too. Guy #1 will never find out because his brother is married. OK if your gonna throw things at me, just dont hit the face;)
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Ok.. I am trying to follow... but as you know.. I always have Qs.. thats my job.. Guy#1 is Juniors Cheesecake Guy, "on the job" Guy, "Snap your Bra" Guy? His brother is now not only Guy#2, but Brother of Guy#1, and Married Guy? And I have not even scrolled back to see if I am right...

And my own take on your "commitment issues" is this...if you found the Right Guy at the Right Time, you would not have these issues... so either, the guy(s) are not right, or the time is not right, or both... so just enjoy... but be careful.. the game of love is a very dangerous, very volitile game... people get burned, sometimes easily, and sometimes b/c they are playing w fire... they usually burn them selves... but many many times, as they are "going down" in flames, they are smiling.....

I wish I were still playing w fire .. the danger, the smells, the adrenaline, ... they saying from my childhood comes to mind.. "do not play w matches"... it now translates to "do not play w match-ups"..

I say, while you are young and single... play, enjoy, smile... and tell us all the gory details...

It's not your fault at all. I think I unerdstand. Guy #1 is scarry because he is interested and available, and your not ready. The brother is safe because he is not available, and the "sex is very good." If your Alyssa friends were providing you better sex there would be no problem. It's our fault. I can rationalize anything.
It's not your fault at all. I think I unerdstand. Guy #1 is scarry because he is interested and available, and your not ready. The brother is safe because he is not available, and the "sex is very good." If your Alyssa friends were providing you better sex there would be no problem. It's our fault. I can rationalize anything.
thank you i think you hit the nail on the head....the last part however is why i dont usually do this, good sex i am deff not lacking but i like falling asleep with someone and waking up and not having time restraints.....yeah im confusing i like everything that comes with a relationship but the pressure....maybe i should see a shrink instead of becoming one.

On a side note I have been looking into medical schools and considering going all the way and becoming a full fledged be a psychiatrist you have to do a full rotation/med school, however the thought of blood makes me dizzy but we will see ...not sure yet but i am seriously considering it and another reason for me to avoid getting caught up in a relationship for the next few yrs;)
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My bro is an MD, and I must tell you he went to school late in life and is now doing great, loving it and minting money... I had originally thought I would do the same, but got caught up in another world... but in my next life, its medical school... and as far as blood.. depends on what you want...plenty of docs do not like blood.. dermatologists, psychiatrists, GPs, Family Practice... go for it...
Alyssa, I told you way back when we first met and b4 you got so popular on this site..... that you should keep a diary and one day with your writing skills have your sexcapades published as a fictional story of course!!

#1 old friend, he is now a man in blue and he is obnoxious, which I love, Italian with all the typ Italian trimmings which I love. A whole group of us went out a few wks ago after not hanging for awhile and he dropped his pants out of no where because apparently I wasn't paying enough attention to him. More to the story but what I am not loving is his need to constantly snap my bra strap, major turn off but i have to decide if its enough to put him on the shelf.

#2 Every time I run an errand I always get caught w/ the mischief bug. Like to have a little fun either at the grocery store, a red light or a gas station. I will call #2 "Bob". I caught his eye a long the way at red lights and decided to have a little fun and challenged myself to get his # at the next light. Long story short I got it but then he smiled and waste of a greek God, 3 of his front teeth were gone:(

#3 cute sexy young I will call him "mo" met him at a gas station a month or so ago and he is great, laid back, easy going, BUT he keeps sending me pics of girls boobs with childrens action figures stuck in the

#4 guy i dated casually in my early 20's, we pop in and out of each others lives periodically. Sexy, attitude, chubby (love chubby guys). He stopped by late the other night and we hung outside smoking a cigg catching up. All is going great and we made plans to have dinner the next night. Than he makes the fatal flaw and as he kisses me good bye he says those 3 dreaded words "I love you" HUH???? yeah i have kids so i have the worlds easiest cop out and canceled on the basis of no sitter at the final hr, just couldn't do it.
. about a good combination...
#1. I'm Italian with trimmings and told I look best in Blue/would never snap your bra strap and would have you ravenously tugging at my pants not just drop em.
#2. Ok so I'm not a greek God but I love mischief and teasing at lights. And more importantly I have all my front teeth... for now
#3 Ok Ok so I'm not young(Cute and sexy is certainly a distinct possibility) and I can get action figures since you already have the boobs. But the best GI-Joe gets is to sit in the corner and watch.
#4 I could get chubby, upgrade you to cigars,and the only three words I'm whispering in your ear whilst kissing you is "Just Say When"
...It seems I'm perfect!
Alyssa, I told you way back when we first met and b4 you got so popular on this site..... that you should keep a diary and one day with your writing skills have your sexcapades published as a fictional story of course!!
If I do it will have a special dedication to you...i wouldnt have made it this far had it not been for you...I was a new work in progress when we met and you gave me the benifit of the doubt, buided me and always ready with an topic you should see how vast my stiletto collection has im off to smoke a cigg and watch some TV and indulge in some yummy champagne godiva truffles............xox
#75 about a good combination...
#1. I'm Italian with trimmings and told I look best in Blue/would never snap your bra strap and would have you ravenously tugging at my pants not just drop em.
#2. Ok so I'm not a greek God but I love mischief and teasing at lights. And more importantly I have all my front teeth... for now
#3 Ok Ok so I'm not young(Cute and sexy is certainly a distinct possibility) and I can get action figures since you already have the boobs. But the best GI-Joe gets is to sit in the corner and watch.
#4 I could get chubby, upgrade you to cigars,and the only three words I'm whispering in your ear whilst kissing you is "Just Say When"
...It seems I'm perfect!
Baby the beauty of you is you dont have to try you just are the best..besides as much as I appreciate a full set of choppers, with your magic hands and amazing massage technique thrown in with pure sweetness Id be willing to overlook a gappy grin;)
Out with the Old & In with the New

OK so I have decided to stop recycling my past men and have cleaned off my man shelf...guy #1 and his brother are no more....regardless of xyz, so not cool to be messing around with sexual pleasure at the risk of brotherly love just is not worth it.

So here are my new men, brand new no past history nothing and no family ties between any. I have listed them in specific order by interest and #1 is high on the list:

so we have new guy #1, who is actually also a man in blue (does not know any of the old guys) detailed to say how we met yesterday but i like typ italian guy with all the trimmings....everything I love in a man all rolled into one. we have our first date tues night.

guy #2 is younger than me (26) which is new territory for me. I do not normally go for younger guys but he has lived life and although a dff age is where I am. He has lived life, fought in the war, been married, has a child and is settled in a stable career. He has a maturity most men my age dont even have, very funny, dry sense of humor like I, secure in who he is and what he wants. The convo just flows so easily and before i know it we have been on the phone for hrs. I am not usually a phone person so this is a good thing. Our first date-date is mon night.

guy #3, unsure about him. Great guy also younger but not asmuch as #2 (29). He has his own PR firm in the city, is driven, accomplished and sweet. We met through some business dealings I have had since becoming a rep for a new cosmetic product. We have great conversations surrounding business and career but Im still not there as far as spark. No date yet, im not 100% sure of my interest, i am loving my work but I dont want it to be the center of every convo so Ill wait for now to dedicate any precious free time to an actual date. I have kids so you have to really knock me off my feet to get me to take away my time from them.
Tab the PsychoTherapist, takes a stab at Desi the dating psycho

Issue #1;
Any woman who can "play" one day, and "clean house" the next, and have 3 guys lined up, 2 with dates on successive nights... well.. .. this is a woman w overt committment conflicts, and hints of subtle narcasistic tendencies, in highly technical language, shall we say "Playa"

Issue #2;
Sex w Brothers... hhmm.. possible weird greco-roman Oedipal complex, w family ties (loved that show)

Issue #3;
Multiple personality disorder; numerous distinct personaility characters
namely, Mom - mother of 2; Alyssa, AKA Desi - entertainer; Student/Grad/Intern/Psych; rep for a new cosmetic product - aka Avon Lady..... whew, how many driver's licenses do you need?


Alyssa, I told you way back when we first met and b4 you got so popular on this site..... that you should keep a diary and one day with your writing skills have your sexcapades published as a fictional story of course!!
....a one woman TV hit show. "Sex in the Suburbs". Hell she's way sexier than Ruth Buzzy er... I mean..uhm.. Sarah Jessica Parker.

ok so i canceled my date tonight with guy #2 (the young guy)...I went away this weekend with the kids and had a 5/6 hr drive there and back...both times he text me and i replied on the road cant talk..he than proceeded to whine through text about the fact that i couldnt I had told him prior that after spending so much time working & doing finals this trip was about having time with the kids and just being 100% theirs but even though he is a dad he just didnt get it. So basically he showed his age and neediness so i decided it wasnt worth missing the bachlorette to go out with someone i already knew wouldnt make it past the first date.

Highlight of my weekend, took the kids to the Cracker Barrel on our way home, awesome food awesome everything... i had a chocolate cobbler with fresh ice cream and it was heaven.

Tomorrow nights date with new guy #1 is still on and i have to admit im feeling this one. Just enough contact to build up the anticipation....we have a lot in common and convo flows real easy, best part hes my typ NJ Italian guy right here in LI...i will keep you posted but for now thats it.....xox