Review Site

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Putting on the proverbial thinking cap...

Originally posted by rajah
Doggonit, Cat, I want to meet you. Won't you take out an ad or something? :(
Oh, sweetie, you are truly breaking my heart (and making me smile, too). And FWIIW, I've read a bunch of your back-posts, and I would like to meet you too... (I know, wading through the dreck of CL is onerous, and I only post sporadically, but on the other hand, my CL posts do stand out, LOL...)

Speaking of Craig's List, I have seen some providers writing unfavorable comments about certain johns. True that post has a life of about ten days, but it could disuade someone from seeing you even if the post is a lie.

Thats why every now and again I plug the name I use into the search function just to make sure my name is clear.



Originally posted by Cat_Ballou
There's so much testiness and testosterone running through these firefights, nostrils flaring and hackles rising, and it simply fascinates and astonishes me that so many people care so much. It's as though, separate from the women involved in all of this, all the men are engaged in some kind of personal, internecine battle that has little or nothing to do with getting good service from providers and everything to do with how they see themselves in relation to other men...

(Of course, I could be completely, 100% wrong on this score, but that's the feeling I get, FWIIW...)
You are 100% right on this one.

The more effort you expend trying to "proving your manhood," the more you open yourself up to trouble. You end up stirring your own pot with nobody to blame but yourself. (And yet some of these people continue to blame others.)


The fact that junior high and high school mentality doesn't really get to me is that I am soooooo passed that emotionally. I've become very successful being confident in my own value as a person. I don't need the approval of those who haven't emotionally matured past grade school.


Originally posted by justme
Dan - as a poster on UG I do feel as if management owes me something. I made this point on JAG years ago. But all I think they really owe me is acknowledgement that it is the content of a message board that constitutes its greatest value.

Other than that, I think I might actually owe management a meal or something.
I agree with justme that the content is what makes a message board great (or not great). I don't feel the board owes me anything and don't really care if I'm excluded from any private boards, current or future. It just doesn't matter.
Originally posted by VV
I can't help but wonder 'who' my friends are and 'who' haven't I argued with?

Its going to be a really short list come opening day.
Who haven't you argued with ? I'll bet even YOU aren't on THAT list. (LOL)

(Imagine that. A club with NO members)
Re: Putting on the proverbial thinking cap...

Originally posted by Cat_Ballou
... I only post sporadically, but on the other hand, my CL posts do stand out, LOL...)

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....*puts on own thinking cap re standing out*
That's not me that's responsible for A la recherche du Chatte perdue.
Mainly because if it had been, I would have said de la Chatte.
Ooops, that sounds like something a SIM would say.........
I've still got on my thinking cap.......
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Is there an emoticon that shrugs it off?

Yeah, I thought it was downright nasty, myself, but so what? The people who matter to me know that not only is he wrong, but that I've never been juicier, :) ...
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Originally posted by VV
OK.... You got me.

I admit it... there is a review site. And since as I said, most of the reviews are mine... it is *MY* final decision who gets in and who doesn't. That's how I know who's in and who isn't. Bender is awol, Allen's too lazy or busy (depends on how you look at it) and C-9 doesn't even know about it (so stop pestering him).

So..... its suddenly "be nice to the mighty Oz" month. As Santa and I scour our lists to decide who's been naughty and who's been nice, I can't help but wonder 'who' my friends are and 'who' haven't I argued with?

Its going to be a really short list come opening day.
You forgot to tell 'em about the special handshake and the discount that gets them a perferred card so they can make those dates with "hard to book" special ladies who do the "wife experience" thing. Hell, even Mandie makes it promptly on time for the perferred club members. Oh... and the once yearly free VD screanings are a real plus too.

I know I was so happy when my shinny, bright red, card came in the mail.

Thank you for picking me VV.
Originally posted by justlooking
You mean it isn't you?
O.K., I probably deserved that, but when I have fun I at least clue a few others into what is happenning.

Nope, it's not me. I don't think that post was funny either, though I doubt anyone would be sending in their hard earned cash.

But, I am curious.
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