Julia (Flushing) - 411


The Rifleman

Hey UG Members,

I got a call last night asking me to post for help. Julia boy friend is really upset he can't get in touch with Julia. He talked to her that afternoon and everything was ok. When he got out of work she was no where to be found. He called her cell and leave many messages and no return call. He called her friends and they do not know where she is. Anybody with info please post. Someone mention to him that she could of got busted. But she would of called someone to get her out. THIS IS NOT GOSSIP BUT LOOKING FOR EVERYONE TO HELP AND HOPE SHE IS OK. Boy friend hang in there I'm sure she will be ok.
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BG, tell him to take it easy. I have dated a few women in the business. If she got busted, she will be out in 1-2 days TOPS. I have never seen anybody being held for longer than that, unless she has a long rap sheet. And even with that, they get out quite quickly. Even FS girls working in brothels here in the US illegally get out quickly. As long as she doesn't open her mouth and say too much, they won't hold her. If it wasn't this, maybe she had a close call with LE and decided to go away (maybe to Atlantic City) for a little while to clear her mind and relax a little. Trust me, their job can be stressful, too. Don't worry too much. I'm sure she'll turn up ok. And I'm talking to you from experience. I have been through all of this more times than I should have.
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I was in the Area - I called

I was in the area around 6:00 PM and called Julia on her phone number. For the first few rings there was no response - the same happened last week too - So I thought maybe everyone is busy.

Suprisingly she picked up the phone and said Hi - I was suprised, I then Identified myself and asked her how she is doing. She said she was fine.

Then I asked about who is there if she has any new stock etc. At first she said that there was no-one. Then she claimed that the girls would do ONLY ASIAN guys -- What the hell was that.

Then when I insted as to what was going on she said that she was not even at home and not in NY some where else didn't say were.

Then she told me that she is closing the business as of next week.

I don't know if this is the same story to everyone - can you can post.
Bizzare Call - From Julia

OK I thought that she is gone forever as she is now with her BF and hanging up her gloves and winding up the business etc.

Today I was in an importand business meeting anf I a damn Buzz on my Cell phone - Guess what it say "Julia", I said damn what the hell will she want, because I tried to call her beggining of the week and no response and I went to 1F.

I called back and hit her answering macine and didn't leave a message. Then she called back again and asked " Do you recognize me" Fuck I have caller ID, I said sure baby I recognize you. What's up? She says I was out and just got back? I said I thought you were closing up the business?

She said OH no I have lovely Young fresh stock of chinese girls so please come I am at the same place.

This week is shirtty as I have already fucked too babes and my wallet need to recover even my dick is ready to go.

So can someone swing by and do a 411 of the stock and post experiences.
go ahead

Dude take one for the team, yes the 616 number is still good. Also ask if Julia is still in service, we will clear that perspective too.

Maybe her business is sucking so she is calling and inviting people, who knows.

It was always 120$ for 1 hr of service , multiple cups really dependent on the service provider. That place has never been the same since Helen left - but sometimes you can find some diamonds in the ruff.

Lets us all know whats going on there if its worth a visit.
I Passed through Flu-Shing the other day. Thought I might try Julia's since me & the ball & chain have parted ways. Anyhow she was under the weather with a stomach ailment. The prize she tossed my way was a chick named Dina I believe. "Nice paisan name for a asian" All I can throw at y'all is that her ancestors must have built the "Great Wall" She moved and acted just like it.She was not a youngin' for sure. My schwantz needed a jump start,pump,viagra,and fishing line teathered to react at her advances. She also had a funky oder about her which made my trouser trout really want to jump out of my drawers :) with talent like that I'm sure to continue drive right by that area. I need a fix bad, a trip to Asia or Amsterdam may be my salvation. I'm tired of the overpriced lackluster Hos in Uncle Sam Land.
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I hear you

Yes dude, with the freeking economy and shit, cannot afford the damn hobby here in the land of the free and home of the brave.

I am itching for a Thailand, Brazil or Amsterdam trip. Luckily I have a business trip to asia and I am trying to route my trip via bangkok. I hope to fuck all the pussy for threedays before I get back.

Gotta to do it dude.
Reason for UG Forum?

1) Find local amusement

2) Find travel amusement

3) Enjoyment

4) Post about it +/- correct?

My point is that positive or negative feedback is what makes this country what it is. If I post a positive or negative comment it is for others to view and make a determination on it. If I or a friend of mine go's to Julia's or any place and has a less than amusing time or wonderful time, that will get posted on UG if I so want to make it known. I will not comment ,but Julia should be able to get good talent or close the shop. My bud went there the other day and she calls him thinking he's me, and tells him not to come back because of my negative post yesterday. So be it. There are many whorehouses in the area to spend my hard working $ on. Quite frankly Julia can keep her stanky mildew infested roach motel. Maybe she should hang it up and open a veggie stand. Tia
Jr. Helen

I read in another post that he ran into Jr. version of Helen somewhere in Flushing. The post seemed to elude to Julia's place. From your post it seems pretty sure that it ain't Dina, I am still curious to find out who and where she is.

Helen was bomb and still havent found anyone close yet. I am hopeful, maybe there is someone afterall
Helen JR

Talked to Julie Sat. Told her I heard that she had a new Helen. Her answer was I dont know you have to come over and try my girl out. She said to call back in 4 hours because no one was their and she had a stomach ache. Never called back. If anyone find a helen Jr let me know.
Re: Helen JR

Originally posted by MisterBill
Talked to Julie Sat. Told her I heard that she had a new Helen. Her answer was I dont know you have to come over and try my girl out. She said to call back in 4 hours because no one was their and she had a stomach ache. Never called back. If anyone find a helen Jr let me know.

To call back in 4 hours what time did you call ? 6AM? You know some of these places don't open until 10AM and some later.

The thing with Julia is taht whenever I called her in the past I would always get her. Of late it seems impossible to get her on the phone. Last week I even left a couple of messages but no response.

The other dat after 3 calls someone picked up but didn't understand a word of what I said.

SO I have no idea as to what's up. Also in the past even if she saw your caller ID she would call back.

So anyway if you guys check out this Jr. Helen give me a should and I would love to test run her too. We can compare notes.
Re: Helen Jr

Originally posted by MisterBill
when I called Julie it was 3Pm in the afternoon last sat . So something is up at this place.
Ms. Julia is cranky, She told my friend last week not to come back because of my post on UG. She thought I was him. Not very smart by her but to each his own....


The Rifleman
Re: Wierd

Originally posted by Phish
The thing with Julia is taht whenever I called her in the past I would always get her. Of late it seems impossible to get her on the phone. Last week I even left a couple of messages but no response.

The other dat after 3 calls someone picked up but didn't understand a word of what I said.

SO I have no idea as to what's up. Also in the past even if she saw your caller ID she would call back.

So anyway if you guys check out this Jr. Helen give me a should and I would love to test run her too. We can compare notes.

I don't know her but if a AMP place don't answer the phone then move on to the next place. There are so many in Flushing that one should not get hooked up on any one place.
Julia - No more

I am not going back. I visited last week and has a session, really pathetic. That place has really gone downhill. The talent, the attitude, everything is bad ( In this economy they should at least provide a decent call back if not anything)

I also managed to get an appointment after numerous calls, just crappy its no longer worth it.

Also Julia is just jumpy and wanted the money up front etc. Just shitty service for 120$.

I am not going there ANYMORE only if HELEN comes back.


The Rifleman
Re: Julia - No more

Originally posted by Phish
I am not going back. I visited last week and has a session, really pathetic. That place has really gone downhill. The talent, the attitude, everything is bad ( In this economy they should at least provide a decent call back if not anything)

I also managed to get an appointment after numerous calls, just crappy its no longer worth it.

Also Julia is just jumpy and wanted the money up front etc. Just shitty service for 120$.

I am not going there ANYMORE only if HELEN comes back.

I guess you didn't read my post. That's what you get for being horny and not listen to other UG members.
Re: Phish

Originally posted by Padrone
Ms. Julia is cranky, She told my friend last week not to come back because of my post on UG. She thought I was him. Not very smart by her but to each his own....
I told you, If she can chase away customers, she either has buku buck$ or she has lost the desire. or both
Re: Julia - No more

Originally posted by Phish
I am not going back. I visited last week and has a session, really pathetic. That place has really gone downhill. The talent, the attitude, everything is bad ( In this economy they should at least provide a decent call back if not anything)

I also managed to get an appointment after numerous calls, just crappy its no longer worth it.

Also Julia is just jumpy and wanted the money up front etc. Just shitty service for 120$.

I am not going there ANYMORE only if HELEN comes back.


You never learn!! You need to think with the big head not the small one!!!