Losing weight the right way.


Thank you guys for encouraging me to continue when I was feeling I wasnt getting anywhere.

I am still doing the strength training, and the dumb boring tread mill, and mixing it in with the cross training machne thing,and stopped looking at the scale everyday.....until this Friday.

7.4 lbs gone since I started this thread!! woo hoo!

Not alot, but I dont want it to go too fast like I did last year, because it will come back faster. But finally I am seeing results!

I love the Yankees... oh sorry wrong thread, but since I can't post in the sports section I am feeling repressed!!
For me - this works - Muesli for breakfast - really good may to get your metabolism going ... missing breakfast is supposed to slow ur metabolism down.
Then ... grapefruit juice before and after every meal ... try and steer clear of crappy foods.

Try and approximately stay a little under your daily recommended calories.

Exercise - I do the NY City Ballet workout every morning and evening. I hate gyms :(
it's all over scholarly google mitchmaxx. Even the regular google has some trustworthy articles but the meat of the articles that have the profound studies are all recent and are located on the scholarly side.

Just thought you should know.

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you lazy fuckpigs should go on the all semen diet. there is enough nutrients in a tablespoon of my jizzum to feed all the starving north koreans for 3 months.

you lazy cunts don't need exercise. you get plenty when you ride the baloney pony. stop eating twinkies between appointments, and start drinking the jizzim.
This weight loss shit is boring as all heck. I am sick of it.

I lose, then I gain. Fucking joke. I give up. I think I am gonna pull a Star Jones.

P.S Personal Trainers blow. They take your money and dont do shit.
No shit sherlock.

What I meant was, they( at least the ones in my area) dont instruct you the right way, nor do they motivate you or give you the proper exercise for your body type.

Ok smarty pants?

I know I am responsible for doing the work, but I dont pay someone 50 bucks an hour to say "ok hit the treadmill and I will come back and check on you."

I can do that my damn self for free!!!

Would you pay money for a hand job when you could have just stayed home and choked the monkey yourself?
Kimmie said:
This weight loss shit is boring as all heck. I am sick of it.

P.S Personal Trainers blow. They take your money and dont do shit.
If I posted "All hookers blow (actually no pun intended). They take your money and dont do shit." I think you would say "Well you obviously haven't had a session with me", right?

You just have to find the right trainer.
Hang in there, Kimmie!

I'm not going to reiterate what genius said so well, but I will say this. If you hired your trainer through a gym, then don't hesitate to talk to management and ask for a different/better trainer.

I have a friend who moved to London last year. She joined a gym and hired a trainer. One day, during a session, her trainer told her, " Do another couple of sets of this and I'll be right back; I'm going out for a quick smoke"!

Don't give up, Kimmie!!!
Kimmie said:
Would you pay money for a hand job when you could have just stayed home and choked the monkey yourself?
I'm not proud of it but I have paid for a hand job and then regretted it thinking I should have stayed home and jerked off and saved $50.
funny. I am currently looking for an great Treadmill program. I just wanna drop 10lbs...i may have found one for 30min (while watching the Yankee game).

now if i can put these cookies down...
I hate gyms(not jims) too Ashley. I never did the ballet workout though. Is it a CD? I find myself doing weights but using the balls a lot with them. I want to get that core thing you stand on next.
I am learning asana too but thats not for weight more for flexibility.
Heartbreaker said:
Consistency, dedication, discipline and doing things smart are keys.
Ok, question: Just how many people with these characteristics do you think populate the pages of a whore-board?

Hey! Just asking.
Lara - the NYC Ballet Workout is a video/dvd ... it's really controlled so you are really working all the muscle groups hard, you do it each morning or every other morning and you'll genuinely notice the difference within a week or two.
You can get it on amazon, you don't need any ballet training to do it, and instead of coming away from a workout feeling frustrated you finish this workout feeling in control, like you've really done something that will make a difference to your figure and satisfied.

I recommend it to everyone!
LondonAshley said:
Lara - the NYC Ballet Workout is a video/dvd ... it's really controlled so you are really working all the muscle groups hard, you do it each morning or every other morning and you'll genuinely notice the difference within a week or two.
You can get it on amazon, you don't need any ballet training to do it, and instead of coming away from a workout feeling frustrated you finish this workout feeling in control, like you've really done something that will make a difference to your figure and satisfied.

I recommend it to everyone!
After reading your post, I bought the hardcover book, and the two DVDs....the original and the second one too.

Not for me, for my daughter...she is size "0" .... my sitter got her into doing pilates & yoga since she was 8 years old.

It paid off...she loves to exercise but hates any sport....she has a perfect body and can eat ANYTHING under the sun and not gain one once of fat.

She does her exercises religiously every day and she told me she likes the NYC Ballet workout too, because it can incorporated to her routine.

My son now wants me to buy him a bowflex...lol...he's 13 and wants to bulk up for the girls.

Ahhhh be a teenager again...
Beware of Bowflex!

Hello Betty,

Just a heads up regarding your son's desire to "bulk up" for the girls.

Before he starts any kind of workout regimen just to be safe, take him for a physical and talk to his doctor about it. If you allow him to have some kind of equipment in your basement, garage, etc you are probably better off just purchasing some free weights and an adjustable bench.

Trust me, that Bowflex will have clothes hanging from it a few months from now!
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