Like I care what you think or a whore thinks.

i think some of you "animal lovers" should watch animal precinct on the animal planet( i think that's the name of it). dogs can most certainly be left outside all the time, as long as they're well fed and have a proper dog house. almost every time they get a call about dogs left outside, if the dog is healthy, there's nothing they can do. is it right or wrong? that's up to the dog owner to decide. try worrying about your own lives a little more and just a little less about others. maybe you'll be a little happier.
i think some of you "animal lovers" should watch animal precinct on the animal planet( i think that's the name of it). dogs can most certainly be left outside all the time, as long as they're well fed and have a proper dog house. almost every time they get a call about dogs left outside, if the dog is healthy, there's nothing they can do. is it right or wrong? that's up to the dog owner to decide. try worrying about your own lives a little more and just a little less about others. maybe you'll be a little happier.
I keep my dogs inside. I find that they are happier, taste better and are far less stringy when I eventually eat them.
i think some of you "animal lovers" should watch animal precinct on the animal planet( i think that's the name of it). dogs can most certainly be left outside all the time, as long as they're well fed and have a proper dog house. almost every time they get a call about dogs left outside, if the dog is healthy, there's nothing they can do. is it right or wrong? that's up to the dog owner to decide. try worrying about your own lives a little more and just a little less about others. maybe you'll be a little happier.
I do agree with you regarding a well insulated dog house but many pet owners do not do that, the yard dogs swelter in the summer and freeze in the winter. It's worse when the little ones are out there, work dogs cope better. I think animal rescue and fighting for animal rights is a calling and I am the happiest when I am doing something good for our furry friends but it's not for everyone. I just choose one day not to walk by and let it be someone else's problem but that was my decision. I don't need to watch those shows, I am depressed enough from what I see for myself, for some reason strays find me even when I am not looking for them, you don't need to be a dog whisper to be in tune with animals.
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lil Fuzzybear
I use to breed Mastiffs, when we were going full tilt I had a visit from the SCPCA. Someone had complained that I was mistreating my dogs. I have a run setup with a dog house and it is under a tree, a bottomless bowl of water and of course food. The inspector took a look and saw nothing wrong than he inspected the inside of the house and saw I had a play pen setup for the puppies to come in at night. You see someone complained because in the morning I would carry the 8 puppy liter out to the run put the mom in and feed them all outside but the would all bark and howl till I got them all in and settled. I would come home from work and do the whole thing in reverse. Now that I no longer breed and the 3 I have are adults well they come and go as they please. The dogs life I feed them and let them out they sun bathe till I have to go to work than back in the house. My town has a noise ordance so a barking dog of more than 15 minutes is a 500 dollar fine so into the house when no one is home. Now if you stand outside my fence when the dogs are out they will bark at you. The friggin town inspector stood there for 15 minutes and timed my dogs one Saturday afternoon than wrote me a ticket for each dog 1500 in fines I fought and won but that just pissed me off. If hadn't stood there they would have not barked.
I use to breed Mastiffs, when we were going full tilt I had a visit from the SCPCA. Someone had complained that I was mistreating my dogs. I have a run setup with a dog house and it is under a tree, a bottomless bowl of water and of course food. The inspector took a look and saw nothing wrong than he inspected the inside of the house and saw I had a play pen setup for the puppies to come in at night. You see someone complained because in the morning I would carry the 8 puppy liter out to the run put the mom in and feed them all outside but the would all bark and howl till I got them all in and settled. I would come home from work and do the whole thing in reverse. Now that I no longer breed and the 3 I have are adults well they come and go as they please. The dogs life I feed them and let them out they sun bathe till I have to go to work than back in the house. My town has a noise ordance so a barking dog of more than 15 minutes is a 500 dollar fine so into the house when no one is home. Now if you stand outside my fence when the dogs are out they will bark at you. The friggin town inspector stood there for 15 minutes and timed my dogs one Saturday afternoon than wrote me a ticket for each dog 1500 in fines I fought and won but that just pissed me off. If hadn't stood there they would have not barked.
I don't entirely agree on the laws that are designed to protect animals. Some like the one in your town are too strict and some are too lenient.

A perfect example is there was a deli by my apartment next to an abandoned lot, there was a cat in the deli that I saw in the establishment every time I went in and they said she was theirs. The deli closed and the cat was left in the lot, did they abandon the animal? I think they did but the law states unless I witnessed them throwing her out on the street there is no proof even though I have seen the cat in the deli for over a year, she was not an indoor/outdoor stray. I know the owner also had a diner a few blocks away and gave him a piece of my mind but he was untouchable because the law is ridiculous. I had to wait a few weeks until the gates of the lot were opened to sell Christmas trees and nearly fell into a opened subway grate rescuing her. I eventually got her (luckily because she was pregnant which would have made the situation worse) and she lives with a good friend.
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I don't entirely agree on the laws that are designed to protect animals. Some like the one in your town are too strict and some are too lenient.

A perfect example is there was a deli by my apartment next to an abandoned lot, there was a cat in the deli that I saw in the establishment every time I went in and they said she was theirs. The deli closed and the cat was left in the lot, did they abandon the animal? I think they did but the law states unless I witnessed them throwing her out on the street there is no proof even though I have seen the cat in the deli for over a year, she was not an indoor/outdoor stray. I know the owner also had a diner a few blocks away and gave him a piece of my mind but he was untouchable because the law is ridiculous. I had to wait a few weeks until the gates of the lot were opened to sell Christmas trees and nearly fell into a opened subway grate rescuing her. I eventually got her (luckily because she was pregnant which would have made the situation worse) and she lives with a good friend.
You are my hero!!! Seriously.. Nice job Em!!!
While I personally think that stopping animal cruelty is a noble cause, there are also those that would seek to stomp out sex work using a similar moral tone.

Funny how people always can justify their own lifestyles and actions but get crazy about the way other people live theirs.

As for me? I live and let live. I have no right to get in someone else's grill the way I live my life.
Damn the dog thread was still going.

I can never understand why you white folks love dogs so much.

Anyway I watch the dog whisperer and Tivo it. I just do not know why I am hooked on that show with that little Mexican. I did learn some tips for my dog, as far keeping him calm. He always has all this energy and wants to jump on people. So I make him run all over the place for an hour and it actually worked. I don't have a treadmill like ceasar recommends.

If Magic came over he might lick his ass, then again he might like that.

Take it easy people.

and they say I don't have a sense of humor.

(Waving at FairEmily)
Not concerned about him trying to lick my ass IRV. More concerned with IRV begging to lick my ass. You forgot to include your address with the invite. I've never seen a high rise dumpster before.
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While I personally think that stopping animal cruelty is a noble cause, there are also those that would seek to stomp out sex work using a similar moral tone.

Funny how people always can justify their own lifestyles and actions but get crazy about the way other people live theirs.

As for me? I live and let live. I have no right to get in someone else's grill the way I live my life.
Anyone who can compare the hypocritical Purtian religious freaks who oppose everything including this industry and cause so many people grief with the honorable men and women who devote their lives everyday to saving the defenseless and abandoned needs to check thier moral compass.

I just don't see your point and if there is a point it's really reaching to depths I cannot make sense of, are you stating I have no right to be an animal rights activist because I chooses to work in an indusrty some people are opposed to. If that's the case nobody should care about animals because there is always someone, somewhere opposing someone profession for whatever reason. It's our duty as human beings to help the helpless, a woman making money pleasing people with a service and a sicko who likes to hurt little animals are so different I can't even imagine anyone morally lumping them together. If abuse is part of someones lifestyle choice then yes they need to be stopped.

It's great you live and let live, more work for those who actually give a shit about things that matter.
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My point in this case is that you think you have the right to decide what is abuse with regards to animals. I think there is a line beyone which we all would agree that there is abuse, but there is also a lot of grey area and reasonable people can disagree.

I'm not trying to compare the two issues, I'm talking about the point where people start deciding they have the absolute right to determine right and wrong when it comes to the actions of others.

And I of course think that anyone can hold whatever belief they would like, but when it comes to involving the police and trying to get someone incarcerated I think that there needs to be a very high and clear standard.

My childhood dog spent most of her life outside, even in the winter. She also was always chained up. There was always food, always water, always blankets in the doghouse, but I'm sure you'd have tried to put my dad in jail for what was typical dog ownership standards in the midwest in the 70s and 80s.

And your comment about puritanical religious freaks just shows that you are tolerant of anything that you believe in, but fuck anyone else's opinion.

It can't be a rational opinion that prostitution and sex work is immoral? The fact that people break their marriage vows with you should be 100 percent morally justified even though it is illegal?

The problem with you is that you cannot engage in intellectual discourse about something without making everything personal and getting defensive and then going on the attack.

The world is a complicated place, and none of us are the sole arbiters of right and wrong. It is noble to go out and make the world a better place, but please, take a deep breath every now and then.

None of us are perfect. Not even you.
Vermeer always had a "special" place in his heart for Miki, she knew exactly who he was, she even claimed to have met him once. Now that she's gone, so is Vermeer. Emily, you seem to know a great deal about Irv.

The next thing you'll ask me is "what are you trying to say?" If you have to ask .....
Miki did meet Vermeer. Matter of fact, I was hiding out in the other bedroom - cause she wanted me to be there - just in case. And after the "fun part" of their afternoon was over, I met him too!

Life is just plain weird sometimes!

(Warning ... do not try this at home ...)
My point in this case is that you think you have the right to decide what is abuse with regards to animals. I think there is a line beyone which we all would agree that there is abuse, but there is also a lot of grey area and reasonable people can disagree.

I'm not trying to compare the two issues, I'm talking about the point where people start deciding they have the absolute right to determine right and wrong when it comes to the actions of others.

And I of course think that anyone can hold whatever belief they would like, but when it comes to involving the police and trying to get someone incarcerated I think that there needs to be a very high and clear standard.

My childhood dog spent most of her life outside, even in the winter. She also was always chained up. There was always food, always water, always blankets in the doghouse, but I'm sure you'd have tried to put my dad in jail for what was typical dog ownership standards in the midwest in the 70s and 80s.

And your comment about puritanical religious freaks just shows that you are tolerant of anything that you believe in, but fuck anyone else's opinion.

It can't be a rational opinion that prostitution and sex work is immoral? The fact that people break their marriage vows with you should be 100 percent morally justified even though it is illegal?

The problem with you is that you cannot engage in intellectual discourse about something without making everything personal and getting defensive and then going on the attack.

The world is a complicated place, and none of us are the sole arbiters of right and wrong. It is noble to go out and make the world a better place, but please, take a deep breath every now and then.

None of us are perfect. Not even you.
Do you have a bone to pick with me that I am unaware of ? it seems that you think you know me or maybe you do and being that you are anonymous gives you an unfair advantage. In any case you don't appreciate the belittling tone of your posts addressed to me, I never stated I am perfect, in fact I am a humble person.

You can't honestly believe that nonsense about broken marriage vows, it is really stretching again. Morally, abusing a domestic animal with neglect or abandonment is not even close to be as wrong as visiting a sex worker and like I stated before anyone who would classify these two things as similar needs to check thier moral compass because it is off. I don't believe there is anything immoral about this industry but I also believe all drugs should be legal and regulated, humans are superior beings and have control of our place in this world unlike domestic animals. Even if I twisted my views to be a little more understanding to what you are writing I still can't agree. I never stated I know it all but I think I have a strong grasp of right and wrong.