COVID-19 Conspiracy theories - post all your dumb shit here.

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Here it is no political crap. Facts only. Total deaths in ny as an example of "pandemic". Statistcs kept yearly and will post link. 155 to 175k per year DEATHS. So obviously they get that info from coroners etc daily, weekly monthly etc.. so....why not 1. Define pandemic? 10 % increase, 20, 30? The numbers year to year vary 10 %. 1750 people. More or less. So a panel of 8 people so not to be subject to bias could review and post EXCESS DEATHS PER DAY which would eliminate any question. Why dont they? Because this is the biggest hoax in history. Cuomo will be known as "the guy who saved ny" and be president for the believers. Biden will acknowledge medical issues so as not to face his criminal deeds in Ukraine. Conspiracy theory term was invented by cia to dismiss investigations. Like facebook listening, smart tvs listening. All dismissed as conspiracy til caught. Always look for omissions. Its the key to finding truth. Lastly, this scam is a world reset of debt. The current model was unsustainable. See Europe as example. Poland and Hungary outshined those EU puppet nations. They took no part in that migrant self destruction .The financial proof is there. But you have to dig deep to find it. Lastly. If you wave the red flag or blue flag you are mindless. They are 2 teams cowards and thieves. Both stealing your money. Good day sir!
Soros is as bad as they come, not too mention his total disdain for Trump. He alone is behind the collapse of Libya, Syria, and for much of the turmoil in the Middle East leading up to and following the “Arab Spring” support the people, empower the people with arms, the people overthrow the government and do his dirty work, then install the government of your choice. Disband and turn your back on those you’ve empowered once there is a firm grip.

The virus acts almost like a computer program. Like it’s programmed to attack certain DNA aspects in the human body. It’s almost all synthetic in its makeup and structure.
"Michael Jackson! Michael Jackson! He knew! He was wearing the mask, right? He knew they were gonna kill us.
Bill Gates! Bill Gates! He did it. I'm gonna kick his f*cking ass!"
* Actual dialogue overheard today on a Brooklyn sidewalk.
Harvard Scholar And NenoTech expert Dr. Charles Lieberman was arrested earlier this year in connection to China. He was working for Wuhan. He heads Harvard University’s Chemistry and Biology department and has been affiliated with the university since 1991.
So? What does that mean for COVID-19?

My vote goes to Meander's Michael Jackson theory. It now all makes sense.
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