
This thread is about mild to moderate depression and possibility a small case of the OCD's and what advice people can give either with pharmaceuticals or alternative to cope. This is not in any way related to psychotic anger and sociopathism. I was enjoying my parcipation with this thread but now it is turning into anger management issues with is not the same. I am even becoming uncomfortable with it now so if I don't post anymore you know why.
This thread is about mild to moderate depression and possibility a small case of the OCD's and what advice people can give either with pharmaceuticals or alternative to cope. This is not in any way related to psychotic anger and sociopathism. I was enjoying my parcipation with this thread but now it is turning into anger management issues with is not the same. I am even becoming uncomfortable with it now so if I don't post anymore you know why.
Well said - the whole issue is a slippery slope.
I’ve been bothered by a collection agency called United Recovery System. They would call me, my phone would ring, I pick it up, and then they hang up. I pressed *69 and got there telephone number (if they had a blocked phone number, I could easily block them, I guess).
This happened about a dozen more times. I called them back and asked them why they kept calling me and hanging up. They wouldn’t tell me. I asked them to stop, and they just laughed at me. I finally got a manager, and he told me that they used an automated dialing system and he would take care of it. He put me on hold for about ½ hour. I hung up and called his extension back. He told me that they had purchased a very old debt account from a major bank and the person they were looking for used to have my phone number. I told him that obviously I am not that person, and that they should stop calling me. He agreed, and said it would stop.
Four days later, I came home from work and my voice mail had 18 messages from them. Again the voice mails were just blank. The next day I called them back, and they gave me the same bullshit story. I call the Verizon Illegal Call Center. I explained the situation to the operator and gave him their phone number. He called them. He called me back and told me that unless I gave them the name of the person of the person who they thought they were calling, the calls would continue. I was furious. That afternoon, I called the executive from United Recovery System back to try to reason with him. He was out of his office. His voice mail was set up with an option system that made it easy to call his extension (just press two telephone keys), leave a message and then call his extension without hanging up. The whole process took less than 4 seconds. I figure that I must have left at least 500 blank voice mails on his phone. I found five other extensions, and repeated the process with each extension.
True, I didn’t come into their office with an AK-47, and kill a bunch of people, but I did cause a bunch of their executives a great deal trouble, and I must have made them furious. As they all have caller ID, they must have known it was me.
I don’t think anyone else they harassed, had ever done that to them. I did the same think three days in a row (told them I was prepared to do this to them every day for the rest of my life!). They probably think that I’m some kind of crazy nut. The important thing is that they haven’t bothered me since.
I Googled United Recovery System, there were lots of complaints about them, stories about how they had bullied and abused these poor people. None of these people had gotten totally stupid with them like I had gotten.
I showed them that they had messed with the wrong crazy nut.
Elmo - Good for you!

By law, a collection agency can only make voice contact with a debtor a limited amount of time, I think it is once a week, don't quote me. That is the reason for the hangups.

You tryed your best to solve the problem, they did nothing to resolve it, so you took matters into your own hands. If you would of contacted a Government Agency for help, you would of just got the run around, and had hours of red tape.
You assume I didn't.

Your topic is different than what this thread is about. Please start a new thread.
My point was that after going through normal channels and asking nicely, I was driven to act out in a very angry fashion. Consider the the case where a neighbor's dog won't stop barking. You talk to the neighbor, call the police, and they tell you that there is nothing they can do about it. You end up poisoning the the dog. A crime to be sure, punishable by the law, and a very immoral act, but you felt you couldn't take it any more and you just cracked.
If I took all the anti-depressants in the world, it wouldn't stop that fucking dog from barking, so I try another solution. Does this post and the previous one better fit this thread?
My point was that after going through normal channels and asking nicely, I was driven to act out in a very angry fashion. Consider the the case where a neighbor's dog won't stop barking. You talk to the neighbor, call the police, and they tell you that there is nothing they can do about it. You end up poisoning the the dog. A crime to be sure, punishable by the law, and a very immoral act, but you felt you couldn't take it any more and you just cracked.
Lets think about it, should that make you need antidepressants.
My point was that after going through normal channels and asking nicely, I was driven to act out in a very angry fashion. Consider the the case where a neighbor's dog won't stop barking. You talk to the neighbor, call the police, and they tell you that there is nothing they can do about it. You end up poisoning the the dog. A crime to be sure, punishable by the law, and a very immoral act, but you felt you couldn't take it any more and you just cracked.
This is an external situation which you have no control over so you grab control of what you do have. I have had construction a stone throw away from all my windows for the last 14 months. Hammering, jackhammers, noise, toxic dust so bad you can't possible imagine. They also cut down the trees that I loved having outside my window. I developed respiratory problems from the debris coming into my apartment and now need an inhaler.

I called everyone, DEP, DOB, ect and they all say is the whole city is under construction and I have to deal with it. I researched the laws and look for any violations and report it to 311. I thought about throwing eggs on the construction guys but of course I can't but I do imagery therapy of the construction guys running and cursing from a shower of eggs which makes me laugh. I constructed a safe room where I placed an air purifier which also doubles as a white noise machine. I also bought headphones that you wear in concerts and learned to sleep with them on.

Yes, it's horrible and can cause temporary depression but it is the cards I was dealt with. I did imagery therapy of what it must of been like for the people who suffered in worse situations (post civil war, great depression, WTC aftermath) and that also helps put things in perspective. I know it will eventually end so I do REBT exercises to cope with individual situations. I think of the few pluses which is I will leave this situation with a higher tolerance level and an advanced knowledge of the legality of construction. Antidepressants will not stop unbearable situations from falling upon our lives but it is a good example to think about temporarily taking a mild sedative until the situation resolves itself so you don't crack
This is an external situation which you have no control over so you grab control of what you do have. I have had construction a stone throw away from all my windows for the last 14 months. Hammering, jackhammers, noise, toxic dust so bad you can't possible imagine. They also cut down the trees that I loved having outside my window. I developed respiratory problems from the debris coming into my apartment and now need an inhaler.

I called everyone, DEP, DOB, ect and they all say is the whole city is under construction and I have to deal with it. I researched the laws and look for any violations and report it to 311. I thought about throwing eggs on the construction guys but of course I can't but I do imagery therapy of the construction guys running and cursing from a shower of eggs which makes me laugh. I constructed a safe room where I placed an air purifier which also doubles as a white noise machine. I also bought headphones that you wear in concerts and learned to sleep with them on.

Yes, it's horrible and can cause temporary depression but it is the cards I was dealt with. I did imagery therapy of what it must of been like for the people who suffered in worse situations (post civil war, great depression, WTC aftermath) and that also helps put things in perspective. I know it will eventually end so I do REBT exercises to cope with individual situations. I think of the few pluses which is I will leave this situation with a higher tolerance level and an advanced knowledge of the legality of construction. Antidepressants will not stop unbearable situations from falling upon our lives but it is a good example to think about temporarily taking a mild sedative until the situation resolves itself so you don't crack
You should post on my new thread. Remember that crazy announcer on that old movie "Network", who opened his windows and yelled "I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore!". He suggested that the entire city do the same. The entire city took his advice, and dozens of people were shown yelling out their windows.
You should post on my new thread. Remember that crazy announcer on that old movie "Network", who opened his windows and yelled "I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore!". He suggested that the entire city do the same. The entire city took his advice, and dozens of people were shown yelling out their windows.
I did post on your thread. It is frustrating that my neighbors did not ban together but I realized many people are sheep. Apparently I am the only one who complained and they are reaping the fruits of my labors. I forced them to put up a protective shield on the building to stop the dust from going into ours and had two stop work orders enforced because of thier violations. At times it only takes one voice. Sometimes constructively and rationally fighting for your rights and accomplishing small victories deters depression through empowerment over external circumstances.
Dealing with depression involved shaping your coping abilities. I am trying to start a small buisness and had a huge setback a few months ago. I became depressed over it and gave up making steps towards my goal (it was hard for me to function for a while). My doctor told me if I let one setback destroy a plan that I have been working on for years I am not going to be able to cope with anything that might arise down the road. He told me I better start thinking more multi dimensionally with alternative plans for everything to deal with disappointment and plan B work even though it doesn't entirely fit my vision. If this happened years ago I would have given up. Although I was depressed for over a month was not a cause to take antidepressant. I just needed some inspiration to get motivated again. If your going to take a step toward antidepressants make sure your are a good candidate for them otherwise they will not work.
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I did post on your thread. It is frustrating that my neighbors did not ban together but I realized many people are sheep. Apparently I am the only one who complained and they are reaping the fruits of my labors. I forced them to put up a protective shield on the building to stop the dust from going into ours and had two stop work orders enforced because of thier violations. At times it only takes one voice. Sometimes constructively and rationally fighting for your rights and accomplishing small victories deters depression through empowerment over external circumstances.
See, sometimes not taking shit and fighting back pays off. Rosa Parks decided that she had had enough and wouldn't move to the back of that fucking bus. She was arrested for that, but look at the results of her actions. Sometimes civil disobedience is the only way to deal with a terrible situation.
I have cab rage. I have been verbally abused by so many cab drivers I become enraged by the slightest incident. These incidents caused a confrontional and depressive mood that stayed with me throughout the rest of the day. I thought about what causes the conflicts and now take precautions to deal with it. I don't like the radio but I get yelled at when I ask them to turn it off so I now tell them I have an inner ear infection or a migraine and the noise hurts me so they turn it off ow without argument. I make sure I tell them in specific details where I am going and alternative route I want to take as soon as I enter the cab. Instead of letting things unfortunate things happen and taking my chances with an uncomfortable argument I broke it down and resolve peacefully in advance of any chance of one. I believe this tactic can be applied to many uncomfortable situation people encounter.


lil Fuzzybear
Rage, anger, uncontrolled temper, the question is what is the trigger. Emily you seem to know your triggers well and have found ways to avoid them or in some way compensate for them. Me I am still unsure of what will fire me up. It can be something so stupid like dirty dishes left on the counter. At one point I was put on Teratall which is an antiseziure med because the Dr thought that could be the trigger but after a allergic reaction to it I was taken off of it and they did a 48 hour eeg and found no sezure activity. Still all this time I can go years without a episode. Of recent times I have been under a lot of stress and I find that now I have become short tempered again. To avoid this I have told my kids to make sure they keep things put away and cleaned up. Messes are a trigger for me, so are situation out of my control. Learning to deal with this is hard and no meds have every really worked. The only good thing I can say about this is that I have never hurt anyone only broken a few items and both of my hands. I am smarter now I don't punch walls any more.
I have cab rage. I have been verbally abused by so many cab drivers I become enraged by the slightest incident. These incidents caused a confrontional and depressive mood that stayed with me throughout the rest of the day. I thought about what causes the conflicts and now take precautions to deal with it. I don't like the radio but I get yelled at when I ask them to turn it off so I now tell them I have an inner ear infection or a migraine and the noise hurts me so they turn it off ow without argument. I make sure I tell them in specific details where I am going and alternative route I want to take as soon as I enter the cab. Instead of letting things unfortunate things happen and taking my chances with an uncomfortable argument I broke it down and resolve peacefully in advance of any chance of one. I believe this tactic can be applied to many uncomfortable situation people encounter.
Have you ever tried the Bose QC3 or QC2 noise suppression headphones? They really do a remarkable job blocking ambient noise. There is a Bose store in that fancy shopping mall at Columbus Circle where you can check them out.