
After a long while of dealing with depression and now anxiety-ocd type symptoms, I think it may be time to try another antidepressant. I took Zoloft for several years and it seemed to help me a little back in college through my early 20's. Then a year or two on Prozac. I tried going without any Antidepressants for a while but things just got worse. Now I'm starting up Zoloft again. However I do notice some side effects I didn't notice before, like the noisy grumbling stomach, soft bowel movements, increased appetite. I also notice my dick is not getting as hard as often.

I'd be interested in hearing others esperieces with Antidepressants. Should I swtich over to Lexapro? Anyone have any experience with one that works well on OCD type symptoms? Anxiety?

Very important, one that doesn't effect libido would be nice. Anyone actually lose weight in the longterm on any of these meds?

Considering the amount of prescriptions filled yearly for these meds, I'm sure there are at least a few of you who can share.
Many (perhaps all) antidepressants will give you some intestinal issues such as you describe. Your digestive system seems to adjust in about 2 weeks and those side effects go away. Many physicians will tell patients to expect those side effects and to ride it out. In terms of libido, all that the drugs that I know of have a depressing effect on that.... mostly the desire not ability to achieve erection. Many have the effect of suppressing orgasm. That can be a plus for some men if you want to last longer but can also lead to some frustration on your part and your partner.
St. John's Wort, works just as well as the other antidepressants mentioned in this thread (although you have to take it more often each day as it wears off more quickly). In fact in Germany, not exactly a third world nation, the doctors recommend SJW (as it is sold over the counter and does not require a prescription, they don't prescribe it). It has far fewer side effects then any of the prescription antidepressants. It can be purchased online for just a few dollars.

The drug companies have tried on many different occasions to have it's sale banned.

By the way have you seen Michael Moore's latest movie, "Sicko"?


If Welbutrin works for you, then go with it. It's the only SSRI that doesn't create the sexual side effects. Sadly, it doesn't work for me. It just revs my motor like a quadruple espresso without any benefit.
FWIW,Wellbutrin is not an SSRI and can be used as an alternative to SSRIs,or in conjunction with SSRIs to mitigate the untoward side effects of SSRIs(Prozac,Paxil,etc.) related to libido and sexual performance.
I don't think Welbutrin will do it for me. I don't think it helps with the anxiety/ocd type symptoms which add to my depression. Franca, you have much trouble with side effects from SRIs?
Give Effexor a shot. Its a SNRI. Best of both worlds, like a mixture of Zoloft with Wellbutin.
Klonopin for anxiety. The safest benzo and most researched. Your best bet is to give the med a trial of 6-8 weeks. If it works you will know by then. If it doesnt or has unbearable side effects switch to another one. There are alot ou there.
Not too many have written that they actually use antidepressants, they have knowledge of them. Perhaps through an aquaintance or family member or they might be in or associated with the medical/pharma industry...... or we could all be depressed
I agree

Wellbutrin also helps with weight loss and is the exact same drug as Zyban . A drug to help smokers kick the habit .

Wellbutrin seems to give me the "get up" and go feeling verses the others .

I remember whe Prozac first come on the market and there was so much hype about it ..
I asked Dr. to put me on it.. That is one depression med that is very dangerous in many ways.
While taking Prozac it left me with NO feelings , NO emotions and I found myself craving beer early in the am and I am not a big drinker .
No matter how hard I wanted to cry ... being on Prozac give me NO feelings no matter the circumstance . We are supposed to have feelings & show emotions but my gosh ... you could have spit in my face and I would just look at you .

I can understand why so many people have commited suicide while on Prozac . If you already have those thoughts of death you will surely take it to the limit on that drug.

The Holidays are a tough time for me for many reasons . I know it is for many others too.
Last year I was given samples of Cymbalta ... that drug made me sit and stare off into space like I had no energy and did not want to do a thing.

Ive been around people taking effexfor and that drug is WILD .. It is another one that i've noticed that makes people want to drink and the grandious ideas are out of this world.

Which ever depression med you take ...make sure a close friend or family member can keep an eye on you for the changes .. Its sometimes tough to see these changes yourself while taking certain meds ..

Layla South
I had the same issues with Zoloft when I started taking it. The stomach problems passed after about three weeks, and even the libido problems went away after about 2 months.
Effexor XR

I've been taking Effexor XR for about 9 months now, and it does the trick for me. In terms of sexual side effects, it's got one, a big one, although whether it's good or bad depends on your personal preferences.

I've noticed no drop in appetite, getting or maintaining an erection, but it takes FOREVER to finish.

It's meant that my regular AMP gal is a prized contact, given she's got the magic touch.

On the downside, it can get extremely frustrating, especially while on the clock, but I still enjoy myself, just without an oh-so-satisfying finish, sometimes. I've heard from some people who were fast-shooters that it's the best side effect they could ask for, however.
Luvox is probably the best medication for OCD itself. I have a friend who has been taking it for years and it has worked wonders for him. He used to take some pretty steep downward spirals ala mental obsessiveness etc. Of course the best thing to do is take a consult with a knowledgeable psychiatrist and see what medication addresses your particular symptoms the best.

I've been off anti-depressants myself since 2001. I have to say that effexor worked the best for me overall but the side effects of weight gain, sweating, blunted libidinal sensitivity etc. finally took their toll. I feel much better physically (and sometimes emotionally) since I stopped taking SSRIs.
Krill Oil......

I cannot take antidepressants since I have an adverse reaction to all of them. I was a loner teenager and was forced to take them by my parents and now they do absolutely nothing and at times make me worse. I become really depressed during certain times of the month. It's fairly bad where I think of drastic things that would normally never enter my thoughts. I was always told to take antidepressants but I refuse. My friend told me to try Krill Oil so I gave it a shot. I am always sceptical of natural remedies but to my surprise it worked. It dramatically reduced my depression, mood swings or the usual doom and gloom. I don't see why it could not help with everyday depression that doctors prescribe antidepressants for. It is not the cheapest supplement (I found it as low as $20 for a months supply) but I think worth taking a look at if only for a month. The worst that could happen it it doesn't improve your mental state is you build a better memory, lower your cholesterol and help your joints. The only side affects is that if you are allergic to shellfish do not take it.

I think OCD can be controled with cognitive therapy and rationalization. It's alot of work to reverse the habits but possible if you really want to change. The problem with OCD is once you allow one habit to take control new ones will sprout up. My ex's mother had it so bad she was terrified of chemicals (mostly cleaning products) and cleaned everything with paper towels and water. She was up to 15 rolls a week when we broke up. The worst part is nobody stopped her when it was still manageable. It usually starts with women in thier late 20's and men in thier 50's or after a traumatic event.
I remember whe Prozac first come on the market and there was so much hype about it ..
Am a very long term user of Prozac. I think it depends on the person and it's very hard to predict how it will affect the person. I have no problems with enough emotions :)

I would like to be off of it (why take drugs if you don't need to and who knows the effects of chronic usage), but I tried that once and it was disastrous.

I would think I am in the minority in this discussion; Prozac has such a bugaboo about it. But if you have ever gotten to the point where you completely shut down (I did), it's a lifesaver.
Thank You

Just wanted to thank everyonw who took the time to respond to this thread. I know there is plenty of literature on the subject but I just wanted to hear some firsthand accounts and also something other than the company line that the pharm. companies put out.
Just wanted to thank everyonw who took the time to respond to this thread. I know there is plenty of literature on the subject but I just wanted to hear some firsthand accounts and also something other than the company line that the pharm. companies put out.
I tried a B12 patch and it seems to work. It's like getting a shot but cheaper and less of a hassle then going to the doctor. I ordered it online and tried it once. You get a pack of 4 and wear it behind your ear for 24 hours once a week. It's supposed to increase energy and fight depression as well as increase memory. The stomach cannot completely absorb oral B12 supplements so this is supposed to give you the optimal dosage your body needs. I always feel better when I have more focus and energy so I am less depressed.

Have you also tried light therapy? I changed all the light bulbs in my apartment to full spectrum which simulates natural sunlight (even the nightlights). They are slightly more money than regular bulbs but last a much longer also. I had one in for two years before it blew. I do feel better when I am surrounded with softer light.

Sorry to sound so hippie but I think there are alternative natural mood lifters that can't hurt you to try.
Ditto The Thank You!

I don't know how I ended up at this thread, but think it's advise is invaluable. People sharing about personal experiences instead of trying to interpret the fact sheet that comes with the meds, that can literally scare people into not taking them. I have suffered with depression at least 10 years (or maybe 45 years if I truly trace my life back), but have been medically treatd for depression the past 10 in combination with pain killers for a back injury.Thecombination of apin mangement in inreasingdoses& meds and the antidepressants, and a relationship ending had a real crash & burn effect on me about 4 years ago. I sat around like a zombie and had trouble even going out the door. Only thing that used to get me out was walking my dog (who passed away last memorial day) and going to some anonymous meetings ( I am addicted to damn near everything, have put down booze and recreational drugs,) but the sexual addiction just keeps getting more advanced. I used to be a cocky high profile DOM in the S/M scene. Now I just kind of reminisce, with not a hell of a lot of self confidence, due to age (58), some medical problems on top of the depression. I literally tripped onto CL . More nighmares there, & few good experiences. Happened to get directed here by Billy & learned a lot, ventured out to the party & indulged a bit. At this stage I don't think I could ever be with a normal woman (most of my relationships were with f sex addicts or submissives I could keep pushing further. Where am I going with this.
JUST WANTED TO THANK ALL THE POSTERS IN THIS THREAD PROVIDERS & MONGERS FOR HELPING ME REMEMBER i AM NOT ALL THAT DIFFERENT.This is one thread that showed a lot of compassion & honesty without the backbiting of some of the other threads. Now how do I STOP my online addiction. I stayed offline for 3 years because I was spending most of my time online, in fantasy or chat rooms. It has become a major addicition for me again, Without the dog to take out I can spend days withut even going out the door & not taking care of anything I need to because I run to the puter. It is like I close my eyes one day & come to months later. Anyway I am seeing the shrink tomorrow. One positive thing I did was change shrinks & re-evaluate meds a few months ago. Know what I did last night, sat home online, swearing I would climb out of the rut today & here I am again.It seems the only time I am not in physical pain & depressed si when I am involved in something sexual either fantasy or waiting for somene to connect with for an hour or 2. I need to connect with some of the girls from here that seem to give a little personal touch instead of just watch the clock
Thanks for letting me ramble and again. THANKS FOR AN EXCELLENT THREAD.
PS- Emily thanks for the Hippie reference. Brought a smile to my face and memories of some GOOD TIMES!
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