
You know, franca, once a Prostitute invited me over for dinner. She was a vegetarian, but out of deference to my obvious preferences she made a roast beef topped with foie gras. With plenty of roast vegetables on the side, so she had a lot to eat, too.

I brought over an '82 Lynch-Bages I pulled out of my linen closet/wine cellar.

Did you here that? An '82 Lynch-Bages.

I mean, jeez. I drink the same wine with prostitutes I drink with anybody.
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Liquor store across the street was closed at like, 8 PM. WTF? I couldn't even get a bottle o' red to go with my modest dinner tonight. It would have been nice if a pathetic john I've never met before tried to impress me by showing up with a bottle of expensive wine.
See, you should have met me at M&H/Pegu/Death.

(Although having just come home from having unsuccessfully tried to get into a completely packed Death & Co., maybe not the latter.)
Pompous Statement of Principle

If I'm going to a session, I'm not gonna bring a bottle of red wine in any event, cuz, as discussed in another thread, red wine doesn't seem to me to be very good to drink by itself.

If I'm taking someone out to dinner, prostitute or not, I'm gonna order a good wine. Cuz I've got to drink it, too.

If I know someone and she invites me over to dinner, I'm gonna bring a good bottle. For the same reason.
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