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thanx JP, new board personalities, Ill take that as a direct insult.(only joshing), I think the board has plenty of personalities, and I respect decisions made by BF, C9 whatever they were, to leave.
(just to mention a few, and I really miss some others, but they are stronger than me, and can really leave)

what I dont understand is that if evryone keeps responding to the assholes that start wars with them, the a holes will keep going.
I get hate mail, but Ill never post it to give the fucking lowlife scum the satisfaction of seeing me post that shit. I delete it as soon as I read it, because I know that if they are going out of their way to insult me, they must really think about me alot.

We have to give the moderator and the others that help out here a fucking break, because Im sure they all have lives, and they cant sit here and deal with every post, no matter how cruel, or insensitive, and we all have to just get thicker skin.

Miki, why do you constantly defend yourself?
Forget it. You have youre clientelle, and dont have to offer anyone answers.
Were big boys, and Im 100% sure alot of the girls we see, have dealt with substance abuse problems, and other issues, like so many of the men do themselves.
(not to mention psychologic problems, that would make me look like an altar boy)
I stand corrected

I am not an active addict...I have not had any hard drugs since 1980 and am sober since 1997...Vermeers false insinuations about heroin abuse are completely slanderous, while a bad review is mostly a subjective report, these postings are complete fiction. There are enough men on this board who have seen me whether or not they were happy with me or my service who know that I am not using heroin. I'm am tired of all the conjecture, innuendo and lies....I have been more forthcoming with my personal life than most, and have been completely honest, I am asking you all please lets stick to discussing pussy,tits,commercial sex and wet,hot bbbjs and leave these evil lies out of it.