Raising funds

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slinkybender said:
It's only Thorn...... wouldn't most UGers consider it a service having a separate thread for his "additions" to the ?

;P :eek: :rolleyes: :p

You could start a drive that, once it reaches a certain dollar amount, I would be sent into exhile for some period of time [you wouldn't want to make it permenant, because you couldn't run it again if you did that]. I am sure that would raise a buck or two. :)

Thorn, who knows people don't really hate me. It is simply the truth the disdain. :D
UG Staff said:
This is not totally true. There are definitely things on private provider boards which are said there because if they were said in public, the provider wouldn't get any more business.
Access to provider only boards = the cure for white knight syndrome. :D
slinkybender said:
To some extent, this has always been my problem here on UG. I listen to the women when they say things like betty said (and which I don't disagree with), but then when I've put exactly those sentiments into practice, I get the opposite reaction. Betty says: "Do you think the same providers gave a fuck about what you guys spent hours elaborating? NOPE". But then when exaclty that happens here, I get an entirely different reaction.

My next comment is important enough that I feel it needs a separate post.
Old chesnut the man who over hears one woman say to another, "I am so sick of all the bullshit lines men try to run on me just to get into my pants. I so wish one of them, just one mind you, would come up to me and say something like, ""I think you are lovely and I find myself very attracted to you. I wish you would let me sleep with you."".

The convo finishes and moments after the man walks up to the woman and says, "I think you are lovely and I find myself very attracted to you. I wish you would let me sleep with you.", to wit she responds by slapping him silly.

MikitheMilf said:
Thorn says i change my prices..its true I do...
But, as sometimes you do, you are taking offense where none was meant.

There was nothing negative in my observation. I was simply pointing out, as I have in the past, marketing you use that I find rather effective.

It is you cliental I am actually commenting negatively on, if anyone, in regard to their lack of ability to pick up on the obvious. I think you are either incredibly astute or a savant [probably the former, as I have reason to believe you are an intelligent sort from our previous conversations].
I do change my prices to reflect the market, unlike many providers I do NOT have ego wrapped up in my price rather i use an economic model to gauge what I can get.Aside from my love of sex with strangers this is a money making proposition...if I am priced too high I do not make money.
Posted on Thank you, and goodnight? thread.

UG Staff said:
Since the boss is a little out of the loop I've seen some of the *****s comming in over this thread and I have to say that I can not imagine why anyone would put up with the vitriol, backstabbing and outright lies and nastiness thrown at this guy.

If this place goes away I will miss it as much or more than anyone, but I can't say if it were me that I'd give a shit about anyone here if I sweated blood for years and what I got in return was 35,000 people who thought I owed them rather than the other way around. When those of us who are currently the group moderating spoke last week before telling the boss we were going to be stepping aside, we all thought that it just doesn't make sense to make such a huge effort for a group who doesn't care and thinks they are entitled to everything and more. I'll step out of line and say that I know the ownership of this place really appreaciates those who really have stepped in and helped in one way or another, but the size of that group is beyond shockingly small. The one thing which I have comfort in is knowing that for my personal loss should this place go away pales in comparrision to the loss which will be suffered by those who least show their appreciation for what they have taken from this place.
If there's such a frustration and resentment (not by any mean uncalled for) about entitlement, while this is a free site, what's it going to be if it becomes a pay site?
Or, how do you plan to deal with donation driven entitlement?

If I was to donate $500 (or even $100), I would probably be very angry to see my post being deleted, while if it was occurred to a non donor, it is much easier to swallow.

Are the management and staff ready to treat equally donors and non donors committing the same offence?

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
There's a difference between a contribution and a subscription (especially when talking about an all pay site). Moderators do not sit here with lists of who donated what when they are moderating. If you can't tell what the difference is, then you're a bigger idot than I thought from reading your posts about this subject so far. It's becomming more and more obvious that you don't have an interest in seeing progress here, but are just stirring shit. Please stop (first and last time the word "please" will be used).
slinkybender said:
It's becomming more and more obvious that you don't have an interest in seeing progress here, but are just stirring shit. Please stop (first and last time the word "please" will be used).
It's becomming more and more obvious that you have much more interest in preserving your ego than finding a cure for UG.

I'm sorry that you're unable to see a validity in my point that giving money (contribution or subscription), creates/increases the feeling of entitlement, of which even such a big idiot like myself can see.

kassyS said:
Also, this site needs to re-organized.
If such happens, then I would not mind putting an ad here.
Kassy, If you look anything like those pics you posted (which I doubt) you will get plenty of interest here, especially from ME. It's hard to tell what the deal is with you. It seems you have some psychological issues that you may need to work out. Or maybe you're in the habbit of posting while high. Maybe you're some middle aged guy stroking off in front of the pc. I don't know.
But if you are what you claim to be, why don't you put an ad up and give some of us a shot? I would be interested. Wacky broads need love (and $) too so what are you waiting for?
Cloud Nine said:
Coming from someone who had openly admitted to being a white knight, fluffs escorts, and stated that exchanging reviews for discounts inst a bad thing, Im really glad you found yourself a home.
C9 you have that wrong. I never said I exchange reviews for discounts (I don't think I said that anyway). What I said some time ago was being a member of UG, being a white knight, and being friendly to the girls is sometimes good for getting perks. That's obvious. Why wouldn't you take advantage of that. I have never posted a review or recommendation that wasn't true, and certainly not one for a session. I really like some of these women very much, that's just my style, and I not only support them when I can, but I support UG as well with my posts and monetarily. I can't donate as much as I would like to for personal reasons, but I did donate. I'm still here aren't I? UG (and the providers) should have more users like me. I'm offended that you feel that way about me. I really am.

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
I just went back and re-read a significant amount of this thread.

Could someone point out to me any thread on any publicly accessible board which comes anywhere close to this in terms of quality of having a real discussion about real issues where all sides "let it all out" and have highly charged, emotional issues debated? because if it's out there, I haven't seen it, and would consider the type of suggestions which allow this type of discussion while at the same time make the board "more friendly" to a certain group.

I mean, I look at these boards which are put forth as "better" places than UG, and I see the vast majority of thread have 10 posts or less, I'm hard pressed to find threads with over 50 responses, and threads with over 100 responses are pretty much unheard of. And then I see this thread with almost 700 posts. And this is the place which needs to change?

NB: Please do not take that last statement to mean I don't think we need to change. I've asked for suggestions to change, I've recently implemented a bunch of concrete changes. But I'm just not clear on what it is that some people really want this place to turn into. I guess what I'm saying is that most of the talk is not based on any sort of facts, reality or true direction. Which is typical of backseat drivers. But since I'm the guy behind the wheel, when I ask for directions and get "lets go someplace nice", it isn't as productive as it might be.

In addition, everyone in the world works on feedback. I'll repeat the story which appears in the little pocket book "The Greatest Salesman In The World" by Og Mandino: (I couldn't find the direct quote, but this is basically what OG had to say):
"A man went fishing one day. He looked over the side of his boat and saw a snake with a frog in its mouth. Feeling sorry for the frog, he reached down, gently took the frog from the snake, and set the frog free. But then he felt sorry for the snake. He looked around the boat, but he had no food. All he had was a bottle of bourbon. So he opened the bottle and gave the snake a few shots. The snake went off happy, the frog was happy, and the man was happy to have performed such good deeds. He thought everything was great until about ten minutes passed and he heard something knock against the side of the boat. With stunned disbelief, the fisherman looked down and saw the snake was back with two frogs! "

The moral of the story is that it doesn't matter what behavior you want to occur, wish to occur or pray to occur: the behaviour which gets rewarded is what you get more of.

So, what does this have to do with UG? Well, as I've said so many times that you all must be sick of hearing it: whenever in the past I've made changes which people had requested to make this place "more friendly", the feedback I've gotten has all been negative in one way or another. If what people really want is the type of change which I'm hearing, in my mind I've made some very significant changes this week towards those ends. But how I'm going to react, and the direction of this site moving forward is going to be based on positive, negative or non reinforcement by all of you users out there.

If you really want this place to be more "provider friendly" and thus attract more providers, it's only going to be apparent to me that it's "real" if I actually see this happening. In the General Section I made a challenge to all lurking providers to prove me wrong by posting here. I expand that challenge to all the members here: if you want this place to be more provider friendly, show me that "it's going to work". Encourage the women you know to make their presence known here. If there's no positive reinforcement that I can see from the changes which have been made, it's going to be hard for me to convince myself that:

a) the actual problems are those which were presented, and
b) the solution of making this place "more friendly" is worth the effort/costs.

As said in the other thread: to those who want change, the ball is in your court.
jp1064 said:
What I said some time ago was being a member of UG, being a white knight, and being friendly to the girls is sometimes good for getting perks. That's obvious. Why wouldn't you take advantage of that.
Because you have integrity and pride?
Because you have consideration for the readers of a public forum and so don't use the forum selfishly to further your own ends by posting material that doesn't further discussion and is of no use to anyone but yourself?
You know, it's ironic, but here's one argument for turning on private messaging.

There's another discussion board I'm on -- not a whoreboard -- which is moderated VERY heavily in terms of keeping things on topic. If you have anything private to say to another member -- anything that, even if it's related to the topic of the board, is only of private interest to the two of you, and not of general interest to readers -- you're expected to send it by PM. If you post anything like that, it gets deleted.

It keeps the public board free from the kind of thread-clogging agenda-driven no-general-interest posts jp thinks advance his interests.

Of course, the problem is that here, people would try to selfishly use PM to subvert the public board. On whoreboards, you can't win.
My modest check (money order) is in the mail.
True story: I dated a Czechoslovakian girl and when we had sex I told her "hey the male is in the Czech!" (maybe that's why she dumped me...)
Now that I sent my pledge do I get a UG totebag, mug or umbrella? :)
More seriously, I'm not much of a hobbyist but as far as making UG more "provider friendly", when I see a provider referred to on, or advertise on UG I figure they must be for real otherwise they'd be flamed away. A good provider shouldn't be bothered by some nutcase putting up a negative post, the sensible hobbyists can figure out what's real. I look at the provider's response to a flame to judge whether I can trust them to be customer friendly and discreet.
A technical comment: For me to read the ads I have to disable my firewall/antivirus (Norton). That's not the case for most other sites. Just an FYI.
waynnet said:
A technical comment: For me to read the ads I have to disable my firewall/antivirus (Norton). That's not the case for most other sites. Just an FYI.
I don't usually do tech support on UG but since you contributed to the cause:

Norton Personal Firewall has an "ad blocker". UG uses proper coding for ads and therefore is blocked when this setting is set to on, which is the default for this product.

Navigate in NPF to the secton for pop up and ad blocking and uncheck the box for ad blocking and you will be able to see the ads without turning off your firewall.

NAV and FW are a good combination, but next time you have to re-up your subscription consider Zone Alarm Pro with Norton AV. You will have two best of breeds and slightly better protection on the firewall side than NPF provides.
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