Miki takes on the UG doubters: PAY ME WHAT YOU THINK I AM WORTH!!!!


Known liar, all posts suspect
Miki: Have a good time tomorrow, seems that you have al the young ones contractying with you for UG awareness. Look at the volume of posts of your new clientle, give it to them good honey and they will never leave you. You will have a stable of new boy toys just like Cher. If we can turn back time......
***** me

4skin said:
Wow, I'd really like to get in on a deal like this (I looked over Miki's site and would like to do 2 hours but $7 is just a little out of my reach).

Problem 2 is that it would have to be the last week of April.
\perhaps we can work something out
A Trip to MIki's Coffee Shop...

I was planning to be in neighborhood today, and saw that Miki would be serving coffee at a special rate, so I made my plans and off I went. Upon arrival I found the proprietor to be quite attractive and the surroundings very pleasant. She was definitely ready for business and asked me to make myself comfortable and what I'd like to have today. I am an avid fan of a good french roast so I ordered up a pot. Well guys this was a quality offering to say the least. I've had plenty of French roast coffee over the years from the big chains to the small independent stores, even the ocassional roadside stand, and of course regular home brewed, but let me tell you this cup was outstanding.

I enjoyed it slowly and dragged it out over 30 or so nonstop minutes of sipping. Miki didn't mind at all and in fact made sure I took my time. After my 1st cup was empty we chatted for a while and then she offered a second, but today I just didn't have the time to wait for another pot to finish brewing.

I left my $1.40 at the counter and with a kiss said my goodbyes and headed out into the crappy weather into to the streets of midtown with a smile ear to ear. So if you are in the area, make the time to sample the delights of this little establishment and enjoy the company of its keeper cause its definitely a FULL MAXWELL EXPERIENCE ("good to the last drop").

Thanks Miki, who knows maybe next time I'll try the Greek, if my cup holder is not too big ;)

super genius