Coronavirus: The Sick Elephant In The Room

I have read so much on COVID over the years, have many different theories on it, do we know EXACTLY the origin of it? Its agreed it didn't originate in some market from a Pangolin?

To me the complex nature of the virus seems to be very synthetic in form, ie; manmade.
Has this been proven or linked to Wuhan?
if so, was it purely an accident that the virus got out? Was it on purpose by a deranged scientist? Was it a test run by the CCP to exert world control? Was this a sampling of things to come from other global enemies? Not destroy a civilization but bring them to their knees economically?

I feel like the media has avoided these types of questions and only focuses on the effects, not the where/why the virus began.

Lets try to keep this as balanced as possible. My questions were not meant to start a political or conspiracy debate, I legit was curious if anyone read any legit facts or what their opinions are of all these hypothesis. Maybe MODS can start another thread to keep this one clean and open??
The basic answer to your questions is that there is no valid answers. The Chinese government has been uncooperative with the international community. I believe there was a segment on 60 Minutes addressing this issue. Any other theories are pure conjecture or, once again, pure bull shit. Some people love conspiracy theories or need a scapegoat because they cannot accept reality and need to blame someone or something to justify a hardship.

I also believe that if a thread is opened as you suggest, it will immediately become political. How can it not?


Reign of Terror
I have read so much on COVID over the years, have many different theories on it, do we know EXACTLY the origin of it? Its agreed it didn't originate in some market from a Pangolin?

To me the complex nature of the virus seems to be very synthetic in form, ie; manmade.
Has this been proven or linked to Wuhan?
if so, was it purely an accident that the virus got out? Was it on purpose by a deranged scientist? Was it a test run by the CCP to exert world control? Was this a sampling of things to come from other global enemies? Not destroy a civilization but bring them to their knees economically?

I feel like the media has avoided these types of questions and only focuses on the effects, not the where/why the virus began.

Lets try to keep this as balanced as possible. My questions were not meant to start a political or conspiracy debate, I legit was curious if anyone read any legit facts or what their opinions are of all these hypothesis. Maybe MODS can start another thread to keep this one clean and open??
We tried that last year.

I made a thread for all the dumbass conspiracy theories going on at the time like the National guard was getting in place to enforce Martial Law, members claiming there was a run on the banks.
The shit about China and bats.

No, we don't need a separate thread with people's opinions and hypothesis.

People are allowed to quote "facts" here.
But like most news today, the facts are often what you want them to be, which reports you choose to believe.

Now back to our regular schedule programming.
Some things to consider:

IMHO, trying to convince anyone the benefit about vaccines if futile; it's like trying to convince a religious person that there is no supernatural entity or a Creationist that the universe is more than 4000 years old. I do not attempt such as I've always been a quick learner and I learned the consequences of doing so after getting justifiably reamed by a certain respected advertiser:) on UG. As Joe Friday used to say (for those of a certain age who even know who he was) "All we want are the facts, ma'am ." I try and list what is known at the moment the best I can.

The Delta variant is still out there, albeit at a decreasing % of the total infection rate but still significant. From what I understand, effects for unVaxed of Delta can be severe and Vaxed are highly protected and if break through symptoms are milder.

My personal philosophy: I will still go to my gym, as I usually did, at hours when it is least crowded (the original benefit was I liked not having to wait for someone to finish their use of a piece of equipment) and when I can get a locker up front of the locker room and when there is no one in the shower area. I do not wear a mask while exercising but I now save my aerobic stuff for at home instead of at the gym (either my treadmill or rower or if good weather outside run). I think wiping down the gym equipment isn't justified (for Covid prevention anyway, although, other that some of the young ladies I see, I don't appreciate someone's else sweat. I do wipe if there is sweat on it or if I leave my own sweat.)

I time my shopping for when a place just opens for the day and I wear a KN95 mask while getting the stuff I need (written on a list — I don't browse.) I don't wear a mask for any activity outdoors.

The major change I started, at least until the numbers come down, is I just paused mongering and legit massages. I only resumed mongering and legit massages when I got my 2nd dose of Moderna back in March (my age puts me at risk) and from then on until now I mongered several times a week and did legit massages after every weight workout (every 3rd day). I got my flu shot in Sept and my Covid booster in Oct. BTW, flu was almost non-existent during Covid, I suspect because of masks and people didn't go anywhere. Predictions are that because of lack of flu infections, few have antibodies for it and this winter can be a banner year for flu.

You can have the perfect storm of getting flu and Covid concurrently.

Stay well all.

The only time I got a test (PCR) when I was feeling sick for a week in August ( no fever, no cough, run down, brain fog — so bad I didn't even want to monger:eek:). Test came out neg and I also went to MD, panel of blood tests, which turned out to be normal.) Problems mostly resolved in couple of weeks. For all I know I had a very mild case where it resolved sufficiently so by the time I got the PCR it didn't detect anything in my nose.
To be honest, I've not been following this thread the past several months. But, I was wondering, how many of you once again have second thoughts about mongering during this virus uptick? Are you wearing masks when you see a provider or go into an AMP? Are providers (again) wearing masks at AMP's or hotels?

Me? I'm getting a little leery about being adventurous these days.
It is probably stupid to go, but I am stupid.

It would be imprudent to not wear a mask during the encounter. Difficult, but can be done.

This is a permanent presence, this virus is. So, personally, I must enforce new mandates upon myself, at least until there is far less cases.

Asian girls are predominantly committed to
the mask. I would never ask her to remove it. I will wear a mask. I will not indulge in DATY, no matter how tempting.

(I usually only DATY-indulge if she is a very young, rare beautiful bird, with extremely low miles, anyway. I don’t pay big money, so I seldom meet up with that rare bird)

Well, a mask donned by each of the two participants, no DATY, no kissing, but two bodies united with a raincoat on Junior, enjoying a variety of postures; not exactly full-expression, but by far is it in any way total deprivation.

Seems as safe as I can make it if I can’t hold out for the rest of my life.

Any thoughts?

Sophia Belle

Trickle Down Economist
To be honest, I've not been following this thread the past several months. But, I was wondering, how many of you once again have second thoughts about mongering during this virus uptick? Are you wearing masks when you see a provider or go into an AMP? Are providers (again) wearing masks at AMP's or hotels?

Me? I'm getting a little leery about being adventurous these days.
I can promise you this… whether you wear a mask or not… whether you get the vaccine or not… whether you think the earth is round or flat… whether you believe in evolution or god or Mother Nature…you’re not getting off this damn planet alive… so my advice is to just say fuck it and have some fun while you can. Don’t spend your time stressing about shit that the little black box on your mantle tells you to worry about. Have fun, get laid, and do it with a smile :)
I have read so much on COVID over the years, have many different theories on it, do we know EXACTLY the origin of it? Its agreed it didn't originate in some market from a Pangolin?

To me the complex nature of the virus seems to be very synthetic in form, ie; manmade.
Has this been proven or linked to Wuhan?
if so, was it purely an accident that the virus got out? Was it on purpose by a deranged scientist? Was it a test run by the CCP to exert world control? Was this a sampling of things to come from other global enemies? Not destroy a civilization but bring them to their knees economically?

I feel like the media has avoided these types of questions and only focuses on the effects, not the where/why the virus began.

Lets try to keep this as balanced as possible. My questions were not meant to start a political or conspiracy debate, I legit was curious if anyone read any legit facts or what their opinions are of all these hypothesis. Maybe MODS can start another thread to keep this one clean and open??
We probably will never know but mRNA was designed 20 years ago for just such a viral attack on our military.
I can promise you this… whether you wear a mask or not… whether you get the vaccine or not… whether you think the earth is round or flat… whether you believe in evolution or god or Mother Nature…you’re not getting off this damn planet alive… so my advice is to just say fuck it and have some fun while you can. Don’t spend your time stressing about shit that the little black box on your mantle tells you to worry about. Have fun, get laid, and do it with a smile :)
Of course, we are all going to die, and to some degree, suffering must be a part of our lives.

But, being cautious and prudent, while at the same time, enjoying with possibly some reservations, might be a better recipe for less suffering and greater longevity.

Many people hold in the back of their minds, their own reason, purpose, and/or goals for continuing life on this planet. And, a sudden abrupt ending to life and not fulfilling one’s goals, mission, duties, purpose, could cause a great deal of dismay, not only for that individual, but for those depending on that individual.

For some, seeking pleasure, accumulating wealth, sensory enjoyment, is not the main purpose of life. It is more or less an added perk or side show, a hobby, and not the main event.

For such of that ilk, it would be a shame to be a casualty of anything less than their main purpose for being here.


Reign of Terror
I have to agree with Sophia on this-

Life is to short- One never knows what hand you will be dealt , despite your proficiency for playing the game and knowing what you think are the odds stacked in your favor- They may be not

There are many things I regret not doing in life. I’m going to do what makes me happy —
Okay, but within reason.

And since this thread is about Covid, I'm taking SB's comment and your response to mean both of you are talking about just living life in spite of Covid.

If you're a person with a compromised immune system and underlying conditions it would be foolish to throw caution to the wind.
Yeah we are all going to die but do you want to hasten it and spend your last few days in the hospital?

Going to see a provider who is seeing four to ten different guys a day is increasing your chances of getting sick and possibly dying.

And dying isn't the only possible consequence.
A bad case a Covid pneumonia will linger for months before your lungs clear out. If you're normally an active person this ruins your lifestyle.

Then there is possible neurological damage.

Don't assume everyone just gets flu like symptoms for a few days then everything goes back to normal.

There are a lot of possible outcomes in between a mild case and death.
I can promise you this… whether you wear a mask or not… whether you get the vaccine or not… whether you think the earth is round or flat… whether you believe in evolution or god or Mother Nature…you’re not getting off this damn planet alive… so my advice is to just say fuck it and have some fun while you can. Don’t spend your time stressing about shit that the little black box on your mantle tells you to worry about. Have fun, get laid, and do it with a smile :)
No comment...Not worth my time....
Okay, but within reason.

And since this thread is about Covid, I'm taking SB's comment and your response to mean both of you are talking about just living life in spite of Covid.

If you're a person with a compromised immune system and underlying conditions it would be foolish to throw caution to the wind.
Yeah we are all going to die but do you want to hasten it and spend your last few days in the hospital?

Going to see a provider who is seeing four to ten different guys a day is increasing your chances of getting sick and possibly dying.

And dying isn't the only possible consequence.
A bad case a Covid pneumonia will linger for months before your lungs clear out. If you're normally an active person this ruins your lifestyle.

Then there is possible neurological damage.

Don't assume everyone just gets flu like symptoms for a few days then everything goes back to normal.

There are a lot of possible outcomes in between a mild case and death.
Okay, but within reason.

And since this thread is about Covid, I'm taking SB's comment and your response to mean both of you are talking about just living life in spite of Covid.

If you're a person with a compromised immune system and underlying conditions it would be foolish to throw caution to the wind.
Yeah we are all going to die but do you want to hasten it and spend your last few days in the hospital?

Going to see a provider who is seeing four to ten different guys a day is increasing your chances of getting sick and possibly dying.

And dying isn't the only possible consequence.
A bad case a Covid pneumonia will linger for months before your lungs clear out. If you're normally an active person this ruins your lifestyle.

Then there is possible neurological damage.

Don't assume everyone just gets flu like symptoms for a few days then everything goes back to normal.

There are a lot of possible outcomes in between a mild case and death.
Or you get it and infect others
……mRNA was designed 20 years ago for just such a viral attack on our military.
So some scientists created mRNA according to your conspiracy theory. I thought this thread is supposed to be based on factual information not this kind of nonsense. And the fact that it’s part of our genetic makeup happens to escape a reality check. Please!
The process of making modern vaccine has changed with mRNA from the older method. No conspiracy here friend. Maybe you misunderstood something

So some scientists created mRNA according to your conspiracy theory. I thought this thread is supposed to be based on factual information not this kind of nonsense. And the fact that it’s part of our genetic makeup happens to escape a reality check. Please!
Walter reed has sequence a new vaccine for all variants of covid as well as Sars virus

What is mRNA?
DARPA. P3 program
Good morning all

just rapid tested positive- A few sniffles which I attributed to allergies, led me to take test ( at request of SO) - Triple vaxed

Mild cold like symptoms, with no fever and occasional cough from what feels is nasal drip. I have been banished to bedroom - It’s going to be a long week

Keep up the entertainment fellas. I’m going to be mad bored