

One out of three

Originally posted by justme

I'm just going to shut up now.

(NAD L40 & Triangle Comete bookshelves will trounce most things this side of $1000)
Bought the referenced system(w/ Klipsch speakers) at jm's suggestion and at about $700,I am very very pleased. The radio component really pulls in hard to reach stations w/ greater clarity than I have experienced.

Don't shut up jm, you know your shit about too much stuff.
Thanks again.


homo economicus
PSwope - I didn't know you bought the L40. It's a great piece to use with efficient speakers (like the Triangles, and I think most Klipsches). I also like that it's a one box solution (elegant and anassuming).

Jesus, I think I'm convincing myself to replace that Sony in the bedroom.

If you ever want to upgrade, the Linn Classic would be an excellent replacement (although at about 4x the price). Although, I'd probably upgrade the speakers first.

BTW, the NAD can be had mail order for ~$430 + shipping (and no sales tax).

HvB & SB - I agree that subwoofers in the bedroom are a bad idea. I think the room is too small and it's too hard to control standing wave issues. My neighbors, however, aren't bothered by the one I have in my livingroom HT setup, though, so I suppose it is possible to have one in an apartment complex.

(I think a lot of people go apeshit with subwoofers and dial in these really extreme settings which screws up the balance of the sound and creates ridiculously high SPL's)