Two severed thumbs up!


homo economicus
Originally posted by h. von bingen
did you see 2? 2 is much less anime much more sergio leone. 1 is asian 2 is not really.
All that mommy stuff at the end was pretty anime. As was the scene with dad and kid shooting mom when she came in the door. The desert mobile home scenes played to the western fetish that is present in a lot of Japanese media*.

Not all anime is over the top violence. It's just always over the top (ott sex, ott romance, ott moodiness)

Still, as I alluded before it could just be that anime and KB 1 & 2 have sufficiently common ancestry but are in fact of the same 'generation'.

* - At times Japanese media, like QT, can obsess about some really small aspect of Americana. Witness the scarcity of vintage American electric guitrars, etc.


homo economicus
Originally posted by Wwanderer
I know that it is conventional wisdom among MDs that other doctors make the worst patients and among teachers that other teachers are the worst students (and parents of students). Do attorneys think that other lawyers make the worst clients? I dunno, but it does seem plausible to me that other musicians might make the worst (most critical) audience for a musical enterteainer.
'Musican's bands' aren't always popular favorites. But I generally learn more about music by listening to them then I do to listening to the picks of musos (of which I'd count myself a member).


homo economicus
Re: Speaking of the Coen brothers

Originally posted by Wwanderer
I thought The Ladykillers was pretty tame and luke warm; even a typically effortless looking performance from Tom Hanks did little to spice it up.
Lame script. But I hate Tom Hanks (after Big or so).

I think the Coens make hilarious movies, but hardly great film. TBL is one of the few movies that I never get tired of watching.

(But I liked Mars Attacks, so who knows)
Originally posted by h. von bingen
whitesnake covers.
Anyone who is a drummer in a Whitesnake tribute band is cool as hell in my book.

I went out to see a Motley Crue cover band a few weeks ago, and I thought they were great. Pure unadulterated shlock rock. Absolutely no pretense to be making 'art'. Also why I like karaoke nights in dive bars.
