this is why I hate the GOP

Fuck you... Having a uterus has nothing to do with fucking knowledge of the facts. You think you know more about the law than the experts and what I've read and posted because you have a pussy? That's fucking insane. If you don't like the laws march up the steps of the Capital or the Supreme Court and take it up with them. They make the laws, not you and a bunch of your fucking yenta friends, fucknut groups, blogs etc.... I posted the laws and a Supreme Court case you think they are bullshit. Fine.. do what you always do and ignore the facts, the laws, the experts. You know better than all of them because you have a pussy. You're no better than the retards trying to over turn those same laws because they don't like or respect them either.

And my point is that both sides voted for those laws so it's not strictly a republican thing as you keep stating even though the majority were pubs. It wasn't a few fringe dems... it was almost 100 of them (about a third of the dems on the hill).
So now being a woman doesn't give me more insight on what are the laws and guidelines regarding procedures that only affect me. Yes, Ozzy my reproductive system does give me a clearer perspective, deal with it. That comment has crossed you over into Akin territory. If this law were proposed now it would be vetoed just like Clinton did. The law is unconstitutional and is being disputed by the medical community. I'm really shocked about your yenta comment, are the one who is always harping about Jewish rights and Isreal yet you used an anti-semetic slur against me. You are completely wrong and contradicting yourself calling yourself pro-choice because from what I'm reading you are far from it. Being pro-choice means you believe a woman should be allowed the choice to terminate a defective or dangerous pregnancy at any time, you seem disagree because it's an unpleasant procedure and don't seem to care about the woman's life at all, the dead or soon to be dead fetus is more important. You like Steve don't like that the deceased fetus comes out in pieces to preserve the cervix, guess what, nobody fucking likes it but it's what medically needs to be done. Conservative men in general have an extremely immature view on women's medical issues, it's a good thing you guys can't get pregnant because I doubt any of you could emotionally handle it from what I'm reading. I feel like I'm discussing adult matters with children.
Yenta is not an antisemitic term. It's Yiddish and refers to a woman who is a gossip monger.

I don't go around defending Jewish rights, just Israel's right to be treated like every single other country in the world (including this one) that is squatting on what was once someone else's land.

I am pro choice. Just because I read the law and understand it regardless of whether I agree with it or not, doesn't make me any less pro choice than you are. The law is called the "PBA Act" (partial birth act), whether the medical community regards it as a medical term is irreverent... that's the name of the law. Just because I acknowledge that fact doesn't change my views. Maybe heart attack was a bad analogy... how about the term "hard-on" or "stiffy"? It's still an erection no matter how unprofessional or non medical the terms may be. And since you don't have a dick, you're not entitled to challenge that.

Your being a female DOES NOT give you more insight into what the laws are because you apparently don't even know them and you're the one with a pussy here. I posted the laws as well as the Supreme Courts decision and you called them bullshit. What can I or anyone reply to that rational other than the law is the law and if you don't like it.... go to Washington and change it. Simply having a pussy doesn't give you the right to change or misinterpret the law or it's name or give one a better understanding of it.

The law is not unconstitutional simply because the Supreme Court said so... and like it or not, the US Constitution says that THEY are the authority on what is Constitutional... not me, you, your yenta friends or the medical community.

You're not discussing adult matters with children... you're discussing these matters with people who know their facts or check them way more than you and you're upset that you can't feed us your typical brand of bullshit and that we'll eat it. Quite frankly, you're the one acting like a child here. Rather than go and research the laws and school us with some facts... you sit here and resort to calling the facts and laws... "bullshit" and then claim you know better than congress and the supreme court because you have a pussy and that somehow entitles you to knowledge of the laws the rest of us don't. Now if you had said the medical experts should have more influence than congress or the court I would agree with you.
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One last thing then I'm really done.

Aside from what the laws say.... the logical reason why there isn't a 12 week limit on elective abortion is because it's unenforceable. So long as rape and incest are allowed as reasons, a woman can use that as a way around the 12 week limit. It's not like they need to bring a police report with them and then there's doc/patient confidentiality. According to my friend there's also mental health as a valid reason to exceed the limit, thus rendering the "12 wk" limit completely unenforceable. He likes to humor me so he texts me updates. He keeps calling me Sisyphus.
Ozzy, you know very well you used "yenta" in a derogatory manner, it was unnecessary. You also keep writing "pussy", a post-op transsexual can get one of those, heck, with the time and money you can get one yourself if you like. I have a female reproductive system and all the responsibly and experience that goes along with it. I'm amazes how many of you really don't have a clue what's goes on behind the curtains. There is no way you are pro-choice if you support any restrictive law regarding female reproductive health and safety constructed by a religious ideological driven elected leader or their rich zealot donors over the wisdom of The American Medical Association. Republicans need to completely get out of the business between women, their partners and their doctors. These elected officials aren't remotely qualified to design these laws, they ignore the AMA and other reputable medical associations and to make matters worse they believe in such ridiculous medical inaccuracies. We are not a theologically ruled nation and religious ideology of any kind has no place in our laws. You keep saying it's acceptable because it's the law passed by W. Bush but it doesn't make it right and as soon as the Supreme Court changes to be more rational and medically literate it will be overturned. Doctor's have already filed disputes and there will be more. It's foolish and dangerous to trust congress over surgeons, I know which one I trust with my health and life if need be. Do you want Trent Franks making your healthcare decisions? I sure as hell do not.*

The phrase "partial-birth abortion" was first coined by Douglas Johnson of the*National Right to Life Committee. The AMA doesn't recognize it as a legitimate medical term so as far as I'm concerned it's just more zealot infused nonsense like fetuses that jerk off and shutting down our systems to stop rape sperm.*

I don't like using Wikipedia but it's the easiest in this case.*

I knew there some stupid law regarding a problem that didn't exist, isn't that the Republican speciality, creating scandals and laws to problems they made up. They tried to push it on Clinton which he vetoed but W. being *the useless puppet he was signed it while he was sending young people off to die in his fabricated war.*
One last thing then I'm really done.

Aside from what the laws say.... the logical reason why there isn't a 12 week limit on elective abortion is because it's unenforceable. So long as rape and incest are allowed as reasons, a woman can use that as a way around the 12 week limit. It's not like they need to bring a police report with them and then there's doc/patient confidentiality. According to my friend there's also mental health as a valid reason to exceed the limit, thus rendering the "12 wk" limit completely unenforceable. He likes to humor me so he texts me updates. He keeps calling me Sisyphus.
You obviously don't know anything regarding the trauma and shame of being raped or fucked by a relative. They are allowed a little more time because the women/girls are in shock and denial. I can't believe you are now bringing up the Repulican legitimate rape talking points. If a woman has to stop necessary medication for a mental illness for pregancy and is a danger to herself or others due to this then that also falls info the category or necessary termination, ever hear of Andrea Yates, perfect example of what could happen when a mentally disturbed person stops taking her meds. There are other problems where stopping meds can cause serious injury or death but if taken will cause fetal abnormalities. These are tough decisions women have to make in wanted pregnancies, possible death or stay pregnant. Once again all terminations at any stage are elective, wanted or advised its still a women's choice.
Ozzy, in cases of sexual assualt you can't just say "Oh, I was sexually assualted I need an abortion" after 12 weeks. Just like fetal abnormaties they must go through a evaluation but by a mental health specialist. There must show signs of trauma, it's not as easy as you guys think. This is why 88% of all terminations happen in the first trimester, it is an much more of an emotional ordeal to obtain one in the second trimester plus there is a risk of being turned away if they believe there is not substantial reason. Okay, I'm done, of you conservatives still think you can waltz in second trimester and get a termination no questioned asked then you want to believe it in order to continue justifying your anti-choice beliefs.
Ozzy, last thing. If a woman has to lie about sexual assualt in order to get a second term termination she has bigger problems then pregnancy and not remotely ready for motherhood. She could be in a abusive relationship, on drugs, mentally ill, it's just not something people lie about unless they are in a desperate situation. Pregnancy is often used by abusive men to keep woman in servatitude. There are also unstable woman who use it as a trap. In any of these cases it's an unfit environment for a child.
Sisyphus' boulder has nothing on you.

You're such a fucking maniac that even a moderate like me looks like a conservative to you.
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Sisyphus' boulder has nothing on you.

You're such a fucking maniac that even a moderate like me looks like a conservative to you.
You are a moderate like I'm a conservative. You can't seem to understand the way things really are, you keep stating the law without understanding it's not the only aspect of the process when it comes to anything medical. The law also states opiates are legal to everyone but it's still given out at the doctor's discretion and they have strict guidelines, the law is only one step, you need serious reason and cause for medical procedures and medication. The only one they show leniency is first trimester terminations, to terminate in the second trimester there has strict medical guidelines, always has, always will. You have an immature concept that just because the law states it is allowed up to a certain point it's open to everyone woman for any reason, it not the case. I feel like I'm explaining this simple concept of law and medicine to a name calling emotionally stunted person. You call me a maniac because I know the law is only one aspect of medicine and they have their own set of guidelines as well. Do a little experiment, go to any MD and ask for 60 xanex's, no reason except only because you want them and see what happens, xanex is legal like second trimester terminations by federal law so you should have no problem right?
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I'm sure this is the outcome you expected.
She's fucking retarded. She's everything that's wrong with this country. She's a fanatic from one side that thinks she knows everything, wants to impose her views on the rest of us and is not open to reason or compromise. Her kind are the loons who go out and elect the Sarah Palins, Pelosi's and every other dumb shit who puts their agenda over what's best for the country. And the fucking nerve not to mention stupidity to tell me, congress, the supreme court and my expert friend with doctorates from Johns Hopkins and Columbia with 30 years practice in the medical/legal field that she knows the laws better simply because she talks to other women and has a fucking uterus. Reminds me of Sarah Palin claiming foreign policy experience because she could see Russia.
Ozzy, I'm retarded ??? you are agreeing with a guy who believes there is a special medical device that can detect which women need birth control for reproductive disease from those who just do not want to get pregnant that has eluded the whole medical community. You have a doctor friend, big freaking deal, I actually have been going to and have had dozens of face to face candid conversations and physical examinations with female reproductive heath specialists since I have had my period and yes that overrides your second hand poker buddy hearsay. Your disregard of my knowledge based on extremely intimate experiences in these matters sums up why women accross this country are disgusted with Republican men. You think because you have a doctor friend you know more then a the owner of a uterus, your thinking is backwards and shameful. You can write all the hearsay and laws and you will not even scratch the surface to my knowledge of how it really is dealing with the medical side of the situation.

What you think I'm doinf is not remotely close to Palin's idiotic remakes. However what you are doing is exactly like a Caucasian person telling a African American person they know more about what it is like to live life as an African American because they saw Roots, that's how offensive and clueless your remarks are to me.
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You fucking idiot... First.. I never agreed with anything exiled said. I only pointed out what a retard you are. I also never said nor implied that I or my friend know anything about woman's reproductive system. I was very very fucking clear in what I said. That my friend (who is not only an expert in the medical regulatory field and the constitution, but he consults hospital administrators, state senators and US congressmen on medical laws and regulations as well as doctors and patients rights), knows more ABOUT THE LAW than you do. He has PHD's from the cream of American education in medicine and law... do you have one? And to show how incredibly stupid you are... you said "bullshit" and implied that you know better than the people who wrote, voted and approved the constitutionality of the law. So they're all wrong but you and your uterus are right. And to top it all off on the massive list of stupid things you have said.... you now think I'm a conservative pro-lifer all because I posted a list of laws that contained one in particular of which I did not mention, I did not write, I did not name and I did not say I support. But because you have an issue with the fucking terminology of that one law (using the term partial birth as apposed to a medical term no layman would understand), I am a conservative pro-life asshole out to suppress all woman's rights on the level of the Taliban. My remarks come across that way to you (and to you only) because you're so fucking warped that you read into shit that just isn't there. It's the same as when you accused someone of stalking you... it didn't fucking happen. You are delusional!

PS... Just about anyone with or without a psychology degree can tell that you have severe issues with men in general. Your rants are so fucking out there and full of venom and conspiracies and you jump to such conclusions that it sounds like a script from any of a dozen over the top theatrical scenes depicting damaged woman ranting at man hating groups on tv sitcoms and movies... cept you ain't no fucking movie.
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Ozzy, keep convincing yourself it's me even though you are the one being completely unreasonable and irrational, it's absurd to think you know more then me regarding my own medical and social concerns but you always have to be right all the time whether I disagher or even agree you will find a way to bestow the most degrading words I ever read and I'm from Queens so it's bad. You are the one displaying very serious anger, anti-social behavior and impulse control issues, not me. No matter which angle I try to explain my view, no matter how much care and consideration with the words I choose, no matter how I try to find a middle ground I'm attacked by you with disgusting accusations and names, you are an extremely childish man. I usually excuse your manner as just being an outer borough guy, I'm used to my childhood guy friends all call each other politically incorrect names like "retarded" but meant as endearment but after your last post I realize you are just a straight up jerk who relishes in confrontation even when it's completely unnecessary, all of your nastiness is unnessary. I don't know what personal problems you are going through to be so unpleasant and aggressive towards me but I hope you work it out.
Ozzy, I am the opposite of what you call a "man hater". I have a great respect and admiration for men so much so I don't feel I have any right nor would I ever support any federal bans proposed to control their personal health care decisions especially if it could ease their suffering, prevent damage to their body or prevent possible death. I would never meddle or make assumptions on issues that should only be between men and their doctors. That's the difference between me and you. I know what is and is not my business. I could never be so arrogant to assume I know more then them regarding things I could never experience and would fully trust what was told to me from their person perspective regardless of what the law dictates, I have too much respect for men as fellow human beings. Your accusation is baseless and absurd. All I have ever wanted is the same status, civil rights and respect I would give them without question.
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You are a moderate like I'm a conservative. You can't seem to understand the way things really are, you keep stating the law without understanding it's not the only aspect of the process when it comes to anything medical. The law also states opiates are legal to everyone but it's still given out at the doctor's discretion and they have strict guidelines, the law is only one step, you need serious reason and cause for medical procedures and medication. The only one they show leniency is first trimester terminations, to terminate in the second trimester there has strict medical guidelines, always has, always will. You have an immature concept that just because the law states it is allowed up to a certain point it's open to everyone woman for any reason, it not the case. I feel like I'm explaining this simple concept of law and medicine to a name calling emotionally stunted person. You call me a maniac because I know the law is only one aspect of medicine and they have their own set of guidelines as well. Do a little experiment, go to any MD and ask for 60 xanex's, no reason except only because you want them and see what happens, xanex is legal like second trimester terminations by federal law so you should have no problem right?
Now it seems that you're saying the law is one thing but the medical profession uses their own guidelines. So lets say the state law is 24 weeks as in the Guttmacher pdf, doctors, using what I would guess are AMA guidelines, after 12 weeks require a strong medical reason in order to perform the abortion regardless of the fact that the law says it's legal up to 24 weeks. Is this what you're trying to say???
Now it seems that you're saying the law is one thing but the medical profession uses their own guidelines. So lets say the state law is 24 weeks as in the Guttmacher pdf, doctors, using what I would guess are AMA guidelines, after 12 weeks require a strong medical reason in order to perform the abortion regardless of the fact that the law says it's legal up to 24 weeks. Is this what you're trying to say???
This is what I have been trying to state for many posts now. With any law we are all allowed certain procedures or drugs but it still must pass the medical guidelines. I know what I have read about second trimester abortions might be permitable by law but there are still stict medical guidelines with reason why and it can't just be "oh, I want one". I used the example with narcotics, yes they are legal to all but you still can't just walk into any doctor's office and say "give me some narcotics", you have to prove cause in most cases through tests and it's still at the doctor's discretion. There are things called diagnostic number codes and they must fit the cause of the procedure and medical prescribed otherwise the doctor will be investigsted. Unlike the first trimester which you can obtain with no reason after 12 weeks there is a list of reasons for needing it and they are all directly affecting the life of the woman whether it's her health or the fetus health, something has to be wrong. Steve and the rest of you think its about personal decision of whether you want to have a child past 12 weeks but thats not true, it's deciding whether she wants to stay in a pregnancy that is very risky to her health or have a child that will be seriously developmentally disabled or not live long outside the womb for very long. The law is only one aspect of anything medical, you still have to qualify for treatment within their guidelines. Any woman past 12 weeks need reason and it never as frivolous as you and Steve assume. There are only two surgeries I can think of that you don't need to explain why you want them, one is first trimester termination and the other cosmetic, everything else has to have strict justifiable cause even though they are all legal to obtain even getting a deviated septum fixed, there must be a problem proving need. Past the moral issue doctor's do not want DEA problems, lawsuits or to lose their license or worse go to prison, they are very touchy about those things and have follow strict rules. There are reckless examples like that guy who illegally did late term but it's very rare that they would take the risk. MJ's private doctor is another example, Profol is completely legal but not for reasons he adminstered it and he's also in prison. Being legal is only one step to almost all things medical that's why I'm against any ban that would override a doctor's discretion because I overall trust their code of conduct despite a very few that don't follow the rules.
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Ozzy, keep convincing yourself it's me even though you are the one being completely unreasonable and irrational,
I never said I was right, I never even stated an opinion, I only asked a question. All I've done is post the laws and let them do the talking, while you've run amok telling us all that you and your uterus know better. Who's the unreasonable and irrational one here claiming they are right and the laws, congress, the experts and the supreme court are all wrong.....

Now it seems that you're saying the law is one thing but the medical profession uses their own guidelines. So lets say the state law is 24 weeks as in the Guttmacher pdf, doctors, using what I would guess are AMA guidelines, after 12 weeks require a strong medical reason in order to perform the abortion regardless of the fact that the law says it's legal up to 24 weeks. Is this what you're trying to say???
btw... The Guttmacher pdf didn't just state the legal time frames. It broke down on a state by state basis EVERYTHING regarding abortions. Time frames, procedures, whether insurance would cover the costs, if it required one doctor, two doctors, a hospital stay, a waiting period, 1st trimester, 2nd trimester... Everything except any mention mention of a 12 week legal period for elective abortions. Seems like a pretty fucking important thing to not mention on such a comprehensive list of topics and legal rights.

Her entire argument here of which she can't provide a single shred of proof, not a single link to an abortion clinic stating terms or conditions, not a law, not an article.... nothing. Only that because we have a dick swinging between our legs we're not entitled to point out the laws to her and inform her that she's wrong as unusual.
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And btw... prescription drugs is a piss poor analogy. They are not legal... narcotics are a controlled substance and have crystal clear requirements for obtaining them of which I could supply countless links to. But to amuse... you can in about 20 states walk into a doctors office, say you have migraines, social anxiety, can't sleep etc... and get a prescription for marijuana.

It's time to start adhering to the rules of this forum... POST A FUCKING LINK TO THE 12 WEEK RULE OR SHUT THE FUCK UP! And that goes for you and your uterus.
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