Things I hate waiting for

When you gotta go, you gotta go!

This may seem gross,
but when I get that painful rumble in my stomach, and I need to go to the bathroom;
I hate waiting if there's someone in there.

Especially if we're in a restaurant and they don't have multiple stall accommodations.

You know that person in there is most likely taking their time, acting like they're at home, and making me suffer pain and embarrassment as I stink up the hallways
Hate to go in after you!
Hits a very raw nerve

Waiting on line for something caused by inefficiency, incompetence or selfishness

- Recent trip to airport. The queue at TSA way backed up because of the morons who cannot follow instructions and empty their pockets/bags of water bottles and other objects which sets off alarms.
- The selfish bastard who jams up the aisle of the plane while boarding to reach/unreach/reach etc her overhead bag before everyone can board. I opened my mouth and almost got into a altercation

- Any type of checkout line at a box store where there are only a couple registers open and lines ten deep, while store employees gather down the aisles to chitchat about nonsense

- The driver who clogs up the express lane or left lane on 495, obeying the speed limit to a ..t..

- Having a meal at a restaurant and needing to ask for the server repeatedly because he/she is overwhelmed ( falls under inefficiency)

-ANY type of phone call to customer service, asking to hit #1,#4,#7 only to be asked by the same non English speaking first language representative, the same questions all over again.

- Hypocrisy in any form!!

Ty @billyS for getting me worked up thinking about these issues.. looks like I’ll be headed for some extracurricular stimulation now before I head to work
Air travel is something I cut back on a lot due to all the hassles you described. I had it down to a system = I always booked way in advance and got the very first seat or as close as possible to it. Always the first person on the plane after the special onboarding for handicapped and elderly. I NEVER NEVER checked a bag - carry on only. I was always the first person OFF the plane. NOW .... I just drive unless it's more than a 15 hour trip. I have to go to Orlando in September - taking the car! I will load up some podcasts and I will be ready to go!
Air travel is something I cut back on a lot due to all the hassles you described. I had it down to a system = I always booked way in advance and got the very first seat or as close as possible to it. Always the first person on the plane after the special onboarding for handicapped and elderly. I NEVER NEVER checked a bag - carry on only. I was always the first person OFF the plane. NOW .... I just drive unless it's more than a 15 hour trip. I have to go to Orlando in September - taking the car! I will load up some podcasts and I will be ready to go!
Traveling hits a raw nerve…
May I ask- Being the first person on the plane for handicapped/elderly- Gray area for you, or do you fall into that category? My last trip, I had the opportunity to board quickly, only to see a young couple board first ( taking advantage of “handicapped “ only to find them taking selfies on the jetway laughing and giggling like babies… Savage, dirtbag skells..I wanted to slap them both.
When you gotta go, you gotta go!

This may seem gross,
but when I get that painful rumble in my stomach, and I need to go to the bathroom;
I hate waiting if there's someone in there.

Especially if we're in a restaurant and they don't have multiple stall accommodations.

You know that person in there is most likely taking their time, acting like they're at home, and making me suffer pain and embarrassment as I stink up the hallways
Don’t know about you but if the ladies room in unoccupied I’m going in for # 1.
#1 - Agreed
#2 - I don't know. it seems all the pleading in the world could not save me from the
onslaught I would catch for polluting their sanctuary. You know one of them would say:
"Ever hear of holding it in?" Like Elaine on Seinfeld.
#1 - Agreed
#2 - I don't know. it seems all the pleading in the world could not save me from the
onslaught I would catch for polluting their sanctuary. You know one of them would say:
"Ever hear of holding it in?" Like Elaine on Seinfeld.
Lmaoo!!!!! Ohhh you tickled my tummy something good with this one dear…

But in reality the ladies restroom is probably dirtier and smellier than the mens room…pllleeaassee don’t ask me why as I do not know why chicks can be so messy and gross….but I have many a time dipped into the mens room to go after catching a whiff of the ladies room (or obviously too packed)…a few courtesy flushes later and you’ll be just fine in the ladies room…just make sure there’s TP in there or you’ll definitely be in a pickle…lol
I do have patience for the elderly. However arguing for literally change and holding up the line isnt an elderly thing it's a cheap af thing. Especially with that expired coupon.
Ditto!!! I try to be patient with the elderly as well but when they pull out their checkbooks to pay…like really??? All those grandkids they have and not ONE can teach grannie how to swipe and go…wtf!! Or when Johnny the 16 year old cashier won’t help them bag their groceries to speed up the process…Super annoying
I do have patience for the elderly. However arguing for literally change and holding up the line isnt an elderly thing it's a cheap af thing. Especially with that expired coupon.
Hope that you never have to live on a fixed income and have need to watch your pennies. Splurging on a one hour session that costs more than some spend on food in a month might leave you insensitive to the plight of others.

Ditto!!! I try to be patient with the elderly as well but when they pull out their checkbooks to pay…like really??? All those grandkids they have and not ONE can teach grannie how to swipe and go…wtf!! Or when Johnny the 16 year old cashier won’t help them bag their groceries to speed up the process…Super annoying
Guess this is why all the cool kids use Instacart. .


Reign of Terror
I do have patience for the elderly. However arguing for literally change and holding up the line isnt an elderly thing it's a cheap af thing. Especially with that expired coupon.
Since I've been using the scan gun and prepacking my food I don't wait on those lines much anymore or they'd be near the top of my list.
Although I do have a problem with the idiots who have an over flowing cart then go to the self checkout which is not designed to accommodate people with more than a few items if they need to be scanned.

And how people can still go up to a register and unload everything for a cashier to scan in 2022 is mind boggling.

As far as the arguing over price and coupons go, I actually stopped going to a certain Waldbaums on the South Shore long before they went out of business for that very reason.


Reign of Terror
Ditto!!! I try to be patient with the elderly as well but when they pull out their checkbooks to pay…like really??? All those grandkids they have and not ONE can teach grannie how to swipe and go…wtf!! Or when Johnny the 16 year old cashier won’t help them bag their groceries to speed up the process…Super annoying
Since I'm elderly by UG standards I thank you for your patience:p

Pre scan guns I always bagged my own groceries while the cashier was ringing them up, it's the people @Uniquelyme was describing who like to argue every price that don't bag because they are watching every price to be ready to argue.
Traveling hits a raw nerve…
May I ask- Being the first person on the plane for handicapped/elderly- Gray area for you, or do you fall into that category? My last trip, I had the opportunity to board quickly, only to see a young couple board first ( taking advantage of “handicapped “ only to find them taking selfies on the jetway laughing and giggling like babies… Savage, dirtbag skells..I wanted to slap them both.
Maybe I didn't explain clearly .... I usually travel 1st class since i have the miles to do so .... so I wait at the rope 1st in line to board AFTER the handicapped and veterans.
Since I'm elderly by UG standards I thank you for your patience:p

Pre scan guns I always bagged my own groceries while the cashier was ringing them up, it's the people @Uniquelyme was describing who like to argue every price that don't bag because they are watching every price to be ready to argue.
What would be the over/under standard?
Since I've been using the scan gun and prepacking my food I don't wait on those lines much anymore or they'd be near the top of my list.
Although I do have a problem with the idiots who have an over flowing cart then go to the self checkout which is not designed to accommodate people with more than a few items if they need to be scanned.

And how people can still go up to a register and unload everything for a cashier to scan in 2022 is mind boggling.

As far as the arguing over price and coupons go, I actually stopped going to a certain Waldbaums on the South Shore long before they went out of business for that very reason.
All sorts of places give senior discount. Wonder if providers think offering senior discount would help business
But in reality the ladies restroom is probably dirtier and smellier than the mens room…pllleeaassee don’t ask me why as I do not know why chicks can be so messy and gross….
Yeah right - go to a Yankee game and compare bathrooms by the 7th inning. You're taking you're life in your own hands going into a men's room. Toilets overflowing, poop in the urinals. Total freak show.