Ted Cruz cannot be President

Ozzy, I think you dislike him for legitimate reasons. You don't spew the birther nonsense I have seen from others here. I'm not a fan of the Clinton's myself. I have liberal friends who dislike the president on valid points, some similiar to yours, I don't begrudge disliking a politican because of legitimate political policies when I hear or see the code words or made up nonsense m I know where the hate is coming from, you know what I'm talking about. Btw, Republicans like the Clinton's for the most part for the same reason I dislike them.
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Ozzy, the other thing you do that disqualifies you as targeting the president on race is you don't dress up the rape nuts like Paul Ryan and Rand Paul just to spite. They will go against logic and reason to polish those turds just to be on the opposing side of the president, that's pure irrational hate. I believe you don't like anyone from both sides except a selected few.
Ozzy, you have to admit the campaign surrogates of the president far excelled Romney's, Sunnu ?? . I don't know who is the voice of the Repulican party anymore, they are all over the map. Ted Cruz is a horror show, accusing a decorated military hero of taking bribes from our enemies, you know when John McCain has to intervene there is a problem. There is no way his erratic bizarre behavior isn't going to haunt him. His place of birth should not matter because he has zero chance of becoming a serious candidate with all the batcrap crazy things that come out of his mouth, we might as well consider a Bachmann run again going down this road. I predict 2016 will be a Christie/O'Malley race, anything else will be a another clown show.
Prior to his being president I thought Obama had less experience in the executive position than Sarah Palin.... and foolish as it sounds I was 100% right about that and this week with all his people claiming no knowledge of anything in their departments and no one being held accountable for all this fucking mess is the result of electing someone who never even managed a paper route. At least Palin ran a state. Obama ran a community organization and held a handful of no-show jobs before going into politics. But when he named Biden his running mate I knew it was another W all over again with a powerless, experience-less president going into the far right or far left of their party to find handlers. Biden, Pelosi, Holder and Ried are no fucking better than Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld. Just different ends of the fuck nut spectrum.
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Don't know anything about him. I don't pay attention to anyone until they're in a position to affect my life. And he must have just popped up on her radar or on one of the fuck nut blogs she reads cause she never mentioned him before. And if she thinks there wasn't a sex symbol since JFK then I don't know where the fuck she was during the Clinton years. Sure Bubba was a bit of a chubby chaser but I know two women who met him.... the like who don't swoon easy who told me they were weak kneed during their meeting with him cause he's so charismatic. One met him while he was still Gov, several times at the very start of the '92 campaign and the other right around the time he was building his office in Harlem.

JFK was nothing like Bubba. Being a notorious and unrepentant whore master ran in the family. His father practically fucked Gloria Swanson on the dinner table. He probably fucked Gloria and wiped his dick on Rose's drapes more times than we can count. Women while they'd acknowledge JFK was attractive, knew he was a scumbag just like the old man and thus had a different perception of him than Bubba. Unlike Hillary was was percived a dyke, women loved Jackie and JFK was practically flaunting fucking MM in her face on fucking TV. He might as well have fucked her on stage that night after she sang to him. The Kennedy's power base was the young and stupid crowd.... just like Obama. The college crowd that has no life experience outside their parents house nor ever held or had to hold a job. The same crowd who has no understanding of most issues.
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Nobody paid attention to a little known congressman from Chicago around this time during Bush's second term. What has O'Malley done is not the question, what hasn't he done is a better one. He is one of the most progressive popular governors in the country with a high economic success rate and always ahead of the curb on all social issues. If you are not familiar with him you are living in a faux news bubble and shouldn't be commenting in a political discussion on a partisan level. He doesn't need to grandstand for attention and shock value like Republican. The creepy exiled always justifies in my observations that conservatives are a nothing more then a bunch of filthy perverts similiar to mindframe of Islamic extremist, everything has to boil down to something obscene and sexual, that's what happens when you support repressive policies promoted by other perverts, the mind automatically deviates towards the perverse. I comment a man is handsome and he has to turn into some douchechill comment by a self proclaimed conservative. I would think after his pedophille "little girl" vomit worthy post he would give the perversion a rest but stupidity doesn't seem to take a hoilday with Stu.
Ozzy, O'Malley is much cleaner cut then Clinton or JFK, women today don't find skirt chasers appealing, we like the man who cares about our concerns and doesn't treat his wife like a stupid broodmare. Times have changed and the more Republican policy leans towards undoing women's rights the more appealing a progressive thinking handsome cool family guy will become. I want O'Malley to run not because I think Clinton isn't capable, she's overqualified, I don't think I can stomach the 4 or 8 more years of conservative code language. I want a personally untouchable democrat to run, a person they have to deal with policy instead of the diversion tactics that they are "different" because they are black or a woman. I went into a dark place to look at it from a conservative smear angle and can't find a place they can sink their teeth into to harm him, he's too perfect, practically flawless.
Ozzy, Eric Holder is not a nut, he's a very accomplished person with the patience of a saint to deal with that clown Issa. Did you know he was born in The Bronx and grew up in Queens? He is the definition of the American Exceptionalism, first generation worked for everything he has during a time it wasn't easy for a personof color without scheming or unsavory dealings.
This is why you're delusional. At the very least Holder should be fired for incompetency for not knowing anything his agency is doing. At most he should be in jail for lying to congress and being an accomplice to the almost 200 murders committed with the guns his agency placed in the hands of gun smugglers.

And you're the one who shouldn't be commenting in political threads.
You're not the slightest bit curious if "stand down" orders were given to several elite anti terrorist response teams while the embassy burned and the annex was under siege because the administration wanted to call it a "protest" rather than a "terrorist act" all because we were so close to the election...

If I were on a senate committee I'd be demanding answers to that. Cause that's probably an execution-able offense.
This is why you're delusional. At the very least Holder should be fired for incompetency for not knowing anything his agency is doing. At most he should be in jail for lying to congress and being an accomplice to the almost 200 murders committed with the guns his agency placed in the hands of gun smugglers.

And you're the one who shouldn't be commenting in political threads.
Ozzy, F&F was started during the W. Bush years, how should Eric Holder who stopped the program be held responsible. I don't see how an ATF program started under W. is an current AG blame when he ended it. Is the JD part of the ATF now? Does the ATF even have a director anymore because of NRA influences. The ATF has a history of shady practices, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Cartels, they deal with the worst of the worst so they have to do things we consider questionable. Why shouldn't I be commenting? at least I research past what the headlines are telling us, I look up the biographies and accomplishments of the people in the news before passing judgement. You are ready to dismiss one of the most accomplished AG in moderm history because Issa called accused him of something based on a conspiracy theory, that delusional. Any accusation coming from Issa should be immediately dismissed, he's incompetent and possibly insane.
You're not the slightest bit curious if "stand down" orders were given to several elite anti terrorist response teams while the embassy burned and the annex was under siege because the administration wanted to call it a "protest" rather than a "terrorist act" all because we were so close to the election...

If I were on a senate committee I'd be demanding answers to that. Cause that's probably an execution-able offense.
The election did not even come into mind. I assume like any informed person that when anyone dies or things get blown up in Islamic regions it's terrorism. I don't need to know the reasons, there's only one, they are batcrap crazy religious extremists that hate everything about western civilization and want to kill us. We didn't demand answers every other Islamic terrorist attack before, this is a witch hunt, just another excuse to defame the president and the democratic brand. Mr. Stevens was offered more security and refused, we will never know his reasons.

You're not the slightest bit curious if "stand down" orders were given to several elite anti terrorist response teams while the embassy burned and the annex was under siege because the administration wanted to call it a "protest" rather than a "terrorist act" all because we were so close to the election...

If I were on a senate committee I'd be demanding answers to that. Cause that's probably an execution-able offense.
The Republicans are so desperate to divert on actually working on things that matter they altered WH emails and the most influential organization is actually advising Republicans not to legislate but to keep the scandals brewing. They hate this president so much they are willing to damage our country in order to obstruct any progress, it's treasonous I my view. The average person doesn't care about Bengahzi or if super wealthy CPACS didn't get their tax exemption they should not even have fast enough and someone needs to stop this nonsense.


Holy shit don't you know anything before you post. You got every single thing you wrote... wrong

Ozzy, F&F was started during the W. Bush years
Wrong... F&F was started in the fall of 2009 by the Phoenix Branch of the ATF. Because the operation involved international cooperation (Mexico) or placing agents across borders, required a sign off by the highest level of the Justice Dept. Similar to the current AP scandal getting those subpenas, it required the signature of only the Director of the Justice Dept (Eric Holder) or his Deputy Director (David Ogden).

I don't see how an ATF program started under W. is an current AG blame when he ended it. how should Eric Holder who stopped the program be held responsible.
Wrong... You've just been schooled above that Bush had nothing to do with this. And Holder didn't end anything... he started it. More than 2,000 gun were illegally sold by undercover ATF agents to Mexican gun smugglers over two weeks in Sept 2009. Guns the ATF hoped would lead them to drug kingpins or smuggler routes. Instead only days after they sold the guns... they lost track of most of them (more than 1,700). Of those 1,700, 1,300 have never been recovered and over 200 have since turned up as murder weapons at homicide scenes on both sides of the border... including the gun used to kill a US border agent. That's when the shit hit the fan and the press and congress demanded answers. Holder ended nothing. When he was hauled in front of congress and asked about it... He claimed he didn't know. Then when congress asked to see who signed the Federal Order he or his deputy would have had to sign off on... he fired his deputy (David Ogden) and refused to hand it over and made history when he became the first presidential cabinet member to be held in contempt of congress... EVER. Holy fucking shit and he didn't go to jail for that. Obama rather than lie about his knowledge, invoked executive privilege in regards to answering any questions from congress about F&F.

Is the JD part of the ATF now?
I'm gonna school you again... so listen so we don't have to do this again.

The ATF, FBI, DEA, US Marshal Service are all divisions of the "Investigative Branch" of the Justice Dept. And it's not something new... it's been that way since the JD was formed in 1870 and as each division came into existence they went under the jurisdiction of the JD. They each have their own Director, they ALL answer DIRECTLY to the Justice Dept Director (Holder) or his Deputy Director. Before they proceed with any major or international operation they have to ask their bosses at the JD if they can legally do it. No division of the investigative branch ever operates as a renegade. Ie... they don't take a fucking piss without their bosses in Washington telling them to. And that means getting signed approval by only The Director of the JD, the Deputy Director of the JD or the President.

The Secret Service was part of the Department of the Treasury until Bush formed Homeland Security and now it's part of that. The CIA and NSA are enigmas. They're not part of the JD, Homeland, the State Dept or the military. They are independent and have Directors but pretty much answer only to the president... and sometimes not even him.
The Republicans.............
Yeah yeah, we know The Republicans....

You didn't answer my fucking question. Aren't you curious if "stand down" orders were given to several elite anti terrorist response teams while the embassy burned and BEFORE the annex was under siege because the administration wanted to call it a "protest" rather than a "terrorist act" all because we were so close to the election...

And if you think they didn't care about winning the election you're dumber than any of us thought.

I gotta tell you, what you don't know is frightening. Then you come here and arrogantly tell people they have no business posting on a political forum because we don't know some obscure Governor who you probably just found out about last week (and don't lie cause you'd have mentioned "the hunk" before now), yet you don't have a fucking clue about the Justice Dept, it's jurisdiction and powers. And you get into a discussion defending the JD Director (Eric Holder) over an issue (F&F) and say all this meaningless shit about him (like it fucking matters he's from Queens or how upstanding he is) and you don't have a fucking clue about the events that happened or that he's been held in contempt of Congress over an issue you state he had nothing to do with.

And you wonder why people say the things about you a few posts up.

I gotta tell you, what you don't know is frightening. Then you come here and arrogantly tell people they have no business posting on a political forum because we don't know some obscure Governor who you probably just found out about last week (and don't lie cause you'd have mentioned "the hunk" before now), yet you don't have a fucking clue about the Justice Dept, it's jurisdiction and powers. And you get into a discussion defending the JD Director (Eric Holder) over an issue (F&F) and say all this meaningless shit about him (like it fucking matters he's from Queens or how upstanding he is) and you don't have a fucking clue about the events that happened or that he's been held in contempt of Congress over an issue you state he had nothing to do with.

And you wonder why people say the things about you a few posts up.
I told one member who just comes on here to get his rocks off being a filthy pervert towards me and has no knowledge of politics outside of regurgitating faux news. I made it a point to know as many Republican elected officials and their aspirations as well the ones I support and none of you seem to have heard of one of the most prominent democratic front runners that may run 2016 and have the nerve to say I don't know my stuff, O'Malley is not some obscure figure outside of conservative bubble. He's as important to the left as Christie is to the right. At least I have more knowledge of elected officials outside of the latest grandstander du jour. Where did I ever use the word hunk (it's not even a word I would use)?. I wrote "women" find him dreamy which is fairly innocent enough not to provoke some perverse comment from a member I told not to acknowledge me. Its no secret that creep is a sexual deviant by what he writes, you call me every name in the book but never once get perverted. This is a PMB but not everything had to be gutter talk as you have proven with every post regarding me. As a confindebt man you might miss his desperate innuendos but as a woman who has unfortunately met more then her fair share of creeps I know exactly what he is up too. I'm here to talk politics and religion, sometimes I give a women's perspective but I keep it clean. I'm not here to get this desperate creep the exiled off, it's demeaning and a constant diversion from the topics.

Being from Queens myself I always admire our local people who made great stride towards success. It's not the easiest or more priveledged place to grow up from personal experience. There was nothing wrong with mentioning it, this is a discussion forum after all, aren't we allowed freedom to mention some trivia regarding the public figures we are discussing or is that against the rules too.
Yeah yeah, we know The Republicans....

You didn't answer my fucking question. Aren't you curious if "stand down" orders were given to several elite anti terrorist response teams while the embassy burned and BEFORE the annex was under siege because the administration wanted to call it a "protest" rather than a "terrorist act" all because we were so close to the election...

And if you think they didn't care about winning the election you're dumber than any of us thought.
Romney was so undesirable that I had no fear about a Obama winning and think it would have made a difference. Romney foolishly took this tradegy that night to showcase in a bizzare uniformed manner. Republicans overreach on everything and it backfires and they never learn. They tried it with Bill Clinton and really grasping at straws with this president and his popularity has not been changed at all. They don't understand we care about our county more then an unfortunate incident last Sept regarding 4 Americans who choose to go to a dangerous land. If Iran and Somilia has taught us anything is enter these hostile regions at your own risk. I would never go there, it's not even a concern. I worry about things Republicans are either overreaching on like women's rights or ignoring like jobs, education, seniors, ect. I am also not seeking tax exemption for my billion backers so the IRS nonsense is also wasted time and money, nobody really cares except a very select few or those looking to defsne the president by any means posdible. It's time to get things that matter moving instead of these faux scandals regarding issues affecting the smallest minority.