Soprano's Pool


Agree, last nights episode one of the best ever, Paulie and Christopher were funny and pathetic at the same time. A nod was also given to "Goodfellas" and the scene where Joe Pesci character beats the shit out of made guy "Billy Bats" who keeps taunting him with the shoeshine routine. The guy isnt dead and Joe Pesci borrows his mother's carving knife after dinner to finish the job and then they go out to bury the guy.
I think the Pine Barrens were chosen to allude to Siberia, a place where the Russian would feel at home and the wiseguys would be at a disadvantage. Brilliant .
Jackie Jr. got a thing for strippers and escorts!

Carl M

Hanging by a thread
Excellent One Liners!

There were some very good lingo between Pauli and Chris- I was cracking up, watched it twice it was so good!!
the look on paulies face while he was sitting in the back of tony's truck....said it all.

no if flurio had been there to say ...."ay` you gotta mayonaise on yu chin" then it would have been perfect.
of course if you looked at coming attractions for next week (which are designed to throw you off track), it looks like Tony and Chris have it out..

And maybe Carmela has an STD or worse??????

Carl M

Hanging by a thread
The Best was:

When Chris says, " I told you we should have gone to Roy Rogers" and Paulie chimes back, " Yah and I fucked Dale Evans". Extremely hilarious!!


Re: The Best was:

Originally posted by Carl M
When Chris says, " I told you we should have gone to Roy Rogers" and Paulie chimes back, " Yah and I fucked Dale Evans". Extremely hilarious!!
I may be mistaken, but didnt Paulie say, "Yeah, and I( should have) fucked Dale Evans". ? It sems like a quibble, but it makes more sense as a reply.

Latest interesting prediction I heard: Carmella finally gets fed up with Tony's philandering and turns states evidence!. Frankly , I dont think she will do this as the culture allows for Tony's dalliances, she doesnt like it, but she wont turn him in. But just remember the powerful scene with the psychiatrist that Dr. Melfi sent her to: " I wont take your blood money".
Take care HP

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
Wasn't there some worry at some point that Tony's Mom would do the same thing ? If so, perhaps it was foreshadowing that Melfi told Tony that he's attracted to women who show the same characteristics as his Mom.
I have it on very good authority that Meadow comes up pregnant. I think the next episode she becomes sicker still, checks herself into a hospital and is found to be prego.

And furthermore, my personal opinion is that Christopher gets wacked. Somebody better get wacked soon. This is getting rediculous already.

Peace out

Carl M

Hanging by a thread
Almost Fatal Attraction!

Wow Gloria is insane, but Tony handles it- LOL! I wonder what the body count is gonna be next week, Chris, Paulie and Jackie possible could all get wacked!!
Re: Almost Fatal Attraction!

Originally posted by Carl M
Wow Gloria is insane, but Tony handles it- LOL! I wonder what the body count is gonna be next week, Chris, Paulie and Jackie possible could all get wacked!!
Don't forget about Ralphie. It looks like Tony is allowing Ralphie to make the mistakes here. Its obvious Tony doesn't want to whack Jackie Jr., but since he's allowing Ralphie to make the decision, it would be his responsiblity.
Next week, last episode, last bets on who gets it in the end. Gloria looks like she out of the running, no mention of her in the sneak preview. And what the frig happened to the russion commando??? It's definitely something to do with Paulie and Chris. I put my money on Chris.



I think Ralphie set up Jackie Jr., only Im not sure why. Tony is definitely "handling" Ralphie, cant believe he is long for this world. Must protest how my second favorite character( first is Silvio), Furio, is being treated, every once in awhile he gets to beat someone up etc. , now he nearly gets his dick shot off. Gloria is not insane, fucked up, but not insane, Tony's "handling" of her was charming, but he did finally figure out that he chooses mistresses that mirror his mother. My question is, why did he ever choose Carmella?
Originally posted by Hotpuppy
I think Ralphie set up Jackie Jr., only Im not sure why. Tony is definitely "handling" Ralphie, cant believe he is long for this world. Must protest how my second favorite character( first is Silvio), Furio, is being treated, every once in awhile he gets to beat someone up etc. , now he nearly gets his dick shot off. Gloria is not insane, fucked up, but not insane, Tony's "handling" of her was charming, but he did finally figure out that he chooses mistresses that mirror his mother. My question is, why did he ever choose Carmella?
Furio did not get shot in the dick...If you look closely that doctor pulled the bullet out of his thigh. :)
Although I do agree with you on their usage of Furio. I friggin love that damn accent. 'fuckina stupida gamea'

I think Melfi said he was lucky to find Carmella. I don't think they ever went over how Tony and Carmella met, It probably would be an interesting sub plot. Should email HBO.
