Review: Passion of the Christ

Originally posted by alterego
I think Europeans hate Israel so much partly because it represents their own failure.

Had it not been for absolutely rabid anti-semitism in Europe in the 1930's-40's there wouldn't have even been an Israel. Because most Jews wouldn't have supported it. Zionism would have remained the obscure tendency it was in the 1920's, shunned by the Orthodox for being too secular, by the Reform for being too religious, and by the socialists for being too nationalist. It took cattle cars and gas-chambers for people to come to the conclusion that they had to get the fuck out of Europe (and later the Arab countries) and go arm themselves in a ghetto somewhere. Because that's what Israel is. The armed ghetto of old-world Jews, absolutely determined not to be annihilated again.

Everything you've stated makes a great deal of sense, however, relocating the Jewish people to a location that was already occupied by another group of people [that had nothing to do with the Holocaust] was clearly not an equitable solution.

Originally posted by wsb
Nope, I don't disagree with AE's statement generally, although I don't think the majority of Europeans view Israel as "the greatest evil in the world today". They would reserve that title for Dubya.
Those two ideas tend to go hand in hand. Great Satan and Little Satan. Depends what day of the week it is which one is which.

The international left really needs to re-examine itself vis-a-vis America. (IMO this is the even more serious issue than their attitude to Israel)

Originally posted by wsb
Everything you've stated makes a great deal of sense, however, relocating the Jewish people to a location that was already occupied by another group of people [that had nothing to do with the Holocaust] was clearly not an equitable solution.

Of course it wasn't.

But there wasn't an equitable solution on the table in 1948. And the resulting mess created hundreds of thousands of refugees on both sides, Jews fleeing Arab countries to Israel, and Arabs fleeing Israel to the surrounding states. Both got held hostage to a certain extent. The Israelis got the fun job of being the permanent western military partner of Britian and France (and later America) in a hostile region. But at least they got to build a nation. The Palestinians who went the other way got held as permanent refugees by the Arab countries (and the U.N.) never to be granted citizenship by anyone and used as four generations of political pawns against the west.

Originally posted by justme
I've reread the post five times and I can't see where it says 10 years anywhere.
This is embarrassing.

I must be having a flashback to some time when someone put on an Alvin Lee record (I swear I wouldn't have) while we were tripping.
Originally posted by alterego
Of course it wasn't.

But there wasn't an equitable solution on the table in 1948. And the resulting mess created hundreds of thousands of refugees on both sides, Jews fleeing Arab countries to Israel, and Arabs fleeing Israel to the surrounding states. Both got held hostage to a certain extent. The Israelis got the fun job of being the permanent western military partner of Britian and France (and later America) in a hostile region. But at least they got to build a nation. The Palestinians who went the other way got held as permanent refugees by the Arab countries (and the U.N.) never to be granted citizenship by anyone and used as four generations of political pawns against the west.

Well stated. Big ditto. You are now an official member of my list of "most brilliant whore board posters in the universe."

I had a feeling that this thread and movie-would have a way of drawing a great deal of attention. Right from the start it was quite easy to see, that the sides would stack up on both sides of the aisle on this one. Since, I have not viewed the movie, and may not even do so, I ain't touching this one.

Oops-I guess that Alter-is not a good one to post on this thread. Bad choice-of shortening your handle/name. All joking aside-Thanks. I guess, it just means that I have a bit more time on my hands than I should have.
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45 minutes of torture, the whipping, then the walk, I understand all the meaning behind the movie, the idea that Mel wanted to make people understand the suffering......I dont know, it just didnt cut it for me.
But there are very few movies I enjoyed this past year.
The Cooler was ok, Mystic was ok, Monster was ok, and I enjoyed Finding Nemo. Maybe one or two others I cant recall now.
hey, thats why there are cadillacs and chevys.....Im not knocking anyones opinion, especially if a movie moves them for religious beliefs.......I cried at the end of Spartacus the first time I saw it.
Originally posted by h. von bingen
spartacus is one my favorite movies.


I think the message of Spartacus, at least to a 10 year old mind, was a foundational theme. Freedom from enslavement to categories, group thinking, going with the crowd, bending to the wills of the egoistic... all became personal values. Perhaps a bit of projection there, but hey Jean Simmons is quite an eyeful.
my 2 favorites part of spartacus:

when people start shouting "i'm spartacus."

when tony curtis says (w/bronx accent):

"the children of my master to whom I taught the classics."

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