perfect record

re: cake

actually a lot in common. me = oils & coconut.

re: inane

one doesn't use it in conversation, but for fact checking why not? come now, i don't think there is anything really too inane for you. consider your friend the manhattan and the cosmo.

what is the name of that damned painting?

not madonna not whore,
JM and others...I am not sure why, but the "what is art?" question seems to invite an attitude of "anything goes" among otherwise intellectually careful people. I can assure you that this topic has been covered in depth and with care and that the experts seem to agree on at least this...they disagree that "anything can be art". Unless by that you simply mean an artist can appropriate "anything" and use it in an art context, but that is almost never what people mean by such things.

As pointed out above, the term "art" is overloaded and there is an accepted sense which simply implies a high level of skill...e.g. "the art of computer programming". Most people, when they say "anything can be art" mean that anything worth doing can be done well and with skill, and doing so raises the activity to the level of an art.

But that use of the word "art" is so different than art as we mean it in the context of fine art, music, dance, theater, etc. that it is terribly misleading. I wish there was a completely different word for that kind of thing because the confusion is pervasive and generally unrecognized.

That's not to say that skill isn't practiced in some/most art. But such skill isn't a requirement or even the primary point of art as a discipline.

For anyone interested in a serious treatment of the "what is art?" question I'd suggest "Philosophy of Art - a contemporary introduction" by Noel Carroll. It hits all of the traditional theories and most of the primary current directions.


homo economicus
OK Rufus, I'll let you insist on a technical definition of 'art' that is decided on by artists. But I want the following words back:

Actually I am coming down on the side of letting analytic philosophers define art...
or at least listening very seriously to what they say as a starting point, rather than populist skepticism...

I think of art in the broadest sense in the same way I think of science or math or philosophy or religion. Its has a set of questions and at least some answers. It has a set of practices. It has a set of traditions and methods by which traditions are overturned. It has a social function and operates within some social boundries. etc.

Now if someone were to say "anything can be science" or "anything can be math" or "anything can be religion" I think you would see some obvious problems there. I see very similar problems with saying "anything can be art".


homo economicus
Anything can be Science.

(I think of this as the spiritual dual to 'Anything can be Art'.)

Nothing (real) can be math.
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yin & yang?
half & half?
sun & moon?
male & female?
carney & wilson?
uptown & downtown?
now & then?
this & that?
jl & ju?
ju & jc?
jl & ju?

stop me b/f i kill again,
OK now you are just toying with me...

But requires "the scientific method" and art doesn't...there are questions science simply doesn't address but that art commonly does...etc etc...
Originally posted by justme
I'm much more inclined to call an elegantly delivered oratory 'art' then I am a third grader's collage.
I don't want to get involved in this, but justme, you can't fall into the trap of calling anything you think is good, or well-done, "art". There's a distinction between "art" and "craft".

Also, I don't buy using "art" as an approbation (i.e., oratory is "art" when it's "elegantly delivered"). "Art" is something that can be good or bad, but that shouldn't be determinative of whether it's "art".
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i become very AFRAID

when jl starts a post with: "i don't want to become involved in this."

am alone?
very very alone?


yr like a pocket edition of janssen. so handy.

pocket's pal,
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