Open season for college girls on SA (or tall tales from doughy nerds)


Stop trying to ignore what I say and show off how much smarter you are with your science than the rest of us. Why are you continuing to push this idea of yours when I clearly said to keep it simple? Your method sounds like rocket science, which will not fly with the membership.

How do I know this? Because I moderate posts. We are discussing making a rule - or at least a guideline - for the members to follow. Have you not seen that the members can't follow the basic rules we have in place? Do you have any idea the number of posts we decline daily from newbies that can't comprehend the simple rule that newbies should not be asking for help or posing questions while they are under moderation? Have you not seen members asking others to PM them when this is clearly against the rules? And I'm not talking just newbies in that regard either. We just saw an instance where a veteran of almost 20 years made this suggestion during the past week.

And so now you are proposing to make a guideline for members to follow that is overly complicated. I guarantee you that even the simplest of guidelines will not be followed correctly by everyone, but I am trying to have the members agree on something that has a chance. Your substitution example has zero.

The first thing you haven't even considered is how you are going to impart this guideline to the members. If the members can't be bothered to read the basic rules to know about newbie posts or read enough on the site to know that PMs are not permitted, how are they supposed to know about your guideline? Have you thought about that? I have. That's why I want to keep it simple. Because the only way for this message to get across will be to post it in the thread itself.

Where would you do that so that it will be seen by everybody? Do you post it once and hope that the members will see it? I don't think so. In order for the message to get across, it will have to be posted multiple times. Possibly even on each page. At least for a while. And who is going to do that - you? No, the task will fall on me because I am the one pushing for a universal guideline so that the incessant back-and-forth about this finally ceases. Do you think I then want the added discussions when a member hasn't got a clue what you are talking about with your system and starts posting questions for clarification.

How about this? You post EXACTLY your directions for your guideline. Keep in mind that I will have to repeatedly post these to get the message across. Keep your directions clear and concise so as to be understandable to everyone besides just your fellow scientists.

Use this screenname as the example:
I am MI$$_Kitty
(I don't know exactly which special characters are permitted by SA but let's assume that a dollar sign is one of them, since there should be at least one special character permitted.)
Now post the exact guideline along with the altered name that you would post on the board when discussing this provider.
I'm sorry to see that you think I'm showing off. You asked for help and I took my time to respond and I provided it and in an approach that I thought was simple -- I still do think that. If it's not then disagree fine but telling me I'm doing something I'm not is like what? really? Ditto for saying I'm bragging about finding misspelled names. I took my time and wrote up and posted how to do it multiple times for everybody to be able to do it. I'm put my time where my mouth is. If you're only here to kick me, I won't bother. I respected you and your request enough to respond, do the same in return even if you disagree with my solution.

If you or anybody doesn't like my idea, suggestion or has a better one, go for it, just simply say you don't like it without trying to insult me for things I didn't do or even think of doing. I get that you're annoyed about this situation, but you're making accusations and conclusions about me that are totally just way way way out there.

So let's do a take 2 and keep to the facts instead of personal interjections. If the facts are no good or incomplete or something then squash it.

One goal is that we wanted to "block" the name from search engines without creating a pattern that itself could be used to search for it.

The only problem with the SA names that I'm aware of is that they can contain spaces. So replace the spaces with a *. That is one way to solve that. If there are others, then like you I'm all ears.

We're then left with the rest of the name. Simply sprinkle as many spaces as you want upon that to break up the name and do so so normal words are disjoint.

So together the rule would be:


This has the benefit of: retaining the original goal, not introducing new search problems, and it's simple the understand, simple to use, and simple to read.

Using your example that would mean, MI$$_Kitty even if $ is allowed it would be perhaps:

MI $$_ Ki tty

But under this rule it could also be:

MI$ $_K it ty
MI$$ _Kit ty

and I don't see any concern that it could be multiple things and in fact that randomness is exactly what you want it to be since getting back to the original goal it wouldn't be creating a pattern that itself could be used to search for it.

Similar it if were MI$$ Kitty with a space it would become MI$$*Kitty and the same coded spellings could be used:

MI $$* Ki tty

But under this rule it could also be:

MI$ $*K it ty
MI$$ *Kit ty

And to be clear, to decode:


As with encoding, it's simple the understand, simple to use, and simple to read.
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I got caught up in the clarification and now just seeing you wrote:

I am MI$$_Kitty

so that would be I*am*MI$$_Kitty and then you'd space as previously written:

I *am* MI $$_ Ki tty

and so on.
BTW if I have it right the SA app is no longer available on the Apple app store including not under seeking either. Apparently Apple does not like apps that women can look to meet rich, successful men.
If it can be gotten simpler I don't know how especially with the space thing. That's just going to be the nature of this beast. So there is no guarantees here but as gooey noted in most cases they should be doable. This obviously doesn't fix misspellings, people who don't know the rule, people who won't follow the rule, etc. I know already you have folks that have problems with the phone number rule and clearly due do the nature of the names this is not going to be better than the phone problems I'm certain you run into behind the scenes. So the phone rule is definitely not perfect just like that isn't.

Re *, the SA name rule are they a) must not contain special characters nor b) more than 6 numbers anywhere in the username
There is not a perfect solution that I'm aware of. I'm not an engineer or scientist. But I did test it a few months ago. Which is why I originally mentioned 2-3 characters (I mentioned this a number of times in the past, so then and now (and BTW 1 character at a time does not work some search engine know what you're doing)), but when you pointed at perhaps to simplify it further I removed that constraint in haste. That said even at 3 or more characters the search tests were ok so long as the the space splits were at unnatural word places. By this I mean splitting asshole as ass hole is not a good split and so on. KISS is great but does not always establish said compromise. Also, search engines have weird hits in them that even if there were a perfect solution they could sometimes still find a match.
I tested a simplified version of the theory I first put forth. It works. And it's extremely simple. Anyone can do it.

But with my success came the realization that something so simple could easily be overcome by those we are trying to hide it from. That's when I realized something about using a guideline. Because once a sugar baby discovers the guideline on here, she can alert other SB's about the system and then word could spread and the system would become ultimately useless. So in hindsight, the most effective clandestine way to do it would be for each member to cite his own method when he posts. Exactly as you have been doing.

So I apologize for not seeing the error of my ways in trying to make a uniform system. I was merely trying to cut down on the number of posts where members have cited confusion deciphering the individual codes. As @h50 has pointed out, more often than not it is due to misspelling. So, watch your spelling please.
Yes, I came up with other solutions but that all met that same demise.
Just to doublecheck my findings, I broke the two different examples out separately. A search on two names yields test post two. The software reads the asterisk like a space. Exactly what you were trying to disguise. It does not work if the provider has a space in their name.
The only possible save for this method of yours is if the SA site does not allow for spaces in the screenname. Go back into the rules and see if that is permitted or not. Otherwise, your system will not work.
Spaces are absolutely permitted.
Damn thing is keeping me awake. So I'm lying in bed and then it hit me. The key is in the screenname. Not theirs. Yours.

We need a guideline with a variable. Their actual screenname is the guideline. Your screenname is the variable. Even if they found out the system, they would have to try everyone's screenname to crack the code.

Here's how it works. You simply add the first three characters of your screenname to the beginning of the sugar baby's actual screenname. So MISS Kitty or MISSKitty becomes h50MISS Kitty or h50MISSKitty.

All members should have at least three characters in their name. Just type the characters EXACTLY as they appear in your screenname.

Try it. I am going to post variables of MISS Kitty using me as an example.
If I got what you're saying I came up with exactly this scheme for another system totally unrelated to anything we're doing here. It worked perfectly except there was one difference: it did not allow spaces. (It was also not all the time available on the internet so it went offline and online.) The spaces are the demise. I say this because if we're talking about the same things whereas h50MISS Kitty might work MISS Kitty instead as MISS KITTY IS SEXY would yield h50MISS KITTY IS SEXY and probably still comes up expecting to write h50MISS h50KITTY h50IS h50SEXY I don't see would work for reasons you were shooting me down on. And in tests I've done on the other system I was talking about h50MISSKITTYISSEXY was found in some cases and in our case there is still the space thing and permutations such h50MISSh50KITTYh50ISh50SEXY again speaks for itself.
Another thought I did not mention yet as it seemed an "expensive" choice as I don't know how the system is set up so don't know if it's possible is something such as CL when it masks a phone number or email path. So instead of say "insert link" you'd "insert name" and it would do what it needs to do (but again even that's not perfect).
I'm lost again. I did test it when it came up previously. It should be in your internet logs from about two months ago. I also tested other variations. As to your system, if it work 100% as you say, then it does. See that wasn't hard for me to say. ???? You asked for help. I tried to help. Instead I'm getting I'm told bullshitting. At least I tried. Nobody else did.
And you failed to test it when you put it forth.
I put it forth multiple times. In fact, I don't even think the idea was mine originally (but if this is now seen as passing the idea to somebody else then fine it was my idea). At one point I did test it on google and bing about two months ago.

But one clarification is necessary: I did not UG test it at all though as I've had problems in the past with UG searching (before the new software haven't tried it since the new software) as at that point they already knew about UG although I agree that layer is still there.

I don't know if/how/when caches were involved in the different results, if any. But I was using various permutations using and various quoted and unquoted phrases. I have also in the past needed to search for people's names and some related information and you'd be amazing how it's able to connect some things up whether it's punctuated out, smashed up together, or even in some cases with extraneous text within,
Apparently you forgot to test your "engineering compromise" theory. I would think that is an important step for an engineer or scientist. Back to the drawing board.

Next member suggestion, please.
Suggestion use "editor symbols" for instance you can set in text editors default spacing/paragraph/indent values. So instead use it as the rule [2sp] = 2 spaces, [1sp] = 1 space, etc... this assumes(risk based approach) that usernames don't use bracket #numeric sp bracket....or use a long-hold key for example Android-Samsung keyboard longhold r = ř for each space
Suggestion use "editor symbols" for instance you can set in text editors default spacing/paragraph/indent values. So instead use it as the rule [2sp] = 2 spaces, [1sp] = 1 space, etc... this assumes(risk based approach) that usernames don't use bracket #numeric sp bracket....or use a long-hold key for example Android-Samsung keyboard longhold r = ř for each space
There's a few variations and I ended up with * and / and opted for suggesting the former. I think this would kind of be the same (IOWs, if aesthetics count).

Search on that sample using the name without the first three letters. If anyone finds it in a search, post it here.

If you can't find it on the net or on here, the simple system works. And then this will become the defacto standard to use. End of story.
May I ask what your external search requests search lines are looking like?
You seem intent on making it complicated in spite of my repeated efforts to tell you not to do so. Your system did not work. That's it in a nutshell. The asterisk is a fail when there is a space in the screenname.

My system is simple and successful. I proved it in a test. What is wrong with that to the point that you can't even bring yourself to admit that? Show me the imperfection in it such that you say there is no perfect solution?

For years I have seen guys posting inane hints like the name is similar to Madonna's hit in 1987 or add 1 to each of the odd numbers and subjtract two from the even or similar nonsense. I asked for simple. No one replied with one.

You gave me complicated with substitutions. After initially balking, I tried to embrace it. I wrote the condensed version and said let's give it a try. Then it dawned on me that I should test it, not knowing whether you did. So I did that and it failed. And rather than acknowledge that you failed to test it, you make excuses shrouded in bullshit posts. All you need do is say, "I didn't test it. You did. It doesn't work. I see that."
I thought the system I used to give a girl's phone number using Yankees retired numbers was quite simple and functional. It was good enough that a whole slew of guys reached out to her, and one of the idiots pointed her to this thread. Of course, I'm not sure what she thought she was getting into when she said it was okay if I passed her number around to guys who would be able to help her make a couple of bucks fast.
I thought the system I used to give a girl's phone number using Yankees retired numbers was quite simple and functional. It was good enough that a whole slew of guys reached out to her, and one of the idiots pointed her to this thread. Of course, I'm not sure what she thought she was getting into when she said it was okay if I passed her number around to guys who would be able to help her make a couple of bucks fast.
The Yankee number code was certainly the most involved, and almost weeded out the..err..."less bright"..., but why did you want to remind us to drink Ovaltine?
Your system won't work if what @h50 stated is true in that spaces are permitted in screennames on SA. How would you compensate for an instance where a name contained spaces? If you removed all the spaces in your coded use of her name, the members would not be able to find that name if the screenname contained spaces. So, Fuck! What the fuck would you do then?
Look again... I never said to remove ALL the spaces in my coded use of her name. I used: I am MI $$_ Kit ty and then said only remove the spaces after the M. I do believe that works just as well. In either case, if her real screen name contains spaces or not, breaking it up with multiple random spaces should prevent it from showing in a search. I don't really care. This is the way I've posted dozens of screen names in the past, and no one has ever had trouble finding them. So not really sure why this has turned into such a big ordeal.
I'm with Gooey here. I only thought I was reinforcing the status quo for some time. But Gooey they're telling us phewy on you-y. We tried. I don't even want to try to understand or be part of any drama moments, internal politics, whatever. I'm here for friendly banter at least I thought I and everybody else was. So time to move on and continue with what we're here for instead says I. So who is bringing their SB home to meet the fam for Christmas?