Oh my aching back....

This is it; I'm getting old. I've been dancing for years and have never had problems, now suddenly my lower back feels like it was crushed in a vice every night when I get home from work. Having to actually dance all night as a dancer really blows. (or doesn't - depending on how you want to look at it!) The high heels and unnatural sexy posing are absolutely smooshing my vertebrae together. What should I do? What can I do? Is a visit to the chiropractor in order? Are chiropractors even legitimate or helpful? I'm tired of loading up on Ibuprofen every night and still feeling like someone kicked me in the back.
This is it; I'm getting old. I've been dancing for years and have never had problems, now suddenly my lower back feels like it was crushed in a vice every night when I get home from work. Having to actually dance all night as a dancer really blows. (or doesn't - depending on how you want to look at it!) The high heels and unnatural sexy posing are absolutely smooshing my vertebrae together. What should I do? What can I do? Is a visit to the chiropractor in order? Are chiropractors even legitimate or helpful? I'm tired of loading up on Ibuprofen every night and still feeling like someone kicked me in the back.
You could be developing degenerative joint disorder. I don't recommend chiropractors because it is probably not a alignment problem. Learn to use your leg muscles more to support your lower back. Think before picking heavy items up and when you are not wearing heels wear supportive shoes.

Use an topical analgesic on the problem areas before you go to bed and even a brace so you give your back a proper rest. I do that for my hands with Anica and custom fit cloth hand supports I got from a physical therapist so they stay in one position when I ache and in the morning it's better. You will also need to soak in a bath.
The high heels and unnatural sexy posing are absolutely smooshing my vertebrae together. What should I do? What can I do?

Why don't you try dancing without the high heels for a night and see if it really affects your bottom-line. Several guys have expressed their opinion about high-heels not being the be-all, end-all of stripper footwear. Some even went as far as saying they prefer something other than high heels. Give it a shot for the night (or part of a night). What do you have to lose? If you find you are making a comparable amount of $$ without the heels, then why bother destroying your back? Of course, if you find your bottom-line suffering then that's a different story.
You may need a new mattress. Switched a couple yrs ago to a Dormo Diagnostics mattress and saw improvement immediately.
I agree with RT, a new mattress (for when you do sleep) may be needed. And I'm sure you prob have not flipped your current mattress propetly. All mattresses should be flipped and rotated ever 90 days (yes that's 4 times a year). Sounds like a lot, but it does work, you do get a better nights rest and you will feel the diffeence every time yo flip it.
I agree with RT, a new mattress (for when you do sleep) may be needed. And I'm sure you prob have not flipped your current mattress propetly. All mattresses should be flipped and rotated ever 90 days (yes that's 4 times a year). Sounds like a lot, but it does work, you do get a better nights rest and you will feel the diffeence every time yo flip it.
I'm certain it's not the mattress or my sleep that's the problem. This issue I'm having with my back only began recently, and it only bothers me when I'm at work - especially towards the end of the night. By the time I get home it's usually throbbing. After a good night's sleep, I feel a lot better.

I would love nothing more than to ditch the stupid stripper shoes, but unfortunately they seem to be a uniform of sorts if you want to work as a dancer. Back in my VHM days, the shoes were never an issue because I spend most nights in VIP rooms and would take the shoes off and make myself comfortable as soon as I got in there. I did very little actual walking around or dancing in them. In fact, I spent very little time on my feet at all! Now that I work at a club without a VIP room where my only chance at making money is to be on my feet gyrating away, I have no choice but to leave the shoes on all night.

I could try wearing a lower heel, but I'm afraid it will look dorky and that I'll look heavy because I won't have the elongation effect working for me anymore. all the girls wear the really high ones, and I don't want to look like orthopedic girl. Perhaps I could start removing the shoes during lap dances and just doing them barefoot. I wonder if anyone would mind. My concern with doing that is that the bouncer might run over and tell me to put them back on right away. I suppose it's worth a shot.

Physical therapy doesn't sound like too bad an idea, or yoga - maybe pilates would help too. I just wonder how helpful any of those things would be long term if I have to keep wearing the stupid shoes anyway.
and I don't want to look like orthopedic girl.
Who knows, orthopedic girl could be hot :)

Seriously, I'm not sure if you are saying that the high heels are required by the club, or that you just think the customers want to see them. If its the former, I guess you can't do much about it except look for a different club to work in. If its the latter, why not try it out for a night and see what happens? Like I said, a lot of guys seemed to be saying in another thread they don't really like them anyway. It would be a shame if you are enduring all this pain because you think guys really want you to be wearing high heels.
Who knows, orthopedic girl could be hot :)

Seriously, I'm not sure if you are saying that the high heels are required by the club, or that you just think the customers want to see them. If its the former, I guess you can't do much about it except look for a different club to work in. If its the latter, why not try it out for a night and see what happens? Like I said, a lot of guys seemed to be saying in another thread they don't really like them anyway. It would be a shame if you are enduring all this pain because you think guys really want you to be wearing high heels.
I'm going to order some shorter heels online tonight and wear them one night at night to see what happens. A real UG experiment!
Well personally, I would buy a really firm mattress. Believe it or not, I used to stock shelves at supermarkets and carry tons of heavy boxes. I came home and my back was aching. At that time, I even used my legs to lift and still I was in pain. The next day I went out to purchase a new firm mattress and it was a relief.

My dad had the same problem. Lower back was hurting. He slepts on a sheet of plywood on the bed for 2 years. Finally bought a new mattress and wished he would have done so earlier.
Question? If you have to wear high heel shoes during dancing, is it possible to remove them during the striptease, incorporate it in a sexy way into the dance so no one is none the wiser?

Maybe you could try some special pads in the shoes or a heel cup to absorb some of the impact.

For many years, I had severe back problems. I still do experience some back problems from time to time but they are now minor in comparison since I took several steps. First, I went to see a chiropractor/physical therapist. He helped to alleviate the pain and realign my back.

Second, I bought a new mattress and it did wonders. For most of my life, I slept on a firm mattress and it was killing my back. Many people don't realize they are sleeping on the wrong type of mattress. A firm mattress is good for some people but not for everyone. So how do you find out which mattress is good for you? Here is a good idea. Go to any Sleepy's location. (By the way, I'm not a shill for Sleepy's, just happy and grateful for their service.)They have bed-shaped device which you lie down and measures your pressure points. They'll ask you some questions - age, height, weight - and will be able to determine which bed is best suited for you, soft. medium or firm. The service is free. So what's the catch? The catch is they use this device to try to sell you one of their high-end models but again you're not obligated to buy anything and it isn't a high-pressure sales pitch. The service is free and only takes a couple of minutes. You'll get a print out and it'll give an idea of what mattress is best suited for you body. (By the way, I did end up buying the high-end bed but only after haggling and getting the manager to knock $1,100 off the price and throw in free shipping.)

Third, I don't know if you work out but your have to perform some weight-lifting training to strengthen your back and your abs. I'm not saying to the point where your as muscle-bound as the incredible Hulk, but to the point where your muscles have strengthen and you still maintain a feminine figure. I won't lie to you, it's constant maintenance week after and week but like they say - no pain, no gain. However, personally speaking, I have incorporated this into my way of life. My back and abs are stronger than they ever been and I have no need to see a chiropractor again. Any back problems I do experience now are minor.