
What do you expect? He is going by the Barry playbook. LIE LIE LIE ... then when you get caught SPIN SPIN SPIN .... blame somebody else .... lie about soemthign else.

It has worked so far.

Problem is ... people and the media are starting to notice a trend. The media is still sucking his cock ... but they aren't completely afraid of him now.

The media is like a school of pirhana .. once they smell blood they will turn into a feeding frenzy.
Hope and Change

Wagner and her husband retired early. She was a nurse for 35 years and championed Obamacare, until she received a letter from her insurance company saying it was canceling her policy. She was shocked further to learn that for the same coverage she would pay 35 percent more and have a higher deductible.


Hope and Change - Hopes are dashed and the Change is for the worse.

I love it how all these Obama voters were all happy they were going to have the rich pay for their healthcare only to eventually find out they are the rich.