
The Rats are jumping ship.

Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, the powerful Senate Finance chairman who steered President Barack Obama's health care overhaul into law has decided to retire, Democratic officials said Tuesday.

Baucus, who helped write Obama's health care law, stunned administration officials last week when he told the president's health care chief that he thought the law was headed for a "train wreck" because of bumbling implementation.

Insurers predict 100%-400% Obamacare rate explosion


I just had my shoulder scoped and under my cadillac health plan my copays have come to about $1500 for the procedure plus $20 3x a week for physical therapy. So let me ask because I have no idea, how is someone who can't afford health care now going to be able to afford the copays later when they are covered??? Are they not going to be responsible for it??? Is that fair to the person that can afford it but just barely makes ends meet???
It's very simple and I don't know why anyone (THAT MEANS YOU... YOU DEMOCRAT ASSHOLES) would be surprised in the insurance hikes. The govt just unloaded the burden of insuring sick people onto the backs of the insurance companies and did anyone think they weren't going to recoup their lost revenue in another way. Just like when Obama came down on the credit card companies and forced new regulations on them (like paying off the higher interest items first).... all they did was attach new charges and raise interest rates to make up for their lost revenue. Obamacare is a fucking disaster which as soon as O leaves office or the pubs grab enough power will be struck down. So all that time and money and that fucking repulsive grandstanding march that gavel carrying cunt lead thru Washington streets was all for nothing. If this were China, they would be shot... every last one of them.
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Just got another bill from the Doctor for another $350 in co-pays, approaching $2000 now. So here is what Obamacare has accomplished: 30,000,000 people will now have health insurance that didn't have it before but 100,000,000+ will be unable to afford to use it. So instead of going after the insurance companies it looks like the Dems colluded with them to swindle us even more. Great job goes out to Emily and her ilk for voting for this guy. You all thought your uteruses were under attack from Republicans, turns out it was the Dems who fucked you over as how many of you would now be able to afford health care for that region.
An interesting note is that there are many people who are just getting by and not paying for health insurance. Now they will be forced to buy it. How can anyone who is barely getting by afford an additional $500 a month? AND ... if they don't get health insurance they have to pay a fine (tax). How much is that and can they afford it? I imagine that this will be a real kick in the guts to those people he wants so desperately to help.
So Wegmans cuts health insurance due to Obamacare and now these people qualify for subsidies from the government. The author says it is a "win-win" for te employee since the subsidies will actually make health insurance cheaper for the employee and the business benefits since they don't have to contribute any money. What this really is ... is a "win-win-lose" ... the loser being the tax-payers.
I don't think they have enough time. I would like to think the next president would see what an epic failure this system is. But then again I thought there was no way Barry was getting re-elected ... and he did. I am sure that if you give people enough free stuff they will continue to vote democratic and the chief democrat in charge can do what they want. Democrats do stupid things.

Interesting fact .... there are more people getting free stuff from the government than there are people working in the private sector. Way to go Barry!!!!!

once again, LIDickMorris is wrong. At least you're consistent.


I don't think they have enough time. I would like to think the next president would see what an epic failure this system is. But then again I thought there was no way Barry was getting re-elected ... and he did. I am sure that if you give people enough free stuff they will continue to vote democratic and the chief democrat in charge can do what they want. Democrats do stupid things.

Interesting fact .... there are more people getting free stuff from the government than there are people working in the private sector. Way to go Barry!!!!!
Marcus ... od course is a democrat and the article isn't even saying that it is definitely false ... they are saying that there may be some miscalculations and some of the data is not exactly accurate .. The friggin fact that it is in the same ballpark is frightening!!

Marcus is whistling in the dark. There are WAY too many takers ... but that is what the democrats want ... give them free stuff and you will get their votes.

However .... I should point out that Marcus and his ilk are winning. Just continue to blame productive americans for the problems in society and remove the stigma from welfare and governmental aide and give away more and more free stuff and you will control the political landscape.

Congrats Marcus. You are winning. We are what 16 or 17 trillion in debt .... but you are winning.
So do you think welfare and any government aid should be done away with? I also don't think it should be given to illegals or people not trying to the best of their ability, but I also don't think healthcare should be un-affordable to anyone.
How do we go from having an actual safety net to help people to the point where as a sane individual I protest that 100 million people are getting some sort of government assistance??? There has to be a line where it has to stop. Are you suggesting Yonkers that we haven't crossed that line?

I am saying that we have crossed the line a long time ago and I abhore that Obama SPENDS money to run a TV commercial asking people to apply for food stamps and makes it seem like it is perfectly acceptable. He is removing ALL stigma attached to taking other people's money!

Yonkers ... I believe in a safety net to help those truly in need. WHen 50 million people alone get food stamps ... there's something wrong.
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government aid should be done away with?
Dependency vs. aid. I doubt anyone here is against aid. I do bet anyone here with a trace of conservatism in their blood is against dependency.

These folks may make the argument more eloquently: [youtube]lAgoNULhncs[/youtube]

And as far as I am concerned, dependency is another form of slavery.