Not Amused

Just as a follow-up to my discussion w/ HP, I was at the pub last eveing and although I don't drink it myself, I noticed that Cutty Sark is labeled "Scots Whisky". At least someone got it correct.




Originally posted by wsb
Just as a follow-up to my discussion w/ HP, I was at the pub last eveing and although I don't drink it myself, I noticed that Cutty Sark is labeled "Scots Whisky". At least someone got it correct.


Very observant wsb, just to extend this semantic exercise: it may be that "Scots" is the possesive form of Scot (a person from Scotland), so the distillers of Cutty Sark( which I wouldnt use as paint thinner) may be trying to give the impression that their beverage is the "Scots " choice. While "Scotch" is an adjective, a descriptive, a type of whisky produced solely in Scotland. Whatever. Now my head hurts and I havent even had a drink yet.
take care HP