Hi, I'm new here

Welcome to UG, @Starlord, enjoy your stay here!

A place for mongers and providers to exchange and indulge in a free flow of ideas - who'd have thought that!

"More like you out there" - yes and no. Yes, the monger family.
No, there is none like you - you are uniquely you (apologies to @Uniquelyme!)

Every member of this community brings in their own presence that cannot be duplicated.

So, @Starlord, what's your style?

Walmart greeters have nothing on you. You should be given an honorary title for all you do here to make newbies feel right at home.
Greetings Everyone,

Long time lurker decided to bite the bullet and make an account. I'd like to thank everyone here for their tips and guides on this new hobby of mine. I notice there's not much reviews in S.I. I'm hoping to change that soon enough.