Hi, I'm new here

New Start up agency

Hello All,

My name is jersey and recently partner up with a long time business partner of mine to open our very own agency. I am hoping it will grow... well not too big. We are not looking to get wealthy, we are just looking at this business as a networking group.

Again, we are very discreet and social. If interested drop me a line, or reply to my post.

Thank you for all your time and I hope I don't brake any rules.

Im new but not so new

I'm Jim and am new to UG but have been around the block a many atime,massage places,massage girls,girls etc....I'm also on LIE so just looking to get as much info as possible and will post any new experiences and some past recent ones too.
I'm Jim and am new to UG but have been around the block a many atime,massage places,massage girls,girls etc....I'm also on LIE so just looking to get as much info as possible and will post any new experiences and some past recent ones too.
Hey Welcome to the UG , just make sure you (and everyone )reads the rules, we look forward to hearing from you.