Craig's List - cheapee's review

Ah. Okay. Thank you.

Not that I mind in the least, but this thread has drifted so far, about the best that can be said of it is that it is well out of the way of Hurricane Isabel...


One out of three
Originally posted by kafka
Can't we get back to CL.......who cares about Stanley Crouch.

My hottie is getting flakey on me, some excuses about someone visiting from out of town. Too bad because she is fabulous.....I would spend money on her because she is a once in a life-time shot. But this takes much patience.

The blonde bronx hottie is a hard worker (getting jobs at least)....any other tips?

If a commercial date drops too many hurdles,get another. It's one of the reasons for commercial sex. No commercial sex provider is irreplaceable. Say that 1000x when you're not in their presence. It really works.

(now,what would Stanley C say about a brother listneing to Grover Washington,Jr during commercial sex?)