Christy vs angry mongers with Issues

So i read this thread and i think, hey, maybe these guys are just busting on this girl a lttle too much. So, i look up that instagram link and like what i see. I figure, ive wasted alot more in my life than 1 hr and a couple of i text yesterday and today. Lol. Crickets. I kinda see Christys point, but why you guys need to antagonize is crazy! On to the next girl looking for quick easy money!!! My money is good everywhere no problem!
Like a Boss!
I was too was busy fighting an army. I have yet to answer texts. I will get to that later today. Bear with me :)
So i read this thread and i think, hey, maybe these guys are just busting on this girl a lttle too much. So, i look up that instagram link and like what i see. I figure, ive wasted alot more in my life than 1 hr and a couple of i text yesterday and today. Lol. Crickets. I kinda see Christys point, but why you guys need to antagonize is crazy! On to the next girl looking for quick easy money!!! My money is good everywhere no problem!
I'm sorry bro, I'm not letting this cunt abuse me in here while staying quiet. I tried for a while to be polite and explain myself. I did nothing wrong, now I'm a vulgar criminal who abuses woman. Ang Mr. high and mighty doesn't recognize what's happening, f that.
Long time lurker, rare poster who remains in moderation. So everyone can take this for whatever it's worth if it gets approved by the mods. I had an appointment scheduled with Christy a few months back and ended up getting into a serious car accident day of. Needless to say I was a no show, and she texted me telling me I was very rude and to never contact her again. Fair enough, for all she knows I blew her off for no reason. Didn't respond, it is what it is. That being said, this whole thing has turned into a bunch of adults arguing about he said she said. I don't really see how the conversation that was posted shows that keepit was being vulgar, at the same time she was obviously avoiding the question so why push it? Maybe everyone puts on their big boy and girl pants now and moves on.
My last words on this one..

This is the problem we are faced with in today’s society.

Why can’t people agree to disagree, compromise if needed, walk away if not, and move on?

There is a lot of hate in this world and in my very humble opinion it is not going to get better anytime soon unless those angry hostile people step back, take a deep deep breath and just be nice to one another


Reign of Terror
I want to remind everyone what I wrote after a text politely asking about her services:
So I tried to inquire about Christy's services. She would not answer if mutual touch was allowed, I spelled it out, still wouldn't answer. I asked her about multiple releases (kept my questions very vanilla), she said she doesn't understand the question. If anyone sees this one, a review would be great.
Then the abuse started by both her and backed up by Billy. Slinky you let this asshole run your board? Good riddance. Go bang Christy White Knight Billy.
Now I know why you wanted this closed a few days ago. You have made a total ass of yourself.
You should have just STFU two days ago and none of this would have happened.
I have no idea why you continued this after you made your point.
This is all on you.
Did you read my initial conversation with her and my review? And you continued to allow her to bash me for no reason? That's why. Whatever it's on me. You have a big piece in this. Allowing her BS.
I'm sorry bro, I'm not letting this cunt abuse me in here while staying quiet. I tried for a while to be polite and explain myself. I did nothing wrong, now I'm a vulgar criminal who abuses woman. Ang Mr. high and mighty doesn't recognize what's happening, f that.
You just don't get it don't you? You are wicked. You desperately attempted to abuse, gaslight, encourage and manipulate Billy into letting go of his morals, in order to promote your sick agenda; which is to control women who dare stand-up aganist you. How embarrassing.

Your Haram of virtual abuse has been shattered. Welcome to reality. You've met your Karma. Face it and deal with it.

Your smear campaign was simply a display of your abuse against me. You are so weak, you cannot accept that. You just spend more time and energy with deflecting your toxic actions, this is why you are unable to have a normal interaction with anyone, other than those with your mindset.

Kindness goes a long way. I got a sweet care package from a fellow member of this board? Why?

Because you have a psychotic woman beater mentality and it shows. You're misery gets you nowhere. Thanks for the free promotion. I will be just fine, as you drag yourself deeper into that pit of darkness.
I'm sorry bro, I'm not letting this cunt abuse me qin here while staying quiet. I tried for a while to be polite and explain myself. I did nothing wrong, now I'm a vulgar criminal who abuses woman. Ang Mr. high and mighty doesn't recognize what's happening, f that.
I'm not letting this cunt abuse me ....wowow! You def need to get out some poison! I guess the title of this thread fits!
this is why you are unable to have a normal interaction with anyone, other than those with your mindset.
Oh look! The pot calling the kettle black! :)

Kindness goes a long way. I got a sweet care package from a fellow member of this board? Why?
Geez, I don't know... In spite of your attitude you must give really good head? :rolleyes:

You are cute, I will give you that much and you got some free advertising here from all of this with a link to your Twitter account which is pretty slick as well. Watching your interactions with people here wouldn't make me feel at all comfortable about giving up any personal information to someone who is unhinged enough to possibly go psycho on me though.
Oh look! The pot calling the kettle black! :)

Geez, I don't know... In spite of your attitude you must give really good head? :rolleyes:

You are cute, I will give you that much and you got some free advertising here from all of this with a link to your Twitter account which is pretty slick as well. Watching your interactions with people here wouldn't make me feel at all comfortable about giving up any personal information to someone who is unhinged enough to possibly go psycho on me though.
Pot calling the kettle back? How clever you must think you are. You lack creativity. You bore me with your ignorance.

I do not want your worthless personal information. I have zero interest in you, or your life. You are not as important as you think you are. Flattery following insult, doesn't make you any less disrespectful. You're just a terrible manipulator.

And im glad i deter you. I wouldn't want your kind anywhere near me enabling, as well as contributing to such abusive behavior. Shame on you. You're nothing but a flying monkey.
How pathetic your life appears that it is spent lurking on a whore board trying to find a way to channel your anger at men because your father walked out on you before you were old enough to direct it at him. I got you figured out. :)
Thank you for displaying your abusive behavior. Explains why you came to their defense. Just because your daddy beat mommy up, doesn't make it normal. You are a fool.