A New Jersey board


Let me be the first to appeal to you for a New Jersey board. Lately it seems that unless you are from LI or NYC or are a member of a certain clique here on UG you tend to be ignored. :mad:

I'm pretty sure a NJ board would get more posts then what the regional boards, other then the NYC boards, combined.

If any other of you NJ guys want to see a NJ board here, PLEASE make your voice and opinion heard here.


I Think...

...a Vermont board would get more play than some of the regional boards, c'mon Im beggin' ya, gimme a board!LOL sorry guys, I wholeheartedly support the idea of a NJ board, and while Ive never actually been in Jersey ;), it is an essential part of the NY/LI/NJ triad of hobbying happiness.
take care, HP ( who has had one to many gin and tonics after work)

I brought up this idea MONTHS ago and it was never acknowledged!! Glad to see some other NJ members are speaking up!!!

How about it Slinky?
And if you want a suggestion about which other board to delete, how about the Chicago board? It has a total of 12 threads. Each thread has exactly zero responces. A quarter of the threads are by none other then LesaAnnTyler.
I disagree, not enough critical mass.

As mentioned earlier there are enough boards already and they can't just be deleted because then this place would just be a regional board. But there's no reason to slice it as fine as NY board/NJ board.

Let's just concentrate on making the NY board the best it can be. Everyone knows that it is a NY/NJ board anyway.

[Edited by ew on 06-26-2001 at 01:20 AM]
agrees with ew

i am not sure if there is enough volume that would warrent a separate nj board. sb would have a better handle on that. and really, nj is just a combination of 2 distinct metro areas anyway. ie: philly and nyc. you start to cut it too fine when you start to segment the local metro area too much. maybe there should also be an LI board? or a westchester cty board? or an orange/rockland board or perhaps a northern nj/nyc board and a southern nj/philly board also? where do you draw the line?
NJ board

Once again, my $.02 is that an NJ board is a great idea. Lots of us want to avoid the hassles of NYC. But rather than argue about the merits, why not just give it a try? See how it works ...
Let me start by saying this board is awesome, even if nothing is changed.

A quick thought, in lieu of a separate board.... how about a field in which you input (or select) the location of the provider/establishment you are referring to (ie. NYC, LI, NJ, VT, etc..), which can be searched when looking for info on a specific location? For posts which are not location specific, there would be a selection of n/a (I think you get the idea).

I sure would love to be able to search on a specific location at times (especially LI).

Just a thought.

NJ board would be superfluous

I have to come down on the same side as EW: I don't think there is enough critical mass. Plus, it would separate threads artificially (IMO).

I live in NNJ, work in Midtown and play in both, so for me it is great to be able to see all the threads in one place. NJ threads are certainly available here for us to use or not, so why the separation?