A little respect

i have to agree with you guys on this one.

the other night i took a date (you can probably guess who) to AnneMarie's Cafe over by the Yeast River on Affront St.

after we had downed a few, i said to her in my most sincere and straightforward tone, "you know, you're a complete wacko-nut-job." incredibly, she took offense to this!

so, i said to her, "look, you know you're a wacko-nut-job; i know you're a wacko-nut-job; you know that i know you're a wacko-nut-job, etc; what's the problem here?

then she started yelling at me that she was a lot more than someone rocking back and forth in a padded cell -- that she paints, sculpts, plays the recorder, studies tantra, and so on.

i replied that i was only trying to bring a level of honesty to our relationship. we both knew that i wouldn't be going out with her if she weren't a wacko-nut-job.

she shouted that this was sexist and offensive of me to say. i told her that i was only trying to empower her instead of watching her travel down the romantic road of ruin.

she screamed, "empower that!" as she gave a quick kick to my family jewels from under the table. having momentarily lost my breath, i croaked in a faint whisper, "i refuse to condescend to or patronize you -- you're too tough for that."

at that point, she poured the entire carafe of green tea over my head and stormed out of the cafe.

"rediculous!", i thought to myself. btw, we have these symantec misunderstandings at least once a month.


still wondering

[Edited by guy catelli on 02-25-2001 at 10:22 AM]
Originally posted by Ezrlove

The words whore and prostitue to me just don't have any right being mentioned on these boards.


And denial is not a river in Egypt. The words are not the issue...it's the mental and emotional image they evoke which is individual. If you put a Mercedes 3 point star ornament on a Volkswagon, do you get a better ride?

Both terms are acceptable in society. Both in churches, one in a court of law.

Deal with it dude. The 'hobby' is two participants dealing in the act of prostitution. If that bothers you, perhaps you need to examine why you're in the mind set of frequenting 'escorts' in the first place.

Just my 1/5 of a dime.

[Edited by One Eyed Trouser Trout on 02-24-2001 at 10:19 PM]
Originally posted by littleguy
GC. ... What’s a “functionalist” ? “Wholistic approach “ ???
these two labels are my latest attempt to distinguish between the two ends of the main axis of client orientation toward escorts. hopefully, these labels will not leave either side feeling that they're being derogated or that the other is unduly praised by the labels themselves.

what is the difference between a whore and a prostitute? or a call girl or social escort for that reason..
is it the cost .. the level of education, the actual service or the ability to be seen in public and not scorned..?
xxoo dawn
Originally posted by justme
.... For me the point of these boards is not to romance women that I pay to sleep with me, but rather to gain a further understanding of why exactly it is that I persist in this behavior and what the long run effects will be. I can't possibly apologize for having a different agenda from romantics or even those looking to find the next greatest paid for lay. I'm sorry if I'm intruding on your game. Although, to me, it's a bit like using expensive bait to go fishing in a seeded pond....
let me ask these (for a change :)) neither rhetorical nor factetious questions:

1. do you intend to receive input on your issue from the escorts themselves? or,

2. do you feel that the presence of escorts just gets in the way of your version of 'honesty'?

if the first, it is obvious that people won't provide input on, or even hang around for, a discussion in what they perceive as a hostile environment.

if the second, then that may imply that you have an 'agenda' that is at odds with the responsible parties at UG.

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding on your game."

you recently clarified that you are trying to save those of us who are far older and far more experienced than you from (what you believe to be) "the {romantic} road to ruin" with escorts. do you still maintain that you regret a position that inevitably results in driving away all but a few of those that our side is here to interact with in an atmosphere of cordiality?

[Edited by guy catelli on 02-25-2001 at 10:58 AM]


homo economicus
I'll take insight no matter where I can get it, regardless of gender (or age or experience, for that matter). I actually like that UG is coed as there have been a few female posters who have contributed greatly to my understanding. What I object to is intellectual dishonesty and completely irrational and incoherent replies and arguments.

I don't see myself as a savior or any other such nonsense, especially to grown men and women that are responsible for themselves. It would be a denial of their liberty for me to do so. However, I think that if I were in a room in which a few people were discussing the various merits of heroin use in regards to easing the burdens of life stress, I might be compelled (regardless of their demographics) to point out that long term heroin use is probably not a good idea.
Long term heroin use has no real effect on health. Worked fine for William Burroughs and he was a junkie until he died at 83. Led a very productive life and was busy writing up until a few days before he died. It's really the illegality of heroin that is the downside. All the trouble is created by the legions of blue haired ladies sitting on their porches around the country who control the politicians - who, by and large, were all born out of the stinking, lame, vituperative, stupid asses of these blue haired ladies and vote accordingly.

These blue haired ladies and their sons, the politicians, are the same people who bring you the laws which make prostitution illegal. Best thing for the country would be to legalize whoring and make it a respectable trade - something all young women could do in their spare time without fear of long-term rebukes. A must for resumes of women aspiring to work in service industries (e.g., advertising, law, consulting, etc.). ("It's how I learned to provide service with a smile.", she said during the interview - so I hired her.))

Drive the price down too, I'd suspect as more bodies enter the service and learn to hustle the infinite for a living.

I say legalize all narcotics and all acts of sex between consenting adults. Bring back the good old days which I knew before disappearing off that Manhattan street into an alternate dimension so long ago. When a gram of heroin cost 20 cents and a good whore could be had for $5 after a $1 dinner at Delmonicos.

Let's bring back the good old days.
Was a junkie myself for about a year circa 1971-1972. All the bad things I saw happen to my comrades in arms (e.g., overdose deaths, unexpected emergency room visits, arrests, thefts from family and strangers) were a direct cause of the illegality. Since I knew what I was doing and sold to other suburban kids too terrified to venture into Harlem and the Lower East Side, I never had these problems.

No overdoses on my route. Always told my customers what I was selling was much stronger than it really was. Lying through my teeth of course like any old madam to get more money for my wares, but I am quite sure the parents of my customers would thank me in hindsight for preventing early funerals even though they were out a television or two, and lost the family silver for my benefit. I am now, of course, a respectable citizen.

As a paradigm of human relationships and appetities, I see distinct parellels between heroin and commercial sex. Though I would say that prostitutes are just as much junkies in this situation as they are pushers. Control over access to the infinite (i.e., orgasm) being the shared common purpose of both prostitutes and johns. Rerunning the video tape of the moment of creation and coming to terms over the what, when and how the tape is run. Rather more about controlling the remote than anything else. Very little to do with what sex is in and of itself.
could you explain this.

[but I am quite sure the parents of my customers would thank me in hindsight for preventing early funerals]

They would thank you for selling their kids heroin?

[Edited by ezrlove on 02-26-2001 at 04:00 PM]


homo economicus
Wasn't talking about the medical effects. Heroin has this nasty tendency of making its users extremely obsessive about heroin. What pains me is when I see vibrant, exciting, interesting people become empty shells rubbing themselves on the carpet.

For the record, I've also noted some of the similarities between drugs and prostitution.

I was, of course, being facetious.


Think complete legalization of all narcotics (like prostitution) would eliminate the ill effects you have witnessed. During my trips into New York City to score, I always found time to do interesting things (e.g. go to clubs, concerts, museums, art galleries, etc.). Drugs were just part of the bohemian lifestyle I was trying to live to leave 6 years of being an altar boy behind me. Was no more obsessed about heroin than I was with wanting to be just like Keith Richards and my black leather jacket. Part of the package deal. Ate a 100 hits of acid once for the same purpose. To see if I could go further and to ascertain the limits of experience. Not one flashback ever. Never felt the urge to jump along with Art Linkletter's daughter. And my kids are normal. And I did go further.

While I usually agree with you on most things, here and elsewhere we post under different guise, I think you are off base here.

The legalization of prostitution (does this make me politically incorrect) and the legalization of narcotics are not comparable at all. Your experiences with H, I think, (I would venture to say I know because I beleive my experiences here at least rival yours) make you the exception rather than the rule. For you it might have been the path to insitutions, jail and death but for many many it is. I beleive that most who go down that path don't have their shit together as you did. And who's to say what problems WBR had or didn't have. It's nmot necessarily a case of long-term use as much as it is, use to misuse to abuse.

But these are I think discussions for other boards.
And I think some people here are getting too hung up on the word prostitute.

The "world's oldest profession" is prostitution. People who practice it are prostitutes. This is what it is. I am a user of prostitutes. If you don't like the use of the word I suggest you direct your energies to PONY (Prostitutes of New York), the Prostitutes' Education Network and the San Francisco Task Force on Prostitution (which includes representatives from prostitute organizations) just to name a few. For that matter check out the organization known as HIRE - Hooking is Real Employment and complain to them about the word hookers.

Now if you feel more comfortable using "provider" , "escort", "sex worker" God Bless you, but don't start trying to make an issue over the word prostitute or prostitution. Can people use it as an insult or derogatory word - sure, but my experience is that is in the manner and tone in which they use it much like someone might say "He's and Italian" or "He's a Jew" (both of which I am) as an insult because they say it in a nasty and derogatory fashion. By themselves they are just statments of fact. But there is nothing wrong with prostitute. It is not disrespectful. God save us from the "politically correct."

And in my lexicon "whore" and "slut" have nothing to do with prostitution and are almost exclusively used and meant to be used in a derogatory and disrespectful manner.

But, of course, this is just the opinion of one person who reads and posts on Board concerning prostitution and who uses, proudly so, prostitutes.
There are some negative connotations associated being a lawyer. For some people, not quite as negative as being a prostitute, but negative nevertheless. Do we use the word "lawyer" as an insult?