What is fat & who is fat?

I don't understand how very skinny girls function. I lost alot of weight a few years back and I was so weak. To maintain the low weight I basically had to starve (eventually my body rejected food). I want to be skinny again but I also need to be able to climb my stairs, clean litter boxes and basically do everyday chores. I was so weak at just 10 pounds more than the weight Eddie claims is his favorite I ended up in the hospital malnourished with a bleeding ulcer. My neighbors and local store workers were asking if I was sick and is there anything they can do to help. It just might not be possible for most woman to successfully maintain a waif body and we have to just deal with the gene's our parents gave us.
Agreed. I had a similar experience when I lost a lot of weight. For awhile, I think I looked fabulous... but at a certain point, people I knew were asking me if I was feeling ok on a regular basis. That's when I started to consider that maybe I'd moved out of the fabulosity range and into sickly looking territory. I'm not meant to be 115 lbs.
You ladies need to remember that the so-called skinny 'standard' of beauty is put before us by Hollywood types who have more than enough money and spare time to get them personal trainers, dieticians, 4 hours a day at a health club, and really good drugs (speed!).

Your typical woman does not have the support resources to do that. I dont have a problem with a few extra pounds on a woman. Its certainly preferable to dealing with a dieting grouch all the time!
Boy Eddie,I think you just solved a nation wide epidemic of obesity. Maybe we should offer you the Noble Prize for you well thought out solution. You should present your theory to the head staff at John Hopkins and see what they think.
Thanks, sometimes the answer is right in front of our nose.

I over heard a fatso telling her friend that she wanted to get her stomached stapled to loose wieght.

Thats when it hit me. She should just get her mouth stapled.
Thanks, sometimes the answer is right in front of our nose.

I over heard a fatso telling her friend that she wanted to get her stomached stapled to loose wieght.

Thats when it hit me. She should just get her mouth stapled.
ummmm..... have you ever seen anyone close to you deal with any sort of addiction before? The whole reason they call it addiction is because the person feels they have lost control over their behavior to some extent. I'm not making excuses; anyone who truly wants to change their life can do it with the right help and serious sacrifice, but to make light of the tremendous difficulty involved with the whole process is extremely naive.
Thats an addiction?
I have no idea - I don't know enough about your relationship with it. It certainly could be addictive. I've heard other guys who use this board refer to themselves as addicts, and a lot of the behaviors and attitudes described around here certainly sound addictive, IMHO.
Your earlier comment really didn't come across that way. The terms fatso, loser, and big fat pigs are not objective terms for describing overweight people. There is a bit of venom in the words you have chosen.
It doesn't seem like Eddy knows how to use objective terminology for anyone. Everyone's either a loser, sleaze-bag ho, or fat pig.
Your earlier comment really didn't come across that way. The terms fatso, loser, and big fat pigs are not objective terms for describing overweight people. There is a bit of venom in the words you have chosen.
Fourty - I think they are. I have nothing against fatso, unless I am behind them on a line and they are farting up a storm.