Your current fuck fantasy

Halloween Goodies

Here are some costumed goers that I'm sure we can all fantasize trick or treating at our door, courtesy of

POWER GIRL - I bet alot of you didn't even know there was a character known as Powergirl

BARBIE JEDI? The Force is strong w/this one...or is that my pud poking out of my Jedi robes???

Ummm, I have no clue who she's supposed to be but I have a good idea what I want to do (is that MK's SubZero in the background?)

AEON FLUX - costume-wise, hotter than Charlize Theron's version

SSSUPER GIRL: I always wondered how it would be to bang someone who can bend steel and have endless endurance - hobbyists w/heart problems need not apply

The following 2 are POISON IVY and ummm, BEER TAP GIRL. Yeah. In any event, thank God for college girls:

Actually, if you remove the beers, she'd be MILK ON TAP GIRL

Happy Halloween!!!

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I don't know if anyone here watches Entourage, but Jamie Lynn Sigler was looking smoking on it last week - and if she was willing to play herself giving a handjob and wanting to fuck Turtle you have to figure schlubs like us might stand a chance. (Yeah - right).


Reign of Terror
Moran Atias

Moran Atias (born in 1981) is an Israeli-born model, TV presenter, and actress.
Watching her get fucked like a cat in heat, including asking for it in the ass, in the new STARZ series Crash made me a big fan.

More pictures of her in the thread about the show Crash in the Entertainment thread.
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my ultimate fuck fantasy

coming home from a long day's worth of work and walking into my apt. only to find a box of pizza and a case of Beck's on the table and natalie portman, miranda kerr, and christina milian waiting for me, each wearing nothing but stiletto heels, a thin chain belt, and a "fuck me" expression on her gorgeous face...

and to top it off, my gf's filiming the entire thing... only to join in a few minutes later :eek:)
Actually she is not Aeon Flux, she is sexy German Girl she is holding a WWII German machine gun. No comments please....

Not a German Machine gun. It is an American submachine built during WWII to replace the Thompson sub machine gun. I cannot remember it's official name, but it's American troops called it the Grease gun.
In post war Italy Sophia Loren (Sofia Scicolone back then) could probably be had for about five or ten (american) dollars. She's probably the most famous hooker/ex-hooker that I can think of.
According to the trustworthy German cinema sites, gorgeous Italian superstar Sophia Loren dabbled in the pornographic arts before she met her hero husband Carlo Ponti:

"Als Sofia Lazzaro wirkt sie in einer grossen Anzahl unbedeutender Filme mit. Darunter auch Pornofilme, doch ihr späterer Ehemann Carlo Ponti kauft alle Filme auf, um mögliche Veröffentlichungen und Skandale zu verhindern."

"Ihr Talent wurde schamlos ausgenutzt. Sie spielte von 1950 bis 1952 in diversen Filmen mit, unter denen sich sogar Pornostreifen befanden."

"Dass die Loren, die als Pornodarstellerin angefangen hatte, ihr Talent als ernsthafte Charakterdarstellerin zeigen konnte, hat sie vor allem Carlo Ponti zu verdanken."

:eek: :eek: :eek: