"You can't handle the truth!" and other modern myths

First of all, regarding question #1, I would think the proper course of action would be to e-mail SB and let him deal with it. He's the moderator, that's his role here and he seems to have done a fine job of it so far.

As for supporting certain providers, I imagine there will always be some of that whether we like it or not. Personally, I'm always suspicious of posts and reviews that are entirely positive. Nothing is ever 100 percent.

As boards go, this one has been pretty civil. Let's make sure it stays that way!


homo economicus
SC - I feel lame for continuing with this horrible joke, but the nuh-uh wasn't a duh-uh or a duh, but rather the opposite of an yah-hah (no and yes respectively). I was trying to allude to the arguments of little kids (nuh-uh, yah-hah, nuh-uh, yah-hah, etc.) addressing to your point (about people having to have the last word) in an ironic disagreement of it.

Or something.

As usual, I agree with pswope.
What an Effin Mess

Sorry Doc if Effin offends your grammar. But Being an "Older" Man around here and all the other boards. I must confess that there is a certain amount of knowledge of the industry involved here in discussions. Ozzy, from time to time brings these up because he is smart and knows the background stories as to what is happening today. (Run-On Sentence) SORRY.
I just came back from a few days of R&R to find this thread and it offends me. Personal attacks offend me. This is no place for it.
I want to have fun. Meet new reccomended women and have FUN
I don't know Ozzy that well (indeed who of us REALLY knows each other??), AND he has been a fountain of info for me since we "met".

However, I don't believe he is the sort to ask others to fight his battles for him. He knows who he can count on.
Can't we all just get along? I don't know what it is about certain people trying to start trouble with other people with different tastes or opinions. If someone has a favorite provider or position, likes to play with sex toys, likes old people, chubby people, they shouldn't be personally attacked for it. This hobby is about having a good time, don't ruin it for others.
I am unable to follow this thread, just as I am unable to follow all
thread that are full of intrigue and accusations and grudges and crap.

Why does this stuff have to turn into a weird little clique of who's
cool? Why do people have to squabble publicly about some
transgression that only involves about three people?

There's always some situation where some customer who likes SuzyQ gets
his back up when she complains about an asshole who posted bad reviews
of her. Then, somebody starts a rumor that she's got track marks or something
and suddenly people are "outing" one another.

Guys, would you please, please, please get a fucking grip?

I've participated on many message boards, but I've never seen anything
like the silliness that happens on provider-related boards. It wouldn't
surprise me if competing providers got into it, but you guys do it more
than anyone.

this was about competing providers getting into it. well one girl getting into it with two or three girls. and it was starting to happen here.
Grammar is not a key issue

Grammar and run-on sentences are not valid points to really crtique someone on. I don't feel that is fair. I am not a typist or the most prolific writer I just do my best as we all do.
With regard to prior days postings: My comments were mostly directed to Uncle Fester and Lucifer. There comments were out of line and so were some mischaracterizations.
As far as events I was not priivy to I have not made any comments nor will I.
I feel anyone can make there opinions heard without name calling and nastiness. I read everything I do have my opinions but most I keep to myself.
All I can say is if u have a POV and believe it defend it I certainly do.This is why I now stay away from phone chats and other things that lead to gossip and falsehoods regarding otherwise good people. I enjoy the boards and will continue to post on subjects that interest me but name calling trashing people is not one of them and I don't do it and I don't appreciate it done to me , If you don't care for me ignore me move on but low blows regarding my age etc. are just tacky.
I just wanted to say that having a place that is charged with energy (which does lead to conflict) is preferable to a board that is overly civil. If everyone is too civil, by necessity we will hold back infomation so as not to ruffle feathers around here.

As it is this board is much more civil than a lot of other internet posting boards (on unrelated topics). I am by nature a sarcastic person and I have felt the need to ignore the many beachball-sized targets lofted in front of me here. I am certain that my sarcasm would be taken for criticisms/attacks by people who interpret literally what is written.

Although it has no relation to this board, I got sucked into being a major poster on the Princeton review board for a year and a half. Those kids are brilliant, funny, and viciously sarcastic. You really learn to defend yourself or your viewpoint there because someone will call you on it with a systematic destruction of your posts. And those posts are coming from your "friends"!Nobody holds back on PR because nobody has anything at risk, except for their internet rep. Here it's different.

I can offer a bit of an observation between the PR board and UG though. I stopped posting on the PR board because I felt that the quality of posters had dropped, much what many people lament happened to JAG and what some fear is happening here. I learned the ropes at PR and I think that you naturally get comfortable. People don't like change in general. As it is, it takes too much energy to read posts and reply.

I even read the travesty that is the NJ/ISO board.*

*The above was sarcasm and it not necessarily the viewpoint of the moderators. Then again, it might be.
Oh yeah, another point on PR/UG and what I've learned about internet personalities and the places they assemble.

I got involved in PR because I wanted to add to the discussion the benefit of my life experience regarding colleges, workplace etc. Some posters were not interested in this information. They post mainly to express their viewpoint and disregard anything to the contrary. They are either not open to discussion or are unused to defending their viewpoint. Instant clash.
(The equivalent of BBxx there is State College Vs. Private, guaranteed war)

So some people place ISO's out when they have already formed their opinions.

An admission, I hate Judge Craters posts. Not because I dispute what he says but he frankly depresses the shit out of me. I know what he is saying is an accurate portrayal (mostly), but this whole lifestyle is about delusion. I prefer to delude myself in regard to my personal experiences but I don't do so pertaining to the industry in general. His strong personality, love it or leave it, is vital to the succes of the board. So is the inclusion of escorts. I just hate it when it gets too fluffy.


homo economicus
I've always wondered why it's so hard for 'net conversers to differentiate between an insult and a joke. Maybe it's the lack of inflection in the type. We must need more emoticons.

Princeton Review? The kids that work for PR are hillarious.
I must have my reviews all crossed. I thought the funny kids were over at the Lampoon...is that Harvard?...and that the P.R. was a bunch of yuppie snobs
"I prefer to delude myself in regard to my personal experiences but I don't do so pertaining to the industry in general. "

But ew, don't you think that your self delsusions could lead you to mislead others? If you deny that there is something unwholesome or depressing or "off" in any of your experiences than doesn't that encourage others to do the same and possibly perpetuate a situation that is wrong? I refer to someone you said you had a good time with. And maybe you didn't have such a good time. Pardon me I'm hopelessly curious and open. Not criticizing...I'm just so freakin' curious...
PR, not the magazines but the website devoted to test prep and college/law/business/gradschool admissions. review.com

Hey, don't get me wrong I have bad experiences too I just make sure that I don't repeat them. I don't supress depressing/unwholesome experiences you just won't hear about them here. But, then again I haven't seen any of the escorts who hang on this board either. I think UG has just kind of went through some kind of consensus that we shouldn't be negative against the ladies. This poses an interesting dilemna, if I had a bad experience would I say so? Probably not, because it could have been due to many factors one being me. So what would I "out" about a provider? If she is not what she is advertised (i.e. appearance) that will gain my everlasting ire. Why? Because I am too nice to walk out so she suckered me, but others need not fall prey to her.

I am speaking more about the escorts that I have decided to see on a regular basis. I really enjoy their company and I'm not talking about the physical aspect. They are people that can hold a conversation and can put up with my interminable questions about their background, their chosen profession, and what they would be rather doing. I do this from many different angles and some might feel it to be an interrogation of sorts. Basically, I am looking for someone that I can talk to without them feeling the need to conform who they are to what they think my expectations are.

As to whether or not I had a good time only I can be the judge of that. Others have accused me elsewhere of having low standards. I admit that I don't have a set list of wants from a provider in terms of stuff like bbbj, kissing or anything else. If I enjoyed myself whether it be conversation, sex, combo of the two that's good enough for me. I never book for less than 4 hours so I can indulge myself, the action portion is about an hour/90 min or so. I think it is a fair tradeoff.

When escorts speak to me I expect them to be telling me the truth. In return, I don't ask them to have sex in positions 1-99 while screaming for the savior. That's the easiet way to send me packing. The delusion bit comes in that I actually take what they are telling me as the truth. However, I am fairly confident that this is the case. I don't think that many people can lie for 3 straight hours, because as I said my questions corroborate themselves from different angles. The next time they see me the questions will start again...
At any rate I remember basically everything they say and I'll call them on it. There isn't anything that I won't answer in return for them, if they are asking me for an opinion they'll get it.

Besides the lack of a long history with some escorts I do feel I know them fairly well. I judge them on my time spent with them and not what others say. I consider them friends (within the constraint that I am actually paying them to be there) and I think they like seeing me.

As I come to the end of this meandering I realize you are speaking of the board's lightning rod. She is a genuinely nice person. I am not sure if I will see her long-term because she is very guarded, rightly so since everything she says is put up in flashing lights over the internet. We've established a relationship in that she knows that I am "safe" but she needs to trust me enough to speak to me. The sex is...awesome. She bruised my pelvis last time. I haven't encouraged others to see her, I just told the truth as I saw it.

As for criticizing, no problem. I am not overly sensitive and for all I know you're a guy that likes to pose as an escort so why should I care? It is just the internet afterall.