What is fat & who is fat?

How dare you compare me to him. I would be much more senitive towards your weight problem.

I would let you eat the cake, then send you to the bathroom to vomit.
He was a horrible, self absorbed narcissistic person but Eddie you take the cake and I am not kidding. I don't have weight problems just bad boyfriend choices.
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How dare you compare me to him. I would be much more senitive towards your weight problem.

I would let you eat the cake, then send you to the bathroom to vomit.
Eddie, I did not write I refused the cake it was my idiot ex who refused his own birthday cake because he was so concerned about the calories. For the record nobody lets me do anything I do not want to do. People obsessed with weight, diet and appearence are poison to be around. People are probably better off taking poison than being in the company of such soulless individuals.
What Emily said about losing weight being a full time job for women is no joke. It typically takes me a month of strict diet and exersize before I'll even drop my first pound, and I have to stick with it for weeks afterwards to achieve any noticeable difference.

Meanwhile, I've dated men who simply cut out soda or hit the gym twice a week without even altering their diet and presto - they've lost five pounds in a few days. If I could get those kind of results by being vigilant for a couple of weeks, then it would be so much easier for me to stick with a weight lost program. The problem for me (and for a lot of women out there) is that our results are so delayed and slow coming. If you want to lose weight healthily you have to commit yourself to this super long, boring, restrictive thing that could last months. And then, as soon as you start slacking off in the least, all the weight comes right back within a couple weeks. (and by slacking off, I do not mean pigging out or ignoring your workouts, I just mean easing up on everything a little.) It's truly horrible and frustrating.

The fact that we have to work so damn hard and fight so much to get to a certain size only lends credit to the fact that we aren't really supposed to be that tiny in the first place. I've sort of given up on looking like I did a few years ago.... it's way too much work for the limited, elusive rewards and I honestly don't think I look that much different without the 10 lbs. anyway. I'd rather just enjoy my life; I don't hear anyone complaining about the way I look.
I am trying to help you with your eating disorder, and I become souless?
Eddie just because I am not rail thin does not mean I have a eating disorder. I am a very stable person with a understanding toward humanity and a strong belief in individualism. If everyone looked the same it would be a very boring world. The only reason I was with my fitness fanatic ex is because I saw potential and I wanted to help him become a better less self absorbed person. Did you ever think it is me who is trying to help you let go of your one dimensional ways.
I just accept that I am never going to be visited by guys who want skinny girls. I always hope the majority of clients prefer curvy but cute girls. I also think a pretty face goes a long way. I recently put on a few pounds since I quit smoking. I am concerned and trying to get back to my fighting weight. As far as I know it did not make any difference, nobody has mentioned anything to me or ina review.
I would much prefer a lady with some extra pounds over one who smokes, any day of the week.
Part of the reason why me and me ex wife broke up was because she felt too fat and didn't want to have sex. Bloody hell I told her it was bs because I found her attractive (I like a little meat with me potatoes). But she rarely put out. And it really strained our relationship. It made me feel almost inadequate because she wasn't sleeping with me. So moral to the story, find you a provider lol
I would much prefer a lady with some extra pounds over one who smokes, any day of the week.
Pops: Thanks for your comment. I couldn't agree more - it is difficult for smokers to hide it. And a lady in the biz who smokes is an enormous turnoff for me.

A woman's attitude toward weight is important. I give people credit who are at least trying to maintain their weight level or trying to reduce by working out, eating smart, and being conscious of the situation.


Diet pills and smoking go together. If you take amphetamines to lose weight or other reasons even if you are not a smoker your urges to smoke increase. I don't even like to smoke but when I took Adderall (not even to lose weight) I craved it cigarettes.
Diet pills and smoking go together. If you take amphetamines to lose weight or other reasons even if you are not a smoker your urges to smoke increase. I don't even like to smoke but when I took Adderall (not even to lose weight) I craved it cigarettes.

Why not just use Ephedrine and a caffeine stimulant for 2 weeks and exercise 5 days a week to lose weight. Smoking is so unhealthy.