Threatening Accusations!

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I've been here 7 years, the medications don't work, I hate this place etc etc etc ...... Just a little levity my fellow UG board members.

And I concur, stop the insanity as NOTHING is ever resolved via this medium.

SB can you close this thread ?

Peace Out
so tank commander has a final statement....

here's the link and what he said.

btw notice that he is the forum owner and moderator of this board he posted this on and that guy catelli owns it.

:) heres the link.

:) and what he said.

Well, it seems that I've been banned from UG.
August 8 2001 at 10:44 AM
No score for this post Tank (login Tankcommander)
Forum Owner


The entire thing started long before I started posting on Utopia, or TBD for that matter. It seems that in a search for the truth, and waiting for evidence before aligning myself with one party of another made both parties assume I was with the other.

Slinkybender and Ozzy both sit and make accusations all day long, yet constantly, they refuse to divulge names… “someone feels guilty”, or “someone has something to hide”.

Recently, the continue to say that Catelli has continued his campaign, calling and e-mailing people about EZ… This may or may not be true, but I have seen no evidence of either. They say “do I have to post it to convince you?”… Yes! That’s what I’ve been getting at all along… that their “say-so” is not enough to convict. I have heard many stories from Ozzy, most of them consist of how important he is, and how much prostitutes really love him, but very few of his stories have been collaborated by testimony from victims themselves. Again, to him, his “say-so” is evidence while someone else’s is not.

The point is, Catelli’s action would have been wrong, only if you had proof that EZ did not do what he was accused of, and Ez would have been wrong if Catelli showed proof that EZ did what he was alleged to have done. Lacking that, you cannot judge either person’s actions.

Taking the Holocaust example… now knowing that It actually happened, we can say that FDR was wrong for sitting on his hand. Hindsight is 20/20. However, what if early in the war, FDR sacrificed thousands of men, to attack these work camps, caused a great rift in the Allied positions in Italy and North Africa, and had to pull back all aid to Russia in order to do this, and found out that these atrocities were not the case? The war would have been lost over several rumors. The point is that until you really know whether or not EZ drugged or assaulted anyone, you cannot say that Catelli was wrong. The only thing a righteous person can do is to stay neutral.

It also seems that they have the last shot, telling me to answer their allegations, knowing full well that they have banned me and cannot do so. I also know that I have done nothing but seek the truth, and they have smeared and slandered me as if I had personally done those things Alyssa and Catelli had been accused of. I know for a fact that I had not done those things and I know that I am straight and honorable. This can only mean, for me, that Slinky and Ozzy have no credibility. Seeking truth can only make me an accomplice to the truth, yet they accuse me of perpetuating lies.

That, and name calling… that’s all you can throw at me about now because you know you’re wrong.

:) now i'll respond and give him he god damn proof....

From :
guy catelli <>

To :
Ozzy <>, slinkybender <>

Subject :
FWD: for the record [was: it's no 'secret']

Date :
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 10:31:50 -0700 (PDT)

i'm not blaming you for being unpersuaded. and (as far as i know), you have
not blamed me because i *am* persuaded. fair enough.

what makes these predators (again, it's not *just* EZ) so cowardly, is not only
that they prey on women, but to top it off, they target women who have to keep
their mouth shut and/or publicly pretend that 'nothing happened' to avoid being
even more victimized through loss of a means of making a living, public
exposure to the civilian world, and possibly LE complications. even special
'sex crimes' units won't prosecute predators who prey on these women. so, of
course the women say (publicly) 'nothing happened'.

isn't 99% of what escorts say publicly exactly what *prospective* clients want
to hear? isn't that the *essence* of 'marketing'? (i don't know about your
job; but, i know that's the case where *i* work!)

here's the *public*, nonsecret, evidence:

'Princess Claudia' publicly 'fell on her sword' (ie, behaved in a way she knew
would get herself fired) because EZ had forced cunnilingus on her. it is quite
evident from *his own* review (even after he repeatedly edited it over the
course of a week). the review is *public*.

forcing cunnilingus on someone is a sex crime. *Vera* told me that this was
Claudia's complaint when i was still defending him. and, Vera got the story
from EZ himself.

[Vera, through her public attacks on my reputation for speaking truth, has
waived any privilege of confidentiality. an abused privilege is a waived
privilege -- and she publicly abused the privilege three times, before i posted
the truth about her. the whole matter (btw, i have seen Vera snort heroin with
my own eyes) would have stayed with the two of us (EZ and myself), if EZ hadn't
cynically manipulated Vera into publicly destroying herself. frankly, that's
when i decided EZ is not the case of a good man with the misfortune of having
an ugly compulsion; instead, he's an ugly person with a line of bs that he
doesn't believe himself.]

Claudia's (supposed) subsequent orgasm is no defense -- it was the defense EZ
gave Vera, which she of course didn't accept as a defense -- anymore than it
would be if any other sex crime victim (supposedly) had an orgasm. according
to Vera, this 'perfect gentleman' doesn't "understand" that you're not supposed
to force women to perform sex practices they don't want to perform!

then i learned (again, from Vera) that when EZ went out with Alyssa, she wound
up having an 'accident' that put her out of commission for 6 weeks. sure,
Alyssa praised him in public -- if she didn't, she'd have beeen publicly
crucified by anonymous posters for being 'Alyssa'.

again, Vera got the story from EZ himself (Vera told me the story on the same
occasion when she was trying to rationalize his forcing cunnilingus on
Claudia): EZ and Alyssa were drinking together. once at the hotel, Alyssa
fell (supposedly in the shower). she broke a rib that punctured a lung.

to repeat, i was still defending EZ when Vera told me this (which is why Vera
told me in the first place). but, i was very puzzled by this. sure, Alyssa
likes to drink (EZ *targets* women who do). and, anyone can slip and fall when
they've been drinking.

but, Alyssa is in top physical form; and she is trained in martial arts. the
very *first* thing you're taught in martial arts is how to fall *without*
breaking a rib! i expressed my puzzlement to Vera -- she just brushed it off.
and, at that time, i still believed my first *instinct*: that this was a case
of an innocent black man being persecuted by hysterical white bigots, etc.

now i know why Alyssa broke a rib. she didn't just fall, she passed out. and
she passed out because he drugged her. no more puzzling inconsistency.

then, on another occasion when i was visitng her (socially), Vera launched into
a big tirade about "men", because EZ didn't "understand" that "enough, stop,
you're hurting me, i'm in pain" means he's supposed to stop, rather than "if
you don't like it, there's something wrong with you as a woman" (the line Vera
said EZ feeds women who want him to stop hurting them).

my grandfathers were far from 'perfect gentleman'. they didn't have a year of
formal education between them. (they didn't have enough to *eat* when they
grew up, much less money for schoolbooks!) both were violent men. (one of
them carried a gun at all times, as did my father.)

but, none of them would have continued doing something to a woman that she said
was physically hurting her if their life had depended on it.

what's not to 'understand' about, "stop, you're hurting me"? according to
Vera, this is the fault of "men". well, based upon the example of the men that
brought me up, i'd say it's the fault of EZ.

and then, Amanda of Houston went bazerk in *public*. i know Amanda. i've
dated her. she is a perfectly down to earth, highly *pragmatic* individual.
she did not *publicly* 'lose it' merely because "[something] just happened".

TBD has said he's seen "documented proof of some of Guy's charges". ok, it's
'secret evidence'. but, is *TBD* 'jealous' of all the sex EZ is getting?
(chuckling) or, is TBD a crazed racist? (btw, why would someone making
baseless charges because he is 'jealous' and a 'racist' have spent a month
vigorously defending the accused -- just to throw everybody off the trail?
it's pure 'junkie logic' to imply that the first month's defense must have been
*in spite of* jealousy and racist malice.)

you know yourself, because you were in TBD chat at the time, that *i* was the
first one to alert EZ that *Claudia* had outed EZ's name (because Vera gave me
public credit for it while you were there); that *i* was the one who told EZ to
look for TBD in chat to have the post deleted (that's why EZ went there); and
you know that, notwithstanding EZ's asking TBD to delete the post, that TBD
left the whole thing hanging out there. i didn't understand why at the time.
now i do.

then there is the *public* claim, made by Vera or EZ himself (i forget which),
that women won't book with EZ. do you suppose that any escort has ever turned
down a nickel of business because of baseless charges made by guy catelli? or,
do you think they're turning down EZ's business because of what they've learned
from the escort grapevine, where escorts say what they *really* know about us?

we're not talking about no-pay/slo-pay or something like that. we're talking
about something that could eventually wind up being felony murder.

you can disbelieve me. that's your prerogative. there is no *absolute
certainty* in life. never has been; never will be. but, i've defended guilty
people (to my subsequent regret) that i had originally believed were innocent.
i've never (that i can recall) mistakenly accused an innocent person. and if,
god forbid, i am mistaken about EZ, the mistake was not due to insufficient
evidence to support the mistaken conclusion.

when *Claudia* (who was the "trigger mechanism", as you put it -- not
*Roberta*) initially put this matter on the public record, my first instinct
was to go into my defense-against-racial-bigotry mode (for which i have a
lifelong history -- a claim i doubt that Vera could make, and i am certain
Seattle John could *not* make). Claudia herself triggered this by accusing EZ
of racism against her.

i kept defending EZ after Vera told me a story (ie, about Alyssa) that didn't
strike me as making sense when i first heard it. and, i verbally tore Amanda
to shreds on a public board for engaging in public innunedo without actually
making specific charges.

but, as i've said before, eventually i found that i was defending *too much*
'too much'.

on the flip side, there's no 'constitutional right' to book an escort. a good
reputation as a client is a privilege that has to be earned and maintained.
it's not some kind of 'unalienable right'.

therefore, as always, life is a matter of playing the *odds* -- no matter what
the issue. just on the basis of what is *publicly* known, these are *very* bad

and yeah, i also have 'secret evidence' -- to boot. but, forget the secret
evidence: based on what's already out there for everyone to see, would you
want someone you care about to roll the dice on going out for drinks with EZ?
i wouldn't.

it's that simple.


:)wait this is guy so you know theres more slander and dribble......

From :
guy catelli <>

To :
Ozzy <>, slinkybender <>

Subject :
don't blame EZ

Date :
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 11:50:40 -0700 (PDT)

like i said, i'm not trying to convince you. first i wanted to clear up
whatever mistaken inference you may have drawn from my previous silence.

second, after you replied by (impliedly) challenging my credibility, i wanted
to show that there is more than enough public evidence, combined with
'admissions against interest' from EZ himself, that he is a serial sex predator
whose standard m.o. is to blame the women (obviously, a surefire way to
favorably sway many clients).

anti-italian racists conspired with capitalist pigs to frame Sacco and

anti-german racists trying to take the u.s. into WW2 conspired to frame Bruno
Hauptman for kidnapping the Lindbergh baby.

FDR conspired with the aramaments cartel to keep the impending attack on Pearl
Harbor a secret.

Churchill conspired with Zionists to keep an impending attack on Coventry a

The FBI conspired with capitalist pigs to frame both Alger Hiss and the

Everyone and their aunts and uncles conspired to kill JFK.

half of L.A. conspired against O.J.

more recently, a 'vast right-wing conspiracy' conspired to make it appear that
Bill Clinton *did* know what the meaning of 'is' is.

and now:

catelli is part of a conspiracy; and

TBD is part of it;

Claudia is part of it;

Alyssa is part of it;

Amanda is part of it;

hey, even *Roberta* was once part of it.

are all of these cases unrelated? not at all. they're all basically replays
of the same script: everyone has an agenda; every institution does sordid
things as part of its institutional imperative; therefore, everyone and every
institution are part of an evil conspiracy. only one person is an *exception*
to this rule: the accused. so, there's no inconsistency here.

[i'm hardly the first commentator about the sheer perversity of human nature.
Mark Twain is *devastating* on the subject of the perverse human
will-to-believe the untterly unbelievable.]

i'm not going to reveal the evidence of the druggings. that's not the point.
the point is: would you recommend EZ as a client to a woman whose safety you
cared about? if EZ never drugged a woman in his life, the public record,
combined with revelations made to me by Vera make absolutely clear that EZ's
business is 'risky business'.

and, *that's* why many women won't book with EZ. but, don't blame EZ for this.
blame catelli; blame TBD; blame Claudia; blame Alyssa; blame Roberta; blame
Amanda. blame everyone and anyone -- *except* don't blame EZ.


:)theres more but i won't waste the bandwidth with this crap. ok this should end this once and for all.

[Edited by ozzy on 08-09-2001 at 01:32 AM]
one last question..... tank..wheres YOUR proof that you are not aligned with these people and responsible for some of this crap.

i only ask since you say it's ok for guy to do this since no one can prove EZ is NOT guilty.....fairs fair......buddy. and don't try and slam me as your other name that you used to slam B2S on this board

it's over johnnie.

[Edited by ozzy on 08-09-2001 at 12:33 AM]
No reply

I don't think he can reply because he's outta here.... Is that the story... and just for the record Guy's board and Tanks board, I beleive are two seperate things....I could be wrong, but...
That sure is some proof.....Ozzy

The only problem is that he will never see it. You should probaby e-mail it to him. I think it might open his eyes a little......
1 last time

I saw roberta *immediately* after the alleged (by guy the fatuous wacko) attack. she had had no time to be prepped. I was her next morning appt. she told a tale where EZ treated her like gold (her word), she "loved him" and she "got drunk" and the rest was "both of our fault". no drugs, no guy stirring the pot, no EZ guilt. so ozzy chose the right side -- which is frankly a complete accident. claudia was a strange girl and you cant take much of her for real. and alyssa falling or whatever -- I make zero of that, we can all believe anything could have happened there.

are we done yet or is this board doomed also?

no question - guy is an intentional troublemaker, documented on every board, and hes been thrown off all of them. EZ is CLEAN on houston roberta -- dont think so, SB do a 3 way call with me and her. tank you want your proof, you just got it. ozzy why do you like causing wrecks. the janelle insanity on JAG, this thing. drop it.

at least the other boards took a bit to disrupt. I read the 1/2 life of this 1 to be about 8 seconds

in the words of casper peace out
Can I have a show of hands here.. WHO CARES?? It looked as though this thread was finally going to die and here we go again.

I don't know the whole story. I haven't followed it. I don't CARE enough to follow it..... but the point is, it's all IN THE PAST!!! Why harp on it??

The involved parties are gone. Let's move on.
I am sure about one truth: escorts do network among themselves. So if anyone is a serial offender you can be sure that the word would get around soon enough. On this issue escorts usually help each other out. I would think that this is the case, but there is probably zero chance a provider will get within a mile of this thread to confirm this.

Other than that, I would guess that an escort (even if she was in fact wronged) would rather that discussions of this profile not happen. Nothing good can come from being at the center of such a maelstrom.

The main players in the thread above are not present so you rest assured that the issue won't be resolved here.

i'm sure he's seen it already. never got back to me about that hush hush UG G2G i supposedly threw or attended?????? i don't know what rumors are going around but I was not at any G2G or know of any secret meetings anywhere since the last one in NYC.

and who could tell where that was posted since i only was sent a link to it..... but you and tank are moderators on guy catelli's board...unless i'm mistaken?


you know all about what really happened on jag with janelle. you also know about a lot of the other shit thats been thrown around here (first hand). you also know that some of that shit here had to be removed before they turned this into bigdog. so it turns out i was right both times. cause that janelle insanity happened right here on UG also (three times), and i had no part of it. it also happened someplace else a lot more private that we both know of and ...well you know what happened there too.

so thats three times i was right.

now if you want to count alyssa, cause you and your friends know all about that one and what she and her friends are capable of first hand.

thats 4 for 4.

so tell me....does what taylor li and morgan did to a mutual friend of ours make me 5 for 5 or 6 for 6?

i think that sums up all my rants here on UG.

now i can go.

[Edited by ozzy on 08-09-2001 at 12:17 AM]
You are mistaken...Ozzy

Before I knew of the Catelli stuff, I did agree to be a moderator of the music section of his board. After I had heard the stories and after talking to some people I decided I was gonna pass on being a part of that board. Im sorry I didn't get back to you the other day. I just assumed that Tank was being paranoid and I also assumed you were treating us as a unit cause we hang out on occasion...... As far as where that was posted, I only received the link. I will try to get the URL for you. It's a board he just started, I think. I'll get back to you.

For the love of god or allah or whomever you worship (provders included) close this post and take this non sense of the board and into private emails ....

Slinky I plead with you to stop the insanity anyway you see fit but stop it you must .....

Peace Out
Response to Beep

If you had really been in Delta Force-you would have made no such comments or statements. People such as you should be banned from Boards such as this one-you are ruining them.


Originally posted by Casper
For the love of god or allah or whomever you worship (provders included) close this post and take this non sense of the board and into private emails ....
Slinky I plead with you to stop the insanity anyway you see fit but stop it you must .....
Peace Out
Although I agree that this thread would best be consigned to the closed bin, I dont think that will do anything to prevent the rearing of its less than attractive head somewhere else. This appears to be an issue that some people feel very strongly( with egos and reputations on the line) about and until the main protagonists agree that it is best left to the back channel, it will continue to surface again and again.
take care HP
The only objective reality I see is:

1. In the absence of a fact finding hearing,all of this "evidence" that many are "submitting" is meaningless.This or any other board of its ilk is not an appropriate forum to resolve these endless controversies. Why not hire one of those alternative dispute resolution firms(maybe you can get the former NYS Court of Appeals presiding judge, Sol Wachtler, to preside)and stipulate that his finding is final. I volunteer to forgo a session and kick in $150 towards the fee,so we can bring this endless melodrama to closure If no one else is willing to contribute,I'll stipulate to letting Jude Crater hear the matter;
2. Many of you gentlemen are way too involved with providers.
Re: Response to Beep

Originally posted by RoosterC74
If you had really been in Delta Force-you would have made no such comments or statements. People such as you should be banned from Boards such as this one-you are ruining them.
Uhhmmmm, Rooster... I thought it was pretty clear that that was a joke.


I think when you use language as strong as you did to Rooster, that a little more than a :) is necessary to let someone know that you are joking- especially on a thread such as this where tensions and civility are being stretched to the breaking point.
take care HP
Response Back To Beep-And This Is Final


Since, I do not know you personally, and since you have never responded to any of my other posts on the Board, how could I have possibly thought it was a joke? I see no room for jokes that are threatening in nature around here. They have no positive purpose, unless I am missing something. Additionally, I do not believe that they fit in well with the true nature of this Board. Throughout, the many months that I have been a member of this Board, I have attempted to keep my comments positive, both about other Board Members and many providers that I have come to enjoy and trust. I will continue to move in that direction, and will have no further correspondence with you in the future, either on this Board or through private e-mail. In a very few sweet words- in my eyes you no longer exist.

[Edited by RoosterC74 on 08-09-2001 at 10:15 AM]
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