The Economy is dying


Despite how well we think the market is doing , the unemployment rate is unacceptably high. Couple this with high fuel costs, I think we are heading for more trouble. Hold on to your savings folks.
Despite how well we think the market is doing , the unemployment rate is unacceptably high. Couple this with high fuel costs, I think we are heading for more trouble. Hold on to your savings folks.
I think unemployment is high because most jobs just do not pay enough. There are also whole buisness that are almost obsolete, publishing, book stores, many aspects of the music industry. There are retail businesses that can't hold on to workers because they refuse to pay acceptable salaries, some collect through unemployment and it's the greedy companies that should take blame. Many corporations took advange of the the meltdown and forced their employees to take a pay cuts even though profits were fine, so much unsavory working practices and unreasonable salaries lead to high unemployment. We need to raise the minimum wage to lower the unemployment rate.
how to fix America?????? Hmmmmm

What changes do you think will help this dire situation? I personally cannot see any savior unless we dramatically change our wasteful and disruptive ways.

Personally, I think the worst crisis we are facing is we are overpopulating ourselves into extinction.
Dont worry the elites have a plan for overpopulation it's call war and genocide, starvation, etc, Etc, yada yada.

To understand the problem you have to study the fall of Rome and other major empires. Rome destroyed itself from within, no standing army was able to conquer Rome but a destruction of it's currency (clipping and shaving gold coins). Fall in morality ( orgies and gladiator games galore) and currupt lawmakers.( Hmmmm this is sounding familiar) destroyed the Empire. The super Rich are jockeying for position to drop another crash like 2008 but 100 times worse.
America has lost direction and we keep looking to the same rich assholes to put us back on the right track. ( George Carlson was right). remember this post look back in 2 years and you will see the number one problem in America right now is the U.S. Dollar. ( work with me here for a sec) the Fed can no longer debase our money any further, but They will continue to try and one day we will find that the A.T.M. machines have been shut off, then shit hits the fan.
we need other countries to take our money the day the stop!!!!! we Are F@%ked.

We think that the riots we see in other countries can't come here but we have a very fragile system and Obama can't fix it, congress cant fix it, the Fed can't fix it. all the can do is print more money and hope the world keep taking our paper. we will eventually have to pull back all the troops like Russia did in Afghanastan, and get our house in order.

DAMMMMM i need a drink.
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Dont worry the elites have a plan for overpopulation it's call war and genocide, starvation, etc, Etc, yada yada.

To understand the problem you have to study the fall of Rome and other major empires. Rome destroyed itself from within, no standing army was able to conquer Rome but a destruction of it's currency (clipping and shaving gold coins). Fall in morality ( orgies and gladiator games galore) and currupt lawmakers.( Hmmmm this is sounding familiar) destroyed the Empire. The super Rich are jockeying for position to drop another crash like 2008 but 100 times worse.
America has lost direction and we keep looking to the same rich assholes to put us back on the right track. ( George Carlson was right). remember this post look back in 2 years and you will see the number one problem in America right now is the U.S. Dollar. ( work with me here for a sec) the Fed can no longer debase our money any further, but They will continue to try and one day we will find that the A.T.M. machines have been shut off, then shit hits the fan.
we need other countries to take our money the day the stop!!!!! we Are F@%ked.

We think that the riots we see in other countries can't come here but we have a very fragile system and Obama can't fix it, congress cant fix it, the Fed can't fix it. all the can do is print more money and hope the world keep taking our paper. we will eventually have to pull back all the troops like Russia did in Afghanastan, and get our house in order.

DAMMMMM i need a drink.
I think it's going to be a new disease that will lower the population before genocide, something really messy and incurable like Ebola. War was one of the things that got us out of the great depression of the last century, it was the birth of us becoming a superpower. That was then, now is another story.

I agree with you, we are heading for really bad times and America needs a wake up call. The worst of it is that we are disliked by the rest of the world, we are always the bad guys, they think we are wasteful, indulgent and ignorant and are rooting for our failure.

Make that a drink a double !!
First of not too many people went to jail regarding the Wall Street crisis. We need to invest in our sucks. Whenever I travel to other countries especially Japan or Hong Kong or China, I feel like we're the third world country trying to catch up. Our kids think they work hard but compared to the kids overseas there's no competition.

Plus Social Security is not an entitlement program so don't cut it. We all pay into it so we need to get something out of it. Medicaid on the other hand is an entitlement program because most of them don't have the money and don't have jobs but get free medical care. How does that work?!? Plus big corporations are not paying their fair share of taxes.

It's not the spending of the government, it's also the tax revenue we're losing. The deficit is like a credit card with ah HUGE balance. You can stop spending but you still have to come up with the money to PAY OFF the balance!!!!!!!!!!
Emily,"The worst discovery to happen to humans as a species was in vitro fertilization."
Explain that to my 18 year old daughter,after 7 years trying to conceive.
back to the subject


I agree with you, we are heading for really bad times and America needs a wake up call. The worst of it is that we are disliked by the rest of the world, we are always the bad guys, they think we are wasteful, indulgent and ignorant and are rooting for our failure.

Make that a drink a double !![/QUOTE]

SO let me continue i didnt want to write too much on the last post. Rome was entangled in a lot of little wars all around the known world, soliders had to be in all provinces to put down any unrest. ( sounds familiar check out how many bases America has around the world) There was a group that were considered to be " terrorist and a threat to the republic" they were persecuted and fed to the lions in the arenas,??????? ........ yes the christians! so the goverment made a certian religous group the "boggeyman" and the citizens fell inline to turn them in . Hmmmmm history tends to repeat itself. With all the food shortages caused by inflation the world population will definately go down.
sometimes someone has to take the puch bowl away so everyone can sober up and get back to business. even us mongers have to take care of business or there will be no cash for R&T. dont try to save America Darling save yourself!!!!!! super heroes are for the comics.
Emily,"The worst discovery to happen to humans as a species was in vitro fertilization."
Explain that to my 18 year old daughter,after 7 years trying to conceive.
That's great for you because you and your wife really wanted a child and had the means to provide for her and that why it was invented. It's a shame but the method has been abused by unstable people and greedy doctors there are no laws to stop it. It's not natural for humans to have litters of babies.
That's great for you because you and your wife really wanted a child and had the means to provide for her and that why it was invented. It's a shame but the method has been abused by unstable people and greedy doctors there are no laws to stop it. It's not natural for humans to have litters of babies.
"litters of babies"??? That is not the norm. There is a very good chance at having twins but if someone is laying out $20k or more to help them have children then they more than likely have the ability to support those children. Emily ... You are horrifically wrong. Octomom is the exception to the rule. I would wager any amount of money that the people who have the money and go through everything that you have to go through with invitro ... are FAR better than the average parents. Whoever is going through hell to have a child and lays out that kind of money is probably higher up the evolutionary scale than the average person. Furthermore aside from a very few I don't think this is something that is going out of control where people everywhere are having litters of babies. Quite frankly ... I think you just pulled that out of your ass and that if you thought about it for more than 10 seconds you would realize just how wrong you are.
"litters of babies"??? That is not the norm. There is a very good chance at having twins but if someone is laying out $20k or more to help them have children then they more than likely have the ability to support those children. Emily ... You are horrifically wrong. Octomom is the exception to the rule. I would wager any amount of money that the people who have the money and go through everything that you have to go through with invitro ... are FAR better than the average parents. Whoever is going through hell to have a child and lays out that kind of money is probably higher up the evolutionary scale than the average person. Furthermore aside from a very few I don't think this is something that is going out of control where people everywhere are having litters of babies. Quite frankly ... I think you just pulled that out of your ass and that if you thought about it for more than 10 seconds you would realize just how wrong you are.
I have thought about it and I know my view is unpopular but it does not mean I a wrong, I believe we are overpopulating ourselves into extinction. When we reward people who have biggest multiple births via in virtro with gifts and reality shows we are sending the dangerous message (there are several, the ocotomon is not a one off). It was once special and rare to have twins now it's the norm. There is no reason for this baby boom, the census proves we are increasing the population at an alarming rate.

Wealth does not mean you are higher on the evolutionary scale or will be a good parent, and not everyone who does in vitro has enough left over to raise that child/children. Human females do not have two uteruses like felines, the more babies that have to get stuffed into one the more likely they will have lifelong developmental issues, do you think the octomom could afford the medical care some of her babies needed after being squished up, it's perversely unnatural.
Again .. Octomom is the exception. To use her as an example is inaccurate and does not support your argument. Furthermore ... if you actually looked at the population issues ... white christians are experiencing a population DECLINE .... These are most of the people who are taking advantage of invitro. Believe me ... when I went for the day of the procedure ... there were 20 to 30 couples there ... all looking very white/professional who would raise their test tube babies in nice homes with good educations. You may not like the fact that couples who pursue invitro are better educated and wealthier than the average American ... but I can assure you that this is the case. It is all warm and fuzzy to say that education and wealth does not necessarily make you a better parent. HOWEVER ... all things being equal ... the child is better off with the wealthy educated parent. Or are you saying they would be better off in the ghetto with a crack whore as a mother?

Perhaps you should look at the animals procreating to get extra welfare checks and those in the inner cities bringing children into a hopeless situation .... or the third world countries that believe that having as many children as possible is what god wants.

Emily, you are under some serious misconceptions in regards to invitro and other medical procedures helping parents conceive. For every octomom there is perhaps MILLIONS of welfare parasites having babies in poverty in order to get additional entitlement checks from the government. At least my litter of children will go to college, get good jobs and pay taxes and contribute to society ... unlike those filthy welfare mothers making babies to get a check. But according to you I should not have my kids but the welfare mothers of 10 is just fine.
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Again .. Octomom is the exception. To use her as an example is inaccurate and does not support your argument. Furthermore ... if you actually looked at the population issues ... white christians are experiencing a population DECLINE .... These are most of the people who are taking advantage of invitro. Believe me ... when I went for the day of the procedure ... there were 20 to 30 couples there ... all looking very white/professional who would raise their test tube babies in nice homes with good educations. You may not like the fact that couples who pursue invitro are better educated and wealthier than the average American ... but I can assure you that this is the case. It is all warm and fuzzy to say that education and wealth does not necessarily make you a better parent. HOWEVER ... all things being equal ... the child is better off with the wealthy educated parent. Or are you saying they would be better off in the ghetto with a crack whore as a mother?

Perhaps you should look at the animals procreating to get extra welfare checks and those in the inner cities bringing children into a hopeless situation .... or the third world countries that believe that having as many children as possible is what god wants.

Emily, you are under some serious misconceptions in regards to invitro and other medical procedures helping parents conceive. For every octomom there is perhaps MILLIONS of welfare parasites having babies in poverty in order to get additional entitlement checks from the government. At least my litter of children will go to college, get good jobs and pay taxes and contribute to society ... unlike those filthy welfare mothers making babies to get a check. But according to you I should not have my kids but the welfare mothers of 10 is just fine.
Where did you get that I condone having natural births while impoverished? I totally agree with you regarding impoverished people having children or having children for a welfare check, children for god, it's all despicable but we can't stop people from natural procreation. I am against poor parental planning because I am a product of the problem and I struggled, Hell I am still struggling. There is a reason for in vitro but it's not a luxury anymore, it's very accessible and to people who don't think a month ahead let alone 5-10-15 years. I am not against it entirely, there should be stricter laws regarding it's use, it can often lead to multiple births which not everyone can handle. There is abuse and criminal neglect for profit in the field of fertility medicine and you cannot deny that. I watched a show called Too Many Babies? it featured an attractive white christians family who where once well to do and now are about to lose their home due to having 5 babies at once. I believe in personal responsibility, I think of every worse case scenario from every angle before making any big decision.

This thread is about the economy (it should be renamed we are fucked !!) and I think overpopulation is part of the problem. I am horrified when I see in vitro reality shows, I am against parading children around for profit, if you need the money that bad you should have planned better.

Brains and Beauty. Yr making me hot! LOL
I finally figured out 999

Age 9 is when you get a job-Newt Gingrich
Age 99 is when you get Social Security-Herman Cain

999- Happy Thanksgiving TD