The Economy is dying

The truth is not everyone should procreate. I know many people that probably shouldn't be parents, lol. However, it's a very scary thought to put legislation in effect to govern baby making whether it's natural or otherwise. Could u imagine being denied a baby license because of your income or any reason for that matter. I also feel the welfare baby thing is horrible but I don't have an answer other than to pull the benefit altogether. That just leaves a bunch of hungry babies. It would probably lead to more crime as well. I know if my kids were hungry and I had no other means I would do whatever I had to in order to feed them. So, I've basically contributed nothing to the conversation, lol.
This shit, that shit, all kinds of shit

No one has replied to this thread is six months.

I think that's because the facts are in.

We are suffering. Many of us are paying a mortgage way over the value of our houses, which means our down payment is history.
That is fucking pain for a middle class person.

But...every month little shitting indicators improve...more people are back to work...the market goes up.
Gas prices increase, which sorry to say is an indication of good economic news.

Is the economy is hospice? When will it be dead?

Never. I hope.
It's just a matter of margins...tough if you're on it. of course.