Taylor Li

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i have a few more reviews to post. at this rate maybe pay per view....or pay per REview is in order.

coming soon the queen herself............*shauna*

and for those Ozzy doubters out there, shauna's review comes with pictures.........
These are............ The Days of Our Lives.

I'm no big fan of Ozzy, but...........

I'd go to the mattresses (now don't read that the wrong way you perverts) with him on this one.

BTW Miss Li if you didn't pick up on it earlier Allen IS the operator of the board.

I think she would have been gold already if she kept her posts shorter.
There have been some innacuracies...

From all sides.

Taylor didn't out Spanky, Morgan Leigh (Shauna's sis?) did.

Spanky never had a medical license...he is a PhD.

TBD's accusations on Spanky were largely BS..but then, he would never lie now, would he?

Taylor's pics for Playboy (Book of Lingerie for Sept/Oct) are sharp. But I will pass on seeing her.

Shredder is a woman

Originally posted by Aristotle
This is like a bad remake of "Anna and the King" -- with Ozzy as Elvis.

(Can't you people read? Shredder is *obviously* female.)

That was my take from the very, very beginning. Knows way to much, and knows it to well. did anyone miss the quote, "Just got off the phone with Taylor Li"

As has been stated before, Taylor Li is a VERY smart as well as conniving person. Has been known to post on TBD under many aliases.
FACT: she was also the moderator of the Philly board for a decent period of time.

100% confident Shredder is a woman, and 90% sure it is Taylor Lii, or should I say Remy Marks.

Maxwell Smart
Well, *I'm* definitely not Taylor Li

I can't believe what I'm reading. God forbid that anyone gets on the wrong side of some of you. Ozzy says that he had a great session with Taylor, but for whatever reason (not that he needs one in my experience), he has decided to tarnish it with the "Wacko" comments about her. No proof...just the look in her eyes...still not too scary to stop him from having a great session, though. God, I hate this "wink-wink, nudge-nudge" stuff. And then lots of guys pile on, seemingly "just 'cause." I just don't get it. Why are you guys so malavolent toward some providers? Just because they are TBD darlings? So what? I feel like I'm watching the Hatfields and the McCoys...

Granted, Shredder seems *WAY* out of control here, and is probably connected to Taylor, but common sense and my gut tells me that it is not Taylor "in drag." FWIW, I have seen her myself and found her to be smart, funny and professional. The session was great too. I even talk to her/e-mail with her about once a month, and never once have I noticed anything "Wacko" or even remotely crazed. She is always warm and friendly towards me...and *I* think she has nice eyes, LOL.

As far as "wackos" go, Spanky certainly qualified. He personified "malicious." I can't remember to what extent Taylor was involved in his outing, but it seemed to me that TBD had a hand in it among others. I can remember posting on that thread(s) disparaging him as well. In any regard, what ever role she played in it, it seems that it was an isolated event. What other people has she "outed?" Hardly a habit, IMHO. And as far as her relationships with other providers, atleast two have told me that she is very friendly and helpful to them.

Guys, its the the Holidays...give the girl a break ;-)

...going back into my basement now.

Originally posted by totalrecallin

Either way, "Shredder", you are the first supposed male I have ever known (straight, gay or trans) to refer to other men as bitches. Leads one to believe you are falsifying some info......
Outstanding catch. Thought the same thing myself.

Taylor Li is an extremely attractive girl, and she knows this. She also gives a truly great session.

Nonetheless, that all being said , the "word" among hobbyists who are in the "know" is to stay far, far away. Not worth he trouble. You must provide eons of personal info. No way in the world should one give so much personal info to a provider. And if you want further proof, just read all these posts made by Shredder.
I'm only in the middle of page 3, as I was just alerted to this thread.
When UG does it's top threads in 2001, I would think we have just found our winner.

Maxwell Smart

1. i wasn't the only person nor the first (in this thread) to refer to her mental condition.....so why me?

2. shredder *is* Taylor Li........... shows how much you know.

and you're right, i gave her a great review, and dead accurate as far as her services go. so i said she has "crazy eyes"...big deal, and WHO in this business isn't at least partially wacko.

also, i did her from behind so the eyes didn't bother me too much.

now i think i hear jenni calling you....you better run along now.

both sasha and val, who have been at the top of tbd's list longer than anyone, have never been put down by me or anyone else here on UG.....matter of fact, i personally have always spoken very highly of both. as well as charley, pamela CT, pamala RI, giselle (team brazil) and many other past and present tbd girls.

it's not about tbd, jag or UG girls. it's about how some girls simply can't be trusted with a clients personal info. say what you want but NO one here (including shredder) is in any disagreement that someone was outed on tbd by a member of this group of girls. not only was this outing allowed to happen on that board but, a thorough bashing (diaper comments, innuendo about his dr's lic being revoked ect...) of said client by *ALL* of the girls mentioned in this thread continued for several days, and was not deleted for some time.

you want to know why people talk and make accusations against bigdog and that board.....that is why.

now the difference between tbd and UG......

NO one will ever have their personal info posted on this board.....not me, not tank commander, guy catelli ..not anyone.

matter of fact.....it's why mr guy catelli is no longer here on UG.
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Member<br><color=red> First in war, first in peace
Being a woman myself and knowing totally nothing about whats going on..........(not to mention that I really couldn't give a flying you know what either) I thought to myself that Shredder was a female before the point was even brought up. Perhaps its just the vicious way about the posts, not to mention dear you keep repeating yourself dear. Just being on the side lines I've made a couple of assumptuions........1) your a chick....2) i think you are also the chick in question.........3) who ever you are by your posting manner I'd assume that you are Wacko.
Sometimes it's best to just keep quiet and let 'em think you a wacko, instead of opening up your mouth and actually proving it.

April =P
...who couldn't help but donate her 2 pennies
April is right on the money....
Thats my 2 centsssss

Did I mention she does have a cooooool website?

Love the music and the theme.( goes good with the shredder name )

You guys have to be careful.

1. She has talked about " The Courts "
2. She is a " Agent Girl " FBI?

I bet you can make a cool video game with this Thread and her website....

I am just jokeing TL...
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"When confronted, you respond with calling the girls whores and making threats of another false slanderous attack." - One of Shredder/TL's comments.

Sorry, my 2 cents ..What exactly do these girls do for a living, wait on tables???
whore (hôr, hr) n.

1. A prostitute.
2. A person who accept's payment in exchange for sexual relations
3. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.

well if you go by #3......wouldn't that make them lawyers?
Spanky will jump in.....later

Originally posted by neversoft

As far as "wackos" go, Spanky certainly qualified. He personified "malicious."
When I'm done celebrating the birth of Jesus and feeding the homeless, I'll address your comment.

Tis clear that you've reached a conclusion based on incomplete information, for which I'll forgive you.

But this much is clear, when I predicted that Taylor Li would deteriorate clinically, I was dead on.
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