Review: Passion of the Christ

I am a christian but not very religious, you must have missed my hamlet analogy a few posts ago. I'm sorry but just because youre familiar with the story of Jesus and what he stands for, it still brings a more cathartic experience by having the viewer relive that in some way whether it be thru flashback or dialogue. The movie has some flashbacks for this effect but not enough in my opinion in order to create that.


Arbeit Macht Frei
Originally posted by Hawley Griffin
I am a christian but not very religious,
Care to elaborate?

Does this mean you're like some of my relatives who remember there's something called a Church only on Christmas and Easter?

(i'm not picking on you, just curious)


homo economicus
Originally posted by Truth
Perhaps you only think that because you, like me, aren't Christian. It seems most Christians who've seen this movie think it doesn't lack one iota of "impact".
I think it's pretty fucking obvious that this movie was made for Christians.

Anyone who isn't relatively well versed in the theology already will have an impossible time getting past the brutality.
The evangelicals take alot of shit for being crazy religious nutcases, but I'm pretty sure the left can match them lunatic for lunatic.

I really do want to see this movie soon. I don't think it's anti-semitic, despite the strange politics of Gibson's wierd pre-Vatican II sect. I'm curious about it.

Originally posted by alterego

I don't want to see them blown up. If that means building a wall, then build the damned wall. And ONLY the evangelicals have understood that. I think all Jews owe them a great deal of gratitude for support through an extremely difficult time.

I don't want to see your relatives blown up either, but they would be better served advocating a change in their government than advocating a wall.
Originally posted by wsb
I don't want to see your relatives blown up either, but they would be better served advocating a change in their government than advocating a wall.
If people there vote Sharon out of office (or impeach him on one of the corruption charges) then good for them. He certainly isn't my first choice for prime minister. And if they decide to start serious negotiations with the PA again, then I'd certainly support that. And I'd love to see the real dismantling of the crazy settlements, especially the ones in Gaza.


in the current situation I will hold my nose and defend the state despite my misgivings about the politics of its government.

Personally, I don't think the situation will really resolve itself until both Sharon and Arafat are gone and both sides can move on. Until then, my feeling is that the wall and separation (unilateral or otherwise) is probably the best thing that can be realistically hoped for.

Besides the fact that nearly everything and everyone’s troubles seem to be blamed on the Jews… A population of about one half of one percent of the worlds total population. I think its utterly Preposterous that people are debating exactly what happened on one day over two thousand years ago (That is IF anything actually did happen).

The fact that these debates are based solely on various interpretations interpreted from various different ancient languages, and from two thousand year old writings that no one knows exactly who wrote, is even more Preposterous.

The fact that ANYONE takes ANY bible at face value in this day in age and bases wars, hatred and intolerance on which lousy version of the fucking book they believe in, is UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLY-INSANE.

If anyone said they believed in the Easter bunny or Santa Clause... everyone would laugh them off the planet. But to question some utterly unbelievable and unimaginable events that might or might not have happened thousands of years ago without a single shred of proof that they happened other than two thousand year old writings and hearsay is considered blasphemy. So Santa can't possibly fly around in a sleigh with reindeer... But Mohammad definitely flew in a burning chariot, Jesus definitely walked on water and Moses absolutely parted an entire sea…. Jesus fucking Christ people really are stupid.

Maybe its time I wipe it all out and start over again.
God hath spoken.

Anyone see if he was a burning bush??!?

Yo, what up with taking your son's name in vein?!?

Too funny.....I would have thought that screename was taken, and here I am stuck with 'confused'
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Originally posted by GOD
Besides the fact that nearly everything and everyone?s troubles seem to be blamed on the Jews? A population of about one half of one percent of the worlds total population.
We might only be one half of one percent, but we're responsible for at least 50% of the world's kvetching.

Originally posted by robnotbob

This "Onion" piece came out right after 9/11. I printed it and I have carried it around with me for three years.

The link is above.
Thanks rob not bob.

Not to beat a dead horse, but in the Sermon on the Mount, even the commandment of 'Thou Shall Not Kill' was further explained. Jesus went on to talk about character assasignation (spelling ain't my forte') falling under this commandment.

And I don't covet my neighbor's weed eater either :=)
Originally posted by GOD

If anyone said they believed in the Easter bunny or Santa Clause... everyone would laugh them off the planet. But to question some utterly unbelievable and unimaginable events that might or might not have happened thousands of years ago without a single shred of proof that they happened other than two thousand year old writings and hearsay is considered blasphemy. So Santa can't possibly fly around in a sleigh with reindeer... But Mohammad definitely flew in a burning chariot, Jesus definitely walked on water and Moses absolutely parted an entire sea…. Jesus fucking Christ people really are stupid.

F*ck you! My invisible man is waaaay better than yours*!

*Ref. George Carlin
Originally posted by alterego
If people there vote Sharon out of office (or impeach him on one of the corruption charges) then good for them. He certainly isn't my first choice for prime minister. And if they decide to start serious negotiations with the PA again, then I'd certainly support that. And I'd love to see the real dismantling of the crazy settlements, especially the ones in Gaza.


in the current situation I will hold my nose and defend the state despite my misgivings about the politics of its government.

Personally, I don't think the situation will really resolve itself until both Sharon and Arafat are gone and both sides can move on. Until then, my feeling is that the wall and separation (unilateral or otherwise) is probably the best thing that can be realistically hoped for.

Well stated.