Penta Water

I saw this water in the supermarket and it was $3.79 a liter. I don't usually buy bottled water, but that seems high. When I go back on Friday, I will buy a liter to see how it is.
I saw this water in the supermarket and it was $3.79 a liter. I don't usually buy bottled water, but that seems high. When I go back on Friday, I will buy a liter to see how it is.
I pay 2.99 a liter (2 for 3. for the smaller bottles) from my local health food store. That is the cheapest I have seen it anywhere. When I count the less I have spending on food (my appetite has decreased since I have been drinking Penta) and other beverages (it's all I drink now) it's not that much. It is a commitment to get the full effects, I started seeing and feeling a change after two weeks of continuous consumption. What you will notice is that is it softer and very easy to digest than any other water. I down liters without having an upset stomach. My friend and I were joking that they proabably put crack in it because the more you drink the more you want. It would be difficut for me to give up.
$12 a gallon and people complain about the cost of gas? if i spent that much on water my appetite would have to decrease. i wouldn't be able to afford food. lol.
I never said it was for people who did not have the means. If you had poor health due to the fact you hated drinking water and really needed it and you found one you love to drink I think it's worth it. People complain about the price of almost everything but some things like your health and well being are worth it. I don't think it's alot considering how great I feel from it. It gives me the energy to work more when in the past I would feel too fatigued. It is the most $63 extra a week if I drink 3 litters a day, that's not a big deal especially in this city.
Lastly, when I think back at all other quarter filled bottles of other water I spent $1.50 on that I eventually spilled out because I just could not stand to drink another drop and thinking opening up a new bottle will make it more desirable I save again on Penta. I have never left a drop undrunk with Penta.
if it helps you drink more water and you can afford it, that's a good thing, but for the most part, bottled water is usually municipal water that's in a bottle and has a ridiculous markup. they have a great marketing plan and the last time i checked, there's nothing wrong with that. everyone's looking for a way to separate people from their money.
I stopped in at the Vitamin Shoppe to buy something else and they had a display of this water right by the counter. I've been in that store 100 times and never noticed the display even though the girl said it's been there a while. It was $37.99 for a case, don't know how many bottles it contains. I plan on drinking 1 or 2 liters a day, so I am hoping that case can last me 2 weeks. I will probably buy 1 just to test it.
but for the most part, bottled water is usually municipal water that's in a bottle and has a ridiculous markup. they have a great marketing plan and the last time i checked, there's nothing wrong with that. everyone's looking for a way to separate people from their money.
did you see that episode of Bullshit with Penn and Teller. They bottled about a dozen different water types with fancy names and sold them at a fancy restaurant with marked up prices. They even had a water expert explain the water menu to the customers explaining that each type was from a different region of the world with different vitamins and minerals. The customers tried the different types and said they could taste the difference and felt the effects from the vitamins and minerals. Where did they get the water? Penn and Teller filled the bottles with water from the garden hose behind the restaurant.
did you see that episode of Bullshit with Penn and Teller. They bottled about a dozen different water types with fancy names and sold them at a fancy restaurant with marked up prices. They even had a water expert explain the water menu to the customers explaining that each type was from a different region of the world with different vitamins and minerals. The customers tried the different types and said they could taste the difference and felt the effects from the vitamins and minerals. Where did they get the water? Penn and Teller filled the bottles with water from the garden hose behind the restaurant.
You know I saw that episode and I think it is more the case of not wanting to offend the waiter or restraunt then what they thought. I thought they were also actors, I don't entirely trust Pen and Teller, it's in thier interest to make fools of people, not themselves. I can sure taste the difference in water but for me it's the texture and weight that is key. Last night I felt horrible, depressed, could not sleep from this medication I needed to take. I drank two liters at 3pm and instantly felt better, I went right to sleep with a clear mind. I could never drink two liters in a row of any other water without having an upset stomach and bloat as a side effect.
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