Oh my aching back....

Well, she climbed onto this chair -- sort of a barcelona-type lounge -- and, leaning over the back, started wiggling her ass at me. Of course, I climbed on and entered from behind. After we were banging around for a few minutes, it seemed pretty clear to me that the lounge was going to tip over and we were going to land smack on our heads. I dismounted in both senses of the word. This did not make S happy. After a couple of minutes of whining and moaning, she climbed down. The lounge nearly tipped over as she stepped off.
Well, she climbed onto this chair -- sort of a barcelona-type lounge -- and, leaning over the back, started wiggling her ass at me. Of course, I climbed on and entered from behind. After we were banging around for a few minutes, it seemed pretty clear to me that the lounge was going to tip over and we were going to land smack on our heads. I dismounted in both senses of the word. This did not make S happy. After a couple of minutes of whining and moaning, she climbed down. The lounge nearly tipped over as she stepped off.
I don't think that sounds boring in the least. What's funny about it is that I can totally visually her pouting after you injected some reason into the situation.

Have you taken her to the Carlton Arms yet?
I don't believe she has any adversity to clowns, but I do think she might enjoy the school room. (It's one of the ones without a bathroom, though.) There's a chalkboard and little chairs and big letter shaped magnets all over. There's even a tiny desk. It might be fun to spank someone over.
i have some back pain sometimes and thought id put in some of my tips to deal with it here.

stretching in the morning even if its for a minute or 2 will do a lot for your back thru the rest of the day. its pretty easy to do and you dont even need to be fully awake, you can still keep your eyes close and try to nap and rest while you are in these positions. personally i do it till i feels warm and loose but if im in a rush i just go thru the motions pretty fast before i need to go.

stretch 1

while laying on your back cross leg1 over your other leg2 and pull your foot while it is flat on the bed/floor towards your hips. then with a hand on your knee stretch your hip/back/butt area.

stretch 2

basically the same as stretch 1, while laying on your back bend your knee and raise it towards your face/chest. this prolly stretches the same stuff in stretch 1 but to me i think it stretches stuff a lil higher so i do it anyway.

stretch 3

stretch your hamstrings. sit up and lean forward trying to touch your toes while 1 or both legs are in front of you. try to keep as little space as you can between your stomach/chest and legs while leaning forward.

stretch 4

i dun think everyone can do this. while on your back make yourself into and upside down u.

hope that helps