Obama's accomplishments

maybe you should READ what you link. Like this little nugget:
"By all accounts, the new policies will offer consumers better coverage, in some cases, for comparable cost -- especially after the inclusion of federal subsidies for those who qualify. The law requires policies sold in the individual market to cover 10 “essential” benefits, such as prescription drugs, mental health treatment and maternity care. In addition, insurers cannot reject people with medical problems or charge them higher prices. The policies must also cap consumers’ annual expenses at levels lower than many plans sold before the new rules."
I didn't even open the link because I know it would be some false right wing propaganda coming from the poster. The president cannot exclude one state from a federsal social safety program, only the governor of a state can choose whether it not to allow federal funds to the state they run which many declining out of spite. This thread should be called nonsense I can dig up or spin to defame a sitting president and hope for the failure of my country rather then Obama's Accomplishments.
You liberals are incredible. When an insurance company like mine shitcans my company's plan because of Obamacare ... now I have to get a new plan. That's a fact. Barry said that would not happen ... and it did. Your truth-o-meter was wrong. You can see the date is back in September before these things really became self-evident. People losing their insurance is fact and it is happening everyday.
I have private insurace with a major company and don't have to get a new plan unless I want to save money. Nobody is being forced out of their plans, they are now giving more affordable options to those stuck in an expensive plans.
I had my suspicions and now I have my confirmation:


I knew this would enrich his friends. Another Solyndra costing us $678 million for a piece of garbage.
If I can't post link from the more reputable Huffington Post then you can post from the UK owned controversial Daily Caller. It is a tabloid rag of epic proportions with many liable suits to prove they are know fabricators, it's not considered real news. If you do keep choosing tabliod rags then I want a link from a real publication backing up the story. On a side note I'm disgustedyou your hatred for your country, it's suitable you use foreign source since you despise your country. I didn't care for W. but I never rooted for his failure because unlike you I love my country and have enough common sense to know if he succeeded I succeeded as a citizen and respect the office if the presidency. Steve is nuts if he considers you a patriot, you are a traitor.

I'm convinced all Republicans suffer from pathological self loathing especially the women, I've never seen anyone cheer for the failure of their own nation as much as you bunch.
If I can't post link from the more reputable Huffington Post then you can post from the UK owned controversial Daily Caller. It is a tabloid rag of epic proportions with many liable suits to prove they are know fabricators, it's not considered real news. If you do keep choosing tabliod rags then I want a link from a real publication backing up the story. On a side note I'm disgustedyou your hatred for your country, it's suitable you use foreign source since you despise your country. I didn't care for W. but I never rooted for his failure because unlike you I love my country and have enough common sense to know if he succeeded I succeeded as a citizen and respect the office if the presidency. Steve is nuts if he considers you a patriot, you are a traitor.

I'm convinced all Republicans suffer from pathological self loathing especially the women, I've never seen anyone cheer for the failure of their own nation as much as you bunch.
When will you learn that your links are to someone's opinion and mine are to news facts that can be verified.

I happen to love my country, always have, what I hate is what you left wing radicals are doing to it. If you knew anything about your country you would know that I have a right to dissent guaranteed in the first amendment or do you want to take that away from me also.
When will you learn that your links are to someone's opinion and mine are to news facts that can be verified.

I happen to love my country, always have, what I hate is what you left wing radicals are doing to it. If you knew anything about your country you would know that I have a right to dissent guaranteed in the first amendment or do you want to take that away from me also.
I'll admit you are not an imbecile when you reveal the name of the elusive medical device that you claim exists that allows GYN's to tell which of their patients need birth control for reproductive disease and which one just do not want to get pregnant. When you discover this piece of machinery that seems to have eluded the whole medical community I'll not only give you the admiration you do desperately seek but I'll also put your name in for the Noble prize for medicine.

Like everything else Republicans like you overreach, you think the First like the Second has no stipulations and you can enjoy the freedoms without responsibility. I do correct myself, The Daily Caller is an American tabloid, I was thinking of the other rag you used before The Daily Mirror, both are garbage though. You fill your pea brain with this garbage and thinks it justifies your loathsome behavior.

You can claim all you want that you love this county but everything to write contradicts it, rooting for government shutdowns and default is deplorable by anyone who cares about their nation's welfare standards. Your kind of "right to dissent" is of a seditious nature.
I have private insurace with a major company and don't have to get a new plan unless I want to save money. Nobody is being forced out of their plans, they are now giving more affordable options to those stuck in an expensive plans.

You just don't like facts Emily.

You just don't like facts Emily.
I heard today on Meet the Press some plans were becoming obsolete to give way to better plans. I haven't been dropped and I a have bc/bs ppo which is a major carrier. Things change Steve, I still have to update my plan every year, It's not such a big deal that you need to change your plan to something that better and cheaper. I think you are just grasping at straws, I would rather change my plan to a affordable one with better coverage then have my country continue on the Reagan socialist path of ER dumping cost shifting. I went to the ER twice as a child for severe injuries, one was a was a cut on my head that was spurting out blood the other time a car sideswiped my bike. Now people go to the ER for everything, the waits are longer, the costs are higher and the care is poor. This is what happens when you mandate a private industry to work for free then make them find a way to collect their money from othee sources. If you want to talk about fines, in Reagancare the fine is 50K if a medical practitioner don't see people for free (your favorite word), it's is the most twisted form of Socialism and it's was signed into law by a conservative president. Where is the conservative outrage over the EMLATA?? it not only doesn't exist but conservative leaders like Jim DeMint tel citizens to use it instead of taking personal responsibility through the AHCA and getting private plans.

I don't know how restrictive your plan is that ir doesn't qualify the new higher standards but I'm sure your better off with an alternative option. The bad plans that ripped off people will become obsolete, it's called progress. Do you want to go back to using a VHS over a DVD or maybe those old clunky cell phones over a smartphone? I don't want to go backwards, sometimes things I like become discontinued and you know what I find something new I like equal or more.
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Steve, of you don't like the AHCA then petition to get rid of the law that forces it to be written EMTALA. You can't have one without the other, can't keep asking the few to cover the many. It's the same with austerity wuthout raising the minimum wage and better access to population control. Yowling citizens to tolerate indentured servitude without givernment assistance and afforable easily accessible humans termination is and stupid. I don't want to see American Serfdom but it seems conservatives are determined to strive for it. It takes a very child like mentality to believe you can have austerity without compensation to those it affects. The same child like mentality believes a patient dumping cost shifting socialist mandate isn't going to make a private industry like healthcare implode, it's unsustainable to keep telling people go get free care at the ER without a real plan to cover the costs. Haven't we learned from putting two wars off the books all debts eventually must be addressed.
Oh Marcus .... you are kidding .... right?

and you really think Iran is going to suspend their nuclear program?

Brry botched Syrai completely and wound up having Putin step in??? That's an accomplishment?
The facts are that Putin gets the credit for Syria after Obama made a laughing stock out of himself. And the facts are that not one chemical weapon has even been destroyed yet. Factories have been closed (how long does it take to open a locked door?) and empty warheads and some machinery have been destroyed and that's it.


Hopefully this Iranian deal works out but it's the same shit that went on with North Korea and guess what? NK has the bomb. Even the NY Times isn't impressed:


Obama and Kerry talk about the new leadership in Iran, that alone gives cause for worry because there actually is no new leadership it's the same ayatollahs as before. If they are so incompetent that they can't even figure that out we are in big trouble.

Given Obama's amateurish foreign policy record in all likelihood he got played again. Unless you dismantle the centrifuges and prevent the manufacture of new ones, Iran will be perpetually just a few months away from going nuclear. But don't worry we will reimpose the sanctions if they renege says the amateur. Well good luck getting Russia, China, India and the foot dragging Europeans to go along with it. It took forever to cobble together the current sanctions. The Amateur may be giving Iran all the time they need.

The mullahs are eager for this agreement with its immediate yield of political and economic relief. Once they get it, we will have removed their one incentive to conclude the only agreement that is worth anything, a verifiable giving up of their nuclear program.
Obama and Kerry talk about the new leadership in Iran, that alone gives cause for worry because there actually is no new leadership it's the same ayatollahs as before. If they are so incompetent that they can't even figure that out we are in big trouble.
It shows their denial of reality or their not having a fucking clue how things work in Iran. New leadership.... just like the one in Russia.
How the Iranians view it


Key points:

Under the agreement, Iran, in return for sanctions relief, will keep much of its nuclear infrastructure, is limited to enriching uranium to the five percent level for six months, will convert its highly enriched uranium of 20 percent to harmless oxide and will allow more intrusive inspections of its nuclear plants by the International Atomic Energy Agency, which will be limited to only agreed-on facilities.

Read that last part again ONLY AGREED-ON FACILITIES

“I thank God that… the new government… was able to legitimize the Iranian nation’s nuclear program on the international stage and take the initial step in a way that the nuclear rights and the enrichment rights of the Iranian nation are acknowledged by world powers where before they had tried to deny them, and (the agreement will) open the way for future big strides in technical and economic progress,” Khamenei said.

“Looking back at the past decade, all the red lines by America and the West over Iran’s nuclear issue have now been transformed into acceptance. America has always adopted radical actions at first that have changed to symbolic measures later. Iran has always known that America and the West needed a way to solve the nuclear issue with some honor, and today it is quite visible that with the defeat of America’s policies toward Iran, the talk about a need to solve the Iranian nuclear issue diplomatically is a way to obtain that honor.”

So in less than 24 hours both sides are already in disagreement. This is a disaster folks!
Obama just laid the foundation for the Israeli Iranian War.
I'm hoping helping to get the Internet regulated as a utility will be a realized accomplishment. Other than that, can't think of much I would praise him for.