Obamacare victim - Cancer Patient

Christie will never pass the physical Although Cheney bribed his way in and has zero chance against Clinton. Once he can't depend on his Ralph Cramden grandstanding and his draconian policies are revealed he will have to answer real questions instead if bullying reporters with his big mouth.
Btw, Steve I had a ruptured cyst because I had to stop the pill and it felt like an animal with sharp talins was clawing me from inside out, I screaming so loud in pain my neighbor called the police thinking someone was murdering me. It was up there as the worst pain I ever endured so stop minimizing it and claiming religious freedom.
Lastly, Steve, reproductive disease happens to women who are religious, celibate and conservative, it has nothing to do with being liberal. It's in our generic makeup, inherited from our families and no matter what political leanings the disease doesn't care. I've never thought I've see in my secular country something as important as getting medication twisted into a perversion. You write you think women should get the medication they need but in the same post you condemn us when you realize the medication doesn't fit your ideological religious views, you can't choose both and seem rational.
Steve if I may, let me educate this utter nitwit.

From Websters Dictionary:
Contraceptive - deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation

If one knew how to read and understand they would see that almost half her testimony was about contraception which as I just showed is the prevention of pregnancy and the last time I checked pregnancy usually occurs from unprotected sex.

A little before half way her testimony shifts to contraceptive medicine for the treatment of other medical needs such as polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Two completely different reasons for taking birth control pills but this left wing fanatic imbecile can't tell the difference and combines the two together.

As you and I well know Steve there is not a conservative in the land that would deny a women this medication for the treatment of these horrible diseases. I would even want Catholic Institutions to provide it for diseases but not to go against their religious beliefs and provide it to prevent pregnancy.

Now I have explained it easy enough for even a two year old to understand yet somehow I don't feel that is enough.
Here comes COMPLETE socialization

Barry's own words:

"Obviously we didn’t do a good enough job in terms of how we crafted the law," Obama said in the interview Thursday. "And, you know, that’s something I regret. That’s something we’re gonna do everything we can to get fixed ... We’re looking at a range of options.”


I wonder what those can be???

The system does not work as constituted because he can't get enough young and healthy people to enroll because the plans are SHIT and expensive. So the options as Barry sees them:

1. FORCE everyone into a single payer system. Then you are forcing tons of young people to pay for the sick and old. That is really screwing the young people by making them pay $500 to $600 a month. This will also drain the economy.

2. ???????

Barry is a radical extremist liberal. He wanst fully socialized health insurance. He will press forward for #1. The country won't allow it though. He is starting to get exposed. I am going to love to see how he tries to get this done!

If I googled antibiotics in the dictonary it would give a general description of a drug to treat infection not ever single other uses which are many including immune suppression. Stu has to be the lonleist man on earth not to know the pill has other uses then preventing pregnancy. All members without a uterus need to stfu about birth control, period. If websters dictonary which isn't even a medical journal is your source on female reproductive health you are in serious need of female company. It's sad how untrustworthy conservatives are that no woman would consider confiding in them about personal matters, the negative energy they give out must be so offensive no woman would ever want to get personal with them. Women can sense when a man perceives them as subhumans as conservative men have shown, you guys are no better then Islamic Extemists when it comes to your perception and misbeliefs of the opposite sex.
The conservative woman hating bromance continues. You guys need to take a vacation to Somilia where you can be in like minded company, you can take in a show at the stadium of the stoning of a rape victim, all rape is legitimate right ??
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If I googled antibiotics in the dictonary it would give a general description of a drug to treat infection not ever single other uses which are many including immune suppression. Stu has to be the lonleist man on earth not to know the pill has other uses then preventing pregnancy. All members without a uterus need to stfu about birth control, period. If websters dictonary which isn't even a medical journal is your source on female reproductive health you are in serious need of female company. It's sad how untrustworthy conservatives are that no woman would consider confiding in them about personal matters, the negative energy they give out must be so offensive no woman would ever want to get personal with them. Women can sense when a man perceives them as subhumans as conservative men have shown, you guys are no better then Islamic Extemists when it comes to your perception and misbeliefs of the opposite sex.
What the hell is wrong with you??? Where do I say the pill has no other use than preventing pregnancy??? You seriously need help.

The most common reason U.S. women use oral contraceptive pills is to prevent pregnancy, but 14% of pill users—1.5 million women—rely on them exclusively for noncontraceptive purposes. The study documenting this finding, “Beyond Birth Control: The Overlooked Benefits of Oral Contraceptive Pills,” by Rachel K. Jones of the Guttmacher Institute, also found that more than half (58%) of all pill users rely on the method, at least in part, for purposes other than pregnancy prevention—meaning that only 42% use the pill exclusively for contraceptive reasons.

Half of the pill take population the pill for reasons other than to get pregnant, freaking half !!! Steve and Stu want 1.5 million women to suffer without their necessary medication for religious ideological beliefs just like extremists would do in places like Iran. What are those woman supposed to do for the pain and suffering, read scripture? Steve and Stu hate women and think any disease close to the vaginal area has to be sexualized, it's a perverse way of thinking and it's wrong. I would never sexualized enlarged prostate or eritile dyfunction because only a perverted cruel nitwit would do that.
As you and I well know Steve there is not a conservative in the land that would deny a women this medication for the treatment of these horrible diseases. I would even want Catholic Institutions to provide it for diseases but not to go against their religious beliefs and provide it to prevent pregnancy.

Now I have explained it easy enough for even a two year old to understand yet somehow I don't feel that is enough.
Try reading this again and if you are having trouble call a neighbor for help.
What the hell is wrong with you??? Where do I say the pill has no other use than preventing pregnancy??? You seriously need help.
Short memory, let me refresh.

"I'm talking birth control and for some reason you're talking degenerative reproductive diseases. Do you know the difference???"

Are you going to deny you wrote this to me? If you don't deny explain why would you write this idiotic statement on another thread of you knew all along birth control had other uses like treating denerative reproductive disease.

Let's see if you can stay on topic instead of cowardly backtracking or spinning your way out of this with your ususal "I'm crazy" diversion.

Here's the thread just so everyone can see Stu thought birth control were only for those sluts who didn't want to get pregnant. I guess he missed the whole AIDS scare too because birth control is usually just a secondary precaution with condoms or a way married people can have intercourse if they don't want children. I know conservatives are big government when it comes to our sex life and believe intercourse should only be for procreation but I think freedom loving Americans like myself think they should can shove their ideological zealots beliefs.
It's amazing these conservative perverts have forced female reproductive health into the mainstream. We were happy having our business discussed in private, brown bagging our sanitary napkins, not having to explain why very days of the month we were under the weather. I'm angry that I have to use the word uterus while having a political discussion with my father, these perverts invaded our privacy with their talk of legitimate rape, fetal personhood and birth control fabrications and now they spin it that woman are the crude ones for bringing it to defend something that was none of their freaking buisness to begin with. That's right Steve and Stu and all the rest of the conservatives in this section, it was not your place to discuss my genders buisness in the first place and to the women of this country conservatives are no better then the Taliban the way you use women as some commodity or political talking point. I shouldn't have had to discuss the reason millions of women need birth control other then prevention of pregnancy and why there is no reason religious or otherwise it should be denied by insurance. It was never any of your buisness.

Here's the thread just so everyone can see Stu thought birth control were only for those sluts who didn't want to get pregnant. I guess he missed the whole AIDS scare too because birth control is usually just a secondary precaution with condoms or a way married people can have intercourse if they don't want children. I know conservatives are big government when it comes to our sex life and believe intercourse should only be for procreation but I think freedom loving Americans like myself think they should can shove their ideological zealots beliefs.
You need to get over this obsession with me. Do you actually think people care about this? And if they did, they clearly understand what I wrote, somehow you're incapable of comprehending it, maybe because you need to be institutionalized.
You need to get over this obsession with me. Do you actually think people care about this? And if they did, they clearly understand what I wrote, somehow you're incapable of comprehending it, maybe because you need to be institutionalized.
Yeah, people care about ignorant conservative men, that's why the president is Barrack Obama and The Cooch is not governor and nobody has heard from Akin. Yeah, it kind of matters when douchebags who think they know what's better for women then women try and win elections.

I know you can't resist trying to dehumanize me by discrediting my sanity and intelligence, you are a conservative after all and cowardly cheap shots is part of being a conservative but after all is said snd done your still the dumbass that wrote this to a woman. Yes, it was you Stu wrote the dumbest thing besides the Sammy question on the board. It's a fucking classic !!

""I'm talking birth control and for some reason you're talking degenerative reproductive diseases. Do you know the difference???"
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Stu, just man up and admit you wrote the dumbest shit ever and I'll never mention it again, stop double talking your way out of it, do the right thing and own your shit.
Paying for Sandra Fluke

In Sandra Fluke's testimony (available here http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...t-sandra-fluke-contraceptives-and-womens-hea/) there are clearly two different points

1) Providing free contraception on demand to prevent unwanted births

2) Providing contraception drugs to remediate medical conditions.

She is clearly advocating for both and in the case of #2, I wholeheartedly support her. In the case of #1, I think it's shitty she believes someone's optional sex life must be supported by someone else. Again, the difference between #1 and #2 is stark and conflating the two is a political cheap shot.

Overall, she has a point with #1. If we don't pay for people to have contraception, they will seek out abortions. So the inability to support one's sex drive is better off paid for by the public or someone else; it's a damn shame but it's true.

I personally believe that if I am going to fuck, then I am responsible for the charges associated.