Obamacare victim - Cancer Patient

Edie Sundby, who had chronicled her journey with gall-bladder cancer in the NY Times (http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/18/walking-800-miles-away-from-cancer/?_r=1) and elsewhere, is losing her coverage thanks to Obamacare. Article is http://www.ibtimes.com/who-edie-lit...losing-her-insurance-coverage-under-obamacare and her opinion piece is on the WSJ (may be behind her paywall). The WSJ has an interview with her on http://live.wsj.com/video/opinion-i-cant-keep-my-doctor/BA9E0A95-3B0C-4A98-84AB-AD7AD9963110.html (which may not require a subscription)

I don't believe Obama meant to do this. I do believe this is the result of unintended consequences of trying to do to much at once; at believing in the Pelosi mantra of "We have to pass it in order to find out what's in it."

This isn't the case of some indigent sucking at the trough of EMLATA. Her insurance company paid out over a million dollars. But under the rules of Obamacare, it could no longer afford to be in her market. Call me a cynic, I believe if the company was going to cancel her insurance because she "cost too much" it would have done so at before it paid the first million.

None of the replacement policies that Obama has told he she can "shop around" for will allow her to keep her team of doctors.

Had Obama/Pelosi concentrated on those without coverage, I strongly believe we would be having a very different conversation.

At a minimum, I would think the Obama acolytes could acknowledge she is a sacrificial lamb for the glory of the "greater good."
It is a shit system. And since Americans are stupid .... I guess we did have to pass this mess so the idiots could see it for themselves. Now it is going to cost a fortune to get rid of.
Where's the outrage of all the thousands that exploited for decades by insurance companies who denied claimes, threw off for pre-existing conditions, sold junk plans that covered nothing??? What fantasy world are you two living in that believe insurance companies were ever honorable and fair, this fake opportunistic outrage isn't fooling anyone who knows how unscrupulous insurance companies work. People with diseases have been kicked off plabs for decades and I never heard a peep from the right wing now all this cherry picking outrage as if we are supposed to believe you suddenly care about the afflicted, can you please give us a break. I don't see the empathy for the children that will go hungry thanks to Republican cutting SNAP or will manna fall from the heavens for them.
Emily - using the words empathy and Republicans in the same sentence sounds funny :).
Even if you are making a point, it just sounds funny.
It is a shit system. And since Americans are stupid .... I guess we did have to pass this mess so the idiots could see it for themselves. Now it is going to cost a fortune to get rid of.
A shit system is the Reagancare mandate making hospitals to care everyone for free and shifting the cost by overcharging snd overtesting the few insured and the rest on taxpayers that have to cover the losses. There isn't even a number of how much this has cost our country since the cost shifting is done on sly but 60% of all bankruptcies in the country are caused my medical debt, that gives you an idea of the burden. You have no right taking about financial cost until you address 30 years of cost shifting thanks to Reagsns EMLATA law, do you also think doctors work for free as you think children don't need food and uninsured don't get sick. The AHCA wouldn't even be necessary if Reagan didn't pass the socialist EMLATA law in 86'. Why is Jim DeMint and Romney telling people up to the ER without giving the reason why people get free care there? It's the elephant in the room law not one conserverative will admit exists or acknowledges how truly stupid and socialist it was to enact.
Emily - using the words empathy and Republicans in the same sentence sounds funny :).
Even if you are making a point, it just sounds funny.
They only have empathy for the two things they can't see with the naked eye, fetuses and imaginary sky daddy. Any conservative act of compassion are used as a opportunistic political photo or point like Paul Ryan washing clean dishes at a soup kitchen after all the unfortunate vacated the premises. They whine about opening up the market to afforable healthcare while cheering draconian cuts on our most vulnerable. The fake outrage is in overdrive, just like religious freedom it will be overreached to the point they lose all credibility.

Speaking of empathy I wonder how The Cooch who believes in adoption over abortion will care for all his adopted children when he loses miserably tonight, oh, that's right the fetus fanatics like The Cooch don't adopt, his prefers treating his wife as a broodmare approach like Santorum. I still can't find one prominent law making anti choice conservative who adopts, I guess the do as I say not do as I do believes it's not their problem like climate change or cutting social safety programs. Duckman once gave me three names I people I never heard of who were not active lawmakers and one was deceased. There are hundreds of anti choice lawmakers in this nation on all lebels of government who hypocritically preach adoptions over abortion and not one of them has an adopted child. They also want to cut medicade which is what all orphanages use to care for the unwanted children even the private ones get medicade subsides. So they don't adopt and want to defund healthcare to unwanted children in the system, this is why their posts about one allegedly petson with terminal cancer suffering from the AHCA is a mockery.
Emily ... maybe you can administer the morphine drip for her when she is in hospice. Listen ... she is expensive ... she has to go. Is that how it goes? I guess that Fluke bitch needs her birth control pills so somebody has to pay the price. We can off this woman ... she is older ... how much life does she have left anyway?
Emily ... maybe you can administer the morphine drip for her when she is in hospice. Listen ... she is expensive ... she has to go. Is that how it goes? I guess that Fluke bitch needs her birth control pills so somebody has to pay the price. We can off this woman ... she is older ... how much life does she have left anyway?
Are you serious?? It's cancer and countless have been dropped from getting it for decades leaving their families in ruin, stop being such an selective outrage opportunist. If you must know I believe in human euthanasia for terminal cancer, I personally would not bother with chemo if I got bad news, I would double up on fentynol patches and go to sleep.

Sandra Fluke discussed poly cystic reproductive disease which only birth control can maintain from manifesting and eventually killing from toxic shock syndrome. So it's another horrific death, all disease sucks, why are you comparing reproductive disease which is consudered equivalent in pain to a gall stone without treatment to cancer. In fact untreated reproductive disease usually leads to cancer so what's your point about Ssndra Fluke, all she's advocating for is that women cannot be denied by an insurer the only medication which is birth control for degerative repriductive disease. All those women who control their disease to prevent TSS or cancer, yes I would say it worth it.

Did you just pull an Akin like Stu? Of Steve I thought you were better then that, I'm really disappointed you also didn't know birth control is the only treatment for all reproductive diseases. Did you even read her testimony? It was about her roommate who had cysts that kept growing because she was denied the medication from her religious insurer.

I have reproductive disease and the pain is like giving birth every month, I can't take birth control, I am one of the few that can't tolerate the side effects and I tried many variations, spent a lot of money on doctors snd different kinds but I'm rare, if a woman can find relief she should never be denied access based on ideology. Want to talk about suffering, my pain threshold is so high now from years of monthly suffering I don't even realize I give myself second degree burns on my abdominal area with hot water bottle until I see my skin blister. I took a long needle from my wrist into my thumb without flinching, the doctor said he never did that without the person screaming. My denist loves me because I never complain, he's amazed by my tolerance. I have been told I have a higher chance of reproductive cancer because I don't take the pill and I know it's true. Do you want millions of woman bedridden in agony once of month because you don't like the name of the medication they need to stop the pain?

I still don't understand what one painful affliction has to do with another?
No offense to this lady but if I had racked up a million in medical costs on a terminal disese I would call it a day. If you get to the point of hospice then they should let you go humanly, another problem ideology causes in this country. What kind of life is hospice care? No cure, no humane treatment, she is not the best testimony considering her emotional state of despair to give an impartial chronical. I could chronical lots if things but what's the point, all disease sucks especially if you live in a for profit system like we have. The prices are another problem, no illness should cost a million to treat, it's profit on the least fortunate among us.
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Emily ... maybe you can administer the morphine drip for her when she is in hospice. Listen ... she is expensive ... she has to go. Is that how it goes? I guess that Fluke bitch needs her birth control pills so somebody has to pay the price. We can off this woman ... she is older ... how much life does she have left anyway?
Steve, you better believe I would give her morphine, lots of it, I wish I could give morphine to all the suffering. You do realize there are things that just can't be cured. I think politicizing a terminal person to defame a sitting president while demonizing unfortunate women with reproductive diseases who need hormone manipulaters aka birth control to treat and stop their disease from manifesting is not convincing us that you have humanity towards the afflicted. Calling a congressional witness an advocate for reproductive disease sufferers a "bitch"is really low too, where is your conscience ?? I might not ever have an enlarged prostate but I have empathy to those who are afflicted and would never be spiteful in their need for whatever medication that would ease their pain and discomfort, you seem to have no problem mocking women who suffer for decades on s monthly bases, it's shameful.
Steve, since your so very concerned about cancer here a little info about how oral contraceptives prevents reproductive cancers in women. So much for your Fluke bitch theory, you really have no idea about facts. Why does a gall bladder cancer suffer override repriductive cancer sufferers? Is reproductive cancer perverted in your view because a preventive medication is contraceptives and you believe women should be denied this treatment by their insurance carrier.

Emily ... I don't see or hear empathy from you in these posts. This woman was royally screwed by Barry and since this doesn't go with your political leanings you have no problem letting her die.

Besides ... you know that liberals want birth control pills paid for them because they want free stuff. LIberals always want free stuff. That's how Democrats roll.
OH ... I am so sorry ... I always seem to make this mistake ... They don't want "free" stuff ..... they want other people's stuff. OR ... they want other people to pay for their stuff. You know ... the people that actually work and pay taxes.
OH ... I am so sorry ... I always seem to make this mistake ... They don't want "free" stuff ..... they want other people's stuff. OR ... they want other people to pay for their stuff. You know ... the people that actually work and pay taxes.
You are disgusting, women just don't want to be denied medication the need for a progressive disease excluded from their insurance plan because of religious ideology beliefs. You and this imaginary free stuff, it's seems crazy, you don't even know what the heck you are stating. These are working women who pay their hsrd earmed money for their healthcare plans and don't want some zealot employer denying them a necessary medication, what alternative universe are you living in? This post not only seems spiteful but makes not sense.
Emily ... I don't see or hear empathy from you in these posts. This woman was royally screwed by Barry and since this doesn't go with your political leanings you have no problem letting her die.

Besides ... you know that liberals want birth control pills paid for them because they want free stuff. LIberals always want free stuff. That's how Democrats roll.
I feel sorry for you that you think wanting a medication that must be taken daily to prevent disease and cancer covered in a insurance plan woman pay for as something free. You don't even make any sense. In what bizarre reality does wanting a necessary medication being covered by an private insurance plan equate to free? Where is your empathy to all the millions of women suffering from degenerative reproductive disease that you want to deny treatment because of some twisted perverted religious belief?
You brought up Fluke and now can't own up you pulled an Limbaugh and don't know what you are talking about. You are harping on and on about one woman who has had a 6 years of chemo and it's end game but don't care about millions of other who are suffering anf dying horrible deaths becoming sepetic from ruptured cysts because zealots have sexualilzed a generic disease, you have selective opportunistic empathy when it suits your political views. I care about reproductive disease since every woman in my family has it and knew about it before my first period so don't you dare question my empathy. You are the soulless one, perverting a horrible disease and woman who want free stuff while exploiting a woman with terminal cancer. I don't believe for one second you would care if it didn't suit your ideology beliefs.
You are disgusting, women just don't want to be denied medication the need for a progressive disease excluded from their insurance plan because of religious ideology beliefs. You and this imaginary free stuff, it's seems crazy, you don't even know what the heck you are stating. These are working women who pay their hsrd earmed money for their healthcare plans and don't want some zealot employer denying them a necessary medication, what alternative universe are you living in? This post not only seems spiteful but makes not sense.
I am completely lucid my dear! If you go to work for a Catholic institution ... you go in knowing they aren't going to pay for your birth control. If you want other people to pay for your birth control .. then go work for somebody else.

If a woman needs medication that also acts as birth control I have no problem with that. I don't believe this Fluke chick was after that. She was after other people buying her birth control.

C'mon Emily stop playing games. You know what Democrats are all about. PLase don't try to make them out to be something they aren't. Besides ... Once Christie becomes President and the GOP takes over the Senate ... all this nonsense will be gone.
Nobody is against people getting medicine to help prevent or treat illness. They don't want Miss Fluke to get somebody else to pay for her birth control so she can go have sex.
Nobody is against people getting medicine to help prevent or treat illness. They don't want Miss Fluke to get somebody else to pay for her birth control so she can go have sex.
Steve, it's now getting pathetic that you first didn't even listen to the Fkuke testimony which was all about medication for reproductive illness and nothing about sex was ever mentioned but what is worse is that you don't understand there isn't two different classes of medication for those who don't want to get pregnant and those who want to treat their disease and with the exception of cutting women open there is no way for a doctor to know who needs the medication for which reason. Please stop the Akin Limbaugh nonsense, you don't understand what you are stating, I don't want to embarresssed you but I can't condone you turning a horrible disese that only treatment is with birth control into something perverse. There is nothing sexual with hemorraging, agonizing pain, ruptured cysts, fibroid tumors, endrometrosis and cancer prevention despite your best efforts to twist it with your perverse religious misogynistic logic because it's in the vincinity of the vagina.
No institution has the right to deny medication in a insurance plan for the afflicted, are we Iran or America. If they choice to dictate political policy they should be denied their tax exemption. Their policies are stupid, antibiotics treat STD, should it be denied to all the other infections because just one it treats is sexually affiliated. If that cancer woman boss was a Christian Science should she have been denied chemo since they don't believe in medication of any form, what about transfusions, mental health medication. You know colonoscopies can be sexual because you know people occasional use the assholes for sexual pleasure, let's ban those too. Where does religious oppression over medical science and treatment end ????