Natural Fatburners that REALLY Work

I'm not sure what Green Tea extract is supposed to do but I know if you drink hot tea after a meal it helps break down fat in your stomach. CLA will make you shit more often and chromium will make your heart beat faster. I used to take chromium but as an ingredient in another suppliment called Ripped Fuel.

I haven't found any real difference in my results after I stopped taking the suppliments. Of course I work out smarter than I did before but for me it didn't give me much if any added benefits.
Vorhaut- I'm not familiar with any such research on chromium. Too much chromium IS toxic ; so is too much Vitamin D ; too much iron etc. etc.
Dartmouth College and the University of Alabama both mentioned it in their research. Read the link I provided earlier from the University of Berkley's newsletter. No offense Sambucca, but you're quick to point out how YOU'RE not familiar with any such research and any side effects but some of us have been providing the sources. You're just not taking the time to read any of them.
I'm sorry. My bad. I DID read them. Taking the second first- I have absolutely
NO RESPECT for Registered Dieticians. They are only PARTIALLY educated in their field ( Nutrition ). Their schools are heavily subsidized by the Food Industry. They are anti-supplementation ; they believe all supplements should be available only by prescription BUT that they should be permitted to prescribe them ; they want to be the sole licensing and governing body in every state concerning nutrition and they always manage to keep themselves at least five years behind the curve on the latest nutritional research. Therefore, I couldn't care less what a Registered Dietician has to say and for very good reasons.

The Berkeley Study exists in a vacuum. There has been no follow up research. The study itself is filled with "mays" and "mights" and does not contain a direct link between picolinates and anything.