In Dallas

Re: Open Letter to the Cowboys

Originally posted by Reel Deal
Will you pleasepleasepleaseplease beat the Iggles?

I don't think this is going to happen. Morale in Dallas is in the toilet. My cousin lives in Plano and the newspapers are already reporting that Campo is packing up stuff in his office. On top of that, the Cowboys are asking fans to wear a "22" to the game. Two theories suggest this is a farewell to Mr. Smith OR this is a way of saying 'Thank You to the Cowboys for working hard during difficult times.

A distracted team with low morale typically suffers lots of injuries and loses the game. Expect Jerry Jones to clean house immediately following the last game.

On a different note, Emmitt needs 49 yards against the Eagles to get the record of most yards against a single opponent. I wouldn't care if he gets this record actually. I think he needs 69 yards to have his 12th season over 1000. I don't mind if he gets this either.
Re: Re: Open Letter to the Cowboys

Originally posted by One Eyed Trouser Trout
I don't think this is going to happen.
Yeah, well, let me have my fantasy. I'm so frickin' tired of my Bucs playing the Iggles in the playoffs at their place.

They'd love a piece of them at Ray Jay.

So I'll be sending Go Emmitt Karma Vibes to the northwest tomorrow afternoon.

If the Boys pop the Iggles, I'll double tip gginnj if I ever get lucky enough to see her...
awwwww reel arnt u tipping is neccessary but if u want ya can come over and watch it with me..

if dallas beats the eagles im gonna blow oett for free while he wears my dallas hat and jersey
Originally posted by One Eyed Trouser Trout

If the Eagles win, I'll reserve my ongoing negative Cowboy comments....I know how it feels to be a fan of a disappointing team.
I've been a Bucs fan long before Tony Dungy. Do you have any idea how much really bad football I've endured? Do you have any idea how nice it is to see the current team play under John "The Face" Gruden?

Once, unable to give away 2 extra tickets, I put the 2 unused ones under my windshield wipers for anyone to take. I came back after the game and there were 4...
John McKay

Leeman Bennett

Ray Perkins

Richard Williamson

Sam Wyche

0-26 (still the record)

Never won a game below 40 degrees

Never returned a kickoff for a TD

Need I go on?
Originally posted by One Eyed Trouser Trout

If the Eagles win, I'll reserve my ongoing negative Cowboy comments....I know how it feels to be a fan of a disappointing team.

I changed my mind. HaHaHaHaHaHa

In the past 6 Eagles-Cowboy games, the average margin of win for the Eagles has been 24pts. Tonite's spread? 24.

Cya Campos....Parcells is moving his boxes into your office.
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